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Author Topic: Texas church shooting  (Read 19357 times)

Offline Michael Bush

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Re: Texas church shooting
« Reply #80 on: November 15, 2017, 10:14:15 am »
>Normally, you are correct, but I'm referring to my home defence situation in which, if my alarm sounds,

As Jeff Cooper used to say, everyone should have a 12 gauge in case they inadvertently find themselves hosting a motorcycle gang on their lawn...
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Re: Texas church shooting
« Reply #81 on: November 15, 2017, 10:24:54 am »
I find that except for the giant old ones, they are gamey but still pretty good.  The younger ones are better.  There is something to getting them processed and cooling the meat as quick as it can be done.  Also I think a deer that is on high alert with lots of adrinalin in it can effect the flavor.  It is better if they die quick.  I do think food the deer are on at the time can have a big impact.  I got lucky this year and think the deer are pretty much corn fed.  Most years there is soy been planted on part of dads but this year they did corn.  I also think the corn drew in the deer making for easier hunting this year.

The bucks are harder to kill if that is all you will kill.  I do try for young deer, does and button bucks but have had years where it was bucks coming in front of me but I agree over all bucks are harder.  This is expecially true the way we hunt.  We don't go out and scout for sign any more but just have about 5 stands that we hunt every year.  I think if you put the effort in you can improve your odds.  I am a meat hunter though and when the season comes, I just try to fill my tags to fill my fridge and take what comes.  In the 70s it was buck only and there were not as many deer.  I got skunked lots then.

I really do like deer meat about the best of all and once it is processed it is also an easy meal to throw together.  If we get company it is easy to fry deer or fish in the cast iron skillet and have food on the table with out cooking all day.  Some people are not fond of deer I think just due to the ideal of it but they all seem to like the blue gill and so having a full freezer keeps me always prepared to never let anyone leave my house hungery.


Offline Dallasbeek

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Re: Texas church shooting
« Reply #82 on: November 15, 2017, 10:27:46 am »
Jeff Cooper said a lot of things and said them very well.  Another was when a woman asked why he was armed and asked "Are you expecting trouble?" and he replied, "No ma'am.  If I was expecting trouble I would have brought my shotgun".
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Offline Michael Bush

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Re: Texas church shooting
« Reply #83 on: November 15, 2017, 11:23:58 am »
When I started deer hunting I heard a lot of theories on why venison is sometimes gamey.  After 45 years of experimentation, I can only guess, since I never had any of mine that was gamey but I have tasted venison from other sources that was.  I tested every theory and the only one I have left is how the meat is handled.  How quickly it's gutted, how quickly it's cooled etc.  I have left scent glands on and cut them off.  I have skinned them immediately and left the skin on for two weeks.  I've had old, young, corn fed, grass fed etc.  They all tasted great.  The fat on the corn fed ones is always a bit strong, but if you cut the fat off, it's fine.  I'm kind of like Francis Bacon who said when he was young he had five theories on how to rear children.  Now he had five children and no more theories...
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Offline Acebird

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Re: Texas church shooting
« Reply #84 on: November 15, 2017, 01:34:52 pm »
Also I think a deer that is on high alert with lots of adrinalin in it can effect the flavor.  It is better if they die quick.

In the northern zone the forest are so thick that it is hard to get a clear shot.  What use to be popular was to drive the deer.  Nothing but adrenaline.  I don't know if it is the same now.  You really had to trust your partners with the gun because the deer were between the drivers and the shooters.  Today I don't go in the woods ... to many people with expensive equipment and no hunting skills.
Way back when during my hunting years your tag was for one buck only and there was a lottery for a doe permit.  I never shot a deer and as it goes I never saw a deer in the woods with a gun in my hand.  Back then it was customary to hang a deer for three weeks.  You had to hang it high enough that the dogs wouldn't get it.  Now that I live in the southern zone I don't see that many hung.  Most people just take them to a butcher and they hang in a freezer if at all.  I have had gamey deer and ungamey deer.  It is an excellent source of organic meat with next to no fat.
Brian Cardinal
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Re: Texas church shooting
« Reply #85 on: November 15, 2017, 02:36:28 pm »
In the 70s and 80s when I was young and had to beg on to other poeples properties, we did a lot of driving and if not driving a lot of just walking in the middle of the day.  My how things have changed.  Now it is hunt an hour and a half or two, come in and eat breakfast and tell lies and then take a short nap and then go back out for a couple of hours in the afternoon.  We don't drag deer cause we now all have atvs.  I could not do now what we did then.

We also used to hang the deer but now days the seasons seem to be much warmer.  You could not get by with hanging the deer with highs in the 60s and lows in the 40s and sometimes even higher during the day.  It used to be that there was a chance for our first snow during deer season.

I try and get my deer skinned and deboned and cut as fast as possible.  It is a big job for not a lot of meat.  I believe there is a chemical reation in meat if you can leave it between 35-45 degrees for at least 24 hours that makes it more tender.  I have prioritized cleanlyness and taking no chance on keeping the meat too warm for too long and so just try and get it froze.  If I am thinking ahead, I will thaw it out a day before frying to make up the differrance.  If I am not thinking ahead, I will thaw in the microwave.  It is usually really good either way.

I do not miss the days of all that walking we used to do.

I still make bad shots when I should not at times and I do take some shots I shouldn't due to greed and wanting to fill the fridge.  I have killed lots and lots of deer but have lost a few that I know I hit but not that many.  You can not kill a deer if you don't see them and if you don't pull the trigger when you do.  I am sure I may have hurt some deer when I have shot and looked and could find no blood but am also sure that sometimes I just miss.

I have found deer I shot before by luck and backtracked to see where I made my mistake in not finding blood and notice that I misjudge sometimes the distance that the deer really was compared to where I thought it was and so I look pretty hard if I pull the trigger.

We are in the middle of deer season right now, I sit in the rain this morning behind my house but am not seeing anything close to home.

I have bow hunted a few times but mostly am pretty religious about rifle season cause a guy only has so much time and I can give up the ten or so days each year but have to be carefull cause like any hobby, if you used all your opertunities it would be all you would have time to do.  I like to come out even on my hobbies and that is another reason I am a meat hunter more then a trophy hunter.  My uncle killed a buck that would probly be about 140 points on boone and crocket yesterday.  The biggest I have ever killed is about a 120 which is good for our area.  I like what I have killed better then his for my purposes though.

Offline Acebird

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Re: Texas church shooting
« Reply #86 on: November 15, 2017, 04:45:33 pm »
My how things have changed.  Now it is hunt an hour and a half or two, come in and eat breakfast and tell lies and then take a short nap and then go back out for a couple of hours in the afternoon.  We don't drag deer cause we now all have atvs.  I could not do now what we did then.
LMAO Ain't it the truth.
I believe there is a chemical reation in meat if you can leave it between 35-45 degrees for at least 24 hours that makes it more tender.

Yeah, it is called rotting.  I like back straps a little on the rare side even though you take a chance eating rare deer meat.  Raised beef is doused with antibiotics and preservative so there is less chance of a bacterial sickness but it tends to shorten your life.  40 degrees would be a warm day in the northern zone.  Most deer froze even if you hung it in your garage.  But that was then.  I'm sure it is still cold enough now.

I have found deer I shot before by luck and backtracked to see where I made my mistake in not finding blood and notice that I misjudge sometimes the distance that the deer really was compared to where I thought it was and so I look pretty hard if I pull the trigger.
Deer have an ungodly desire to live or just get away.  They will crawl right down in the swamp and brush where there is no way you can get to them.  They might come out in a clearing at night and die after you are gone so a lot of guys would mark a tree where they shot it and come back the next day.  Many have been found with three shots in them and you may have only fired twice.
We are in the middle of deer season right now, I sit in the rain this morning behind my house but am not seeing anything close to home.
Most likely they are there but they are not moving, thus the reason for driving.
Brian Cardinal
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