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Author Topic: Forum member distribution  (Read 21933 times)

Offline Bee Boy

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« Reply #20 on: June 30, 2004, 10:38:30 pm »
Hey isn't norway in africa :lol:  :P  just kidding! I really love ths map, its an awesome idea!
Bee Boy

Offline eivindm

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« Reply #21 on: July 01, 2004, 07:43:22 am »
Thanks Beth, for helping my self esteem after doing all the mistakes on the map!

Since I have been looking at the US map lately, maybe I should promote Norway a bit and show where it is :)  I have chatted with many americans through the years, and no one knew where it was, and only half of them even that Norway was in Europe.  Maybe not that strange since we have only 4.4 million people here, just the half of New York city!  It is cold in the winter (good for skiing), but very nice in the summer (look at the webcam from the Geiranger fjord at my signature).  The Vikings used to live here, and fighted and robbed, and did many other things I'm not proud of.  And we also believe that the Viking Leif Erikson was the first to discover America (after the ones living there of course :-) long before Columbus. Norwegians have invented the spray can, and the outside hanging motors on small boats (don't know what that is called in English).  But my wife which comes from a very small place here in Norway are most proud of the invention of the binders, used in every office to hold papers together, invented by a local man where she lives.  Trygve Lie was the first Secretary-General in the UN, and Norway used to be the only NATO country with a border to the Soviet Union (my father served in the army at the border line at the Cuban Crisis by the way, couldn't go for a pee without permission). Norwegians are very proud of its country, some would say too much.  We are proud of having an "equal" sociaty with free school and medical service, and where women are getting more and more into important positions.  Our first female prime minister served from the early eighties, and is now the head of the World health organization in the UN.  We are known to be hard to get to know, and do not talk to strangers (wouldn't dream of talking to someone on the bus), but if you have finally got a friend here, you've got one for the rest of your life.  We love our brown cheese (which foreigners hate and we eat more than anything else on bread).  We would have been a very poor country unless we found increadibly large amounts of oil in the North Sea in the early 70s.  Hitler wanted the iron from sweeden which could only be transported through Norway, and used large troops to get and hold Norway through the second world war.  Norwegian saboteurs, blew up the plant at Rjukan, producing heavy water which is used to make atomic bombs, an important step in stopping the German atomic program.  The sabotage has by many british (including Chrurchill) and many americans been called the most successfull sabotage in the entire war.  No life was lost on either side, and the plant was a wreck.  We had the winter olympics in 1952 and 1994.  Hunters in Norway hunts large amounts of Moose each year, and our killing of whales are a good way of loosing tourism.  Roald Amundsen was the first to reach the South Pole.  We watch a lot of american movies and TV series, and reads a lot of english books at the University.  All kids learn english from they are 10 years, and almost all people in Norway understands english well, but we are not good at talking and writing english since we don't do that very often.

If some of you are still reading:
Remember Norway as the long slim country furthest north in Europe with a very long coast line to the atlantic.  Here is a map:


Offline Beth Kirkley

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« Reply #22 on: July 01, 2004, 09:26:57 pm »
You don't know how much I REALLY enjoyed reading about your country and people eivindm. And now I know where you are, and I won't forget. I wish our country would teach other languages as a standard. It seems rather arrogant of us. I don't even know if that's the right way to express my feelings on it, but it always bugged me that children in other countries learn english as a second language, but american kids don't learn ANYTHING as a second language. Not as a standard anyway. They can learn a language in high school (the last 4 years of basic learning here). But they really should be taught at a younger age. Maybe even two languages - sign language (rather universal) and something else.

And eivindm, I hope you don't think americans act on a normal basis like you see in movies and american tv shows. That's not exactly what we're like. I guess some people actually live lives like are shown, but mostly it's just make believe of how people dream of living. And I wouldn't say that most of the lives shown in american movies are moral living - but I think some people here think a life like that would be fun and exciting. We have some strange tv shows though. :) I don't even like to watch most of them.


Offline saltheart

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One more for MA...
« Reply #23 on: July 06, 2004, 10:14:53 am »
Unless the map automatically updates, one more can be added for Massachusetts. That would be me...joined today.

Offline eivindm

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« Reply #24 on: July 06, 2004, 10:19:08 am »
It do not automaticly update, but I check the memberlist several times a week.  I saw your membership 20 minutes ago and updated at once :)  You will find yourself in the stats file:
And you are of course counted on the maps aswell.


Offline Robo

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« Reply #25 on: July 06, 2004, 11:32:10 am »

Like Beth, I also enjoyed your post about Norway and it's people.  I never realized how big (land wise) Norway is, and how small (population wise) it is.  By the way, those boat motors are called 'outboard motors' here in the US.

And like Beth says, don't judge all of the USA by what you see/hear in movies and on TV.  It seems like the media respresents the minority of folks, but gets the most coverage.  There are many more conservative folks here that have the same characteristics you mentioned of the Norwegians.  Unfortunately, the 'hate/blame America first' crowd seems to be the most vocal and gets the most coverage.

It's great to meet you.  Isn't the internet a great thing.  Our own Al Gore claims to have invented it :?  Wish I could say I was proud of that.

And Beth,  where have you been,  We DO teach a 2nd language.  It is English.....
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Offline asleitch

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« Reply #26 on: July 06, 2004, 11:37:57 am »
Quote from: Beth Kirkley
sign language (rather universal) Beth

Actually, sign language has also developed it's own internatioal flavours, for example. even english and american sign is different, english uses two hands, wheras in the main, American uses only one hand. younger people in england prefer the American version, as they can hold a pint of beer in the pub in one hand, and talk with the other, something that isn't possibel without putting your drink down, using "traditional" english sign languase :shock:  :D


Offline eivindm

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« Reply #27 on: July 06, 2004, 11:55:36 am »
Quote from: Robo

And like Beth says, don't judge all of the USA by what you see/hear in movies and on TV.  It seems like the media respresents the minority of folks, but gets the most coverage.  

No I really don't believe that americans are like the people in all the TV-series :) Here in Norway many thinks that the US has the worst AND the best of everything.  Since it is so amazingly huge (in Norwegian eyes) you can find anything there if you look for it.  The US are generally well liked, although the politics often are considered more "extreme" than in Norway (uses capital letters more than here I think).

I know that TV can give a strange angle on some cases.  Have seen several things from Norway on American TV (such as CNN).   Didn't recognize my country though.  Think the use of superlatives was used too much, probably since the programme wouldn't be interesting otherwise :)  The most funny thing, though, was an episode of X-Files, where two "norwegians" where having an conversation.  The american actors spoke so badly that I almost didn't understand anything (how much would an Norwegian actor cost?).  Mulder and Scully visited some kind of a bar where all the people were sitting in a fishing outfit, not used in Norway for at least 50 years (Looked like a movie from the 19th century).  The main norwegian character was named Henry Trondheim.  Trondheim is our 3rd largest city.  No one is called that.  Would be like we named an american Frank Los Angeles :)  Got me a good laugh, though :)

I would really like to visit the US some time.  Have to help my wife not to fear sitting in planes first, though :)


Offline asleitch

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« Reply #28 on: July 06, 2004, 12:10:18 pm »
Not as bad as how America portray the English in nearly all films, that we have this wierd "upper-class" accent, makes me laugh everytime I see it. Isn't it funny how your own country is portrayed in other countries?

It's funny, Americans have the potential to be so educated and yet (in general) have so little idea of what is going on in the world platform, and even less know where it is?

Comedy statistics......

Despite a deluge of news about the prospect of a war against Saddam Hussein, only 13% of Americans tested could point Iraq out on a map of the world.

Perhaps even more worrying - when confronted with the same map, only 89% of Americans could find their own country!

So 11% couldn't find their own country? What do you guys learn in geography  :shock:

34% of Americans know the tiny Marquesas Islands, where the last season of reality TV show "Survivor" was filmed, is located in the South Pacific. But only 30% could point to the location of New Jersey.

56% of Americans were unable to locate India, home to 17% of the world's population.

Interesting stuff eh?  :D  :D  :D  :wink:


Offline eivindm

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« Reply #29 on: August 16, 2004, 11:16:28 am »
Just noticed that member no 250 just joined us today!  :D

It has been wonderful to watch the growth of the forum! And it is always fun to set the coordinates for a new country on the world map (as I did for Chile last week).

Update 5 mins later: And just as i wrote this, member 251 joined us :)


Offline eivindm

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« Reply #30 on: August 20, 2004, 06:24:54 am »
Quote from: beemaster

 First... We need some African and Russian Beekeepers - and I counted about 6 states without members - whatsup wid dat - lol.

I was glad to see this morning that we got our first member from Africa here.  
Welcome aboard schoeman!!


Offline Yarra_Valley

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« Reply #31 on: February 15, 2005, 09:52:43 pm »
I'm a bit disapointed that only three (myself being the third) Australian Beekeepers have found this site. But don't worry I shall spread the word! International forums rock!

You can make the count 3 for Australia by the way.
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Offline Horns Pure Honey

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« Reply #32 on: February 16, 2005, 12:01:25 am »
That map is as sweet as honey, lol, corny :lol: . bye :D
Ryan Horn

