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Author Topic: Should have put the helmet and veil on sooner.  (Read 5712 times)


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Should have put the helmet and veil on sooner.
« on: June 13, 2004, 10:36:11 am »
I got nailed 25 yards before I got to the bee yard on the right side of my forehead at the hair line.
Pictures taken two hours latter. Told Kare i was going to tell every one she did it :lol:  :lol: . This morning my eye is completly swollen shut, and the whole right side of my face iches some thing awful.

 :D Al

Offline Beth Kirkley

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Should have put the helmet and veil on sooner.
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2004, 11:00:25 am »
Awww..... that's gotta hurt. You're not having a great bee month.

Good to see your mug - but it's lacking your trademark smile. :)


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Should have put the helmet and veil on sooner.
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2004, 12:43:16 pm »

Sounds like you need to suit up in the house to be safe - that is amazing to get Zapped THAT FAR away from the hive BEFORE you even inspect them - wow.

I'd honestly say that is normal to mild reaction to stings though (not being a doctor, but being stung on MANY DIFFERENT PLACES - Beth hush up - who still sees me in my boxer shorts inspecting the hives - lol) I can say swelling in the face, eyes and mouth area can be some of the most dramatic and IRRATATING when it comes to itch.

Itchiness is a VERY BIG PART of the process, it actually from all I have read is your nerve endings returning to full functionality (as if you had anesthesia for a tooth and your face is all tingly afterwards) and I know how annoying it can be.

I think though that it is rare to get zapped, for all the bees know you weren't even going toward them just doing your normal yard duties. But after getting zapped in the inside of my lower lip by a yellow jacket, I know that itch is a tame word to describe what you are feeling.

I would definitely protect your face early at least, just to be safe.
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Offline Beth Kirkley

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Should have put the helmet and veil on sooner.
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2004, 03:30:48 pm »
Now John.... I was good and didn't even think about your "master" experience in the bee yard. LOL
But - yikes - now that you mention it...... oh you poor poor thing. LOL

Sorry I'm laughing..... not a thing to laugh over. :) You shoulda just kept quiet. (sigh) I better go get some work done, cause that is just too funny to not think about.


Offline mattoleriver

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Should have put the helmet and veil on sooner.
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2004, 03:50:31 pm »
Hey Al,
have you reacted like this before?  I ask because I just had a similar reaction and I have never had even a little bit of swelling before.
About a month ago I caught a swarm and, in the process, took several stings to my hands and one to my forehead.  (When you have a 5 gal. bucket of bees over your head don't drop the bucket! :oops: )  The stings didn't hurt and I had never had any reaction before so I didn't give it much thought.  A few hours later I felt a little strange and briefly had a small patch of hives develop on my butt---it was hot, I was sweaty, so I didn't give it much thought.  I'm guessing that I was probably stung about a dozen times.  The next few days my hands were very swollen but not sore or itchy, there was no swelling on my forehead.  I took a few benadryls, just in case.
One week later I checked the hive top bottle feeder and was surprised when several bees came after me.  I was just going to do a quick bottle change so I didn't bother to put on a veil.  One of the girls chased me down and stung me in the middle of the forehead right at the hairline, about an inch from where I was stung the week before.  I took some benadryl immediately.  It took several hours for the swelling to develop but eventually my entire face was swollen to the extent that my eyes were tiny little slits.  For the next two days my vision was impaired enough that I didn't feel I could see well enough to drive and it was a few days after that before the swelling was completely gone.  Until this time I always thought that, except for the initial sting, I reacted worse to mosquito bites.  Something had definitely changed!
I saw my Dr. and got a prescription for an EpiPen and some better Benadryl, just in case.  I'm waiting to see how I will react to a sting somewhere other than my face.  I'm curious to see if I have developed an alergy. :(


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Should have put the helmet and veil on sooner.
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2004, 12:28:20 pm »
George, No I haven't had any swelling like this from a sting before. I have had some swelling maybe a  tiny bit more than what you get from a skeeder bite. Last Sunday as I was installing a second deep to my strong hive I got stung again on the right side of my nose and I swelled but not like I did when stung at the hair line.
Now when Kare sees me heading in the direction of the bee hives she says use your gear thats what it is for stupid  :lol: .

 :D Al

Offline mattoleriver

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Should have put the helmet and veil on sooner.
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2004, 09:45:22 pm »
I'm waiting to see how I will react to a sting somewhere other than my face. I'm curious to see if I have developed an alergy.

Well, I got my wish!  I got stung on the knee the other day and had almost no reaction at all.  The initial sting felt like she got me pretty good so I took a benedryl and kept an eye on things.  It raised a welt about like a mosquito bite but nothing more.  Oh, happy day! :D

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Re: Should have put the helmet and veil on sooner.
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2007, 05:15:42 pm »
they must have seen u coming al
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Offline mick

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Re: Should have put the helmet and veil on sooner.
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2007, 02:09:43 am »
Nothing like a bit of natures botox to get rid of the wrinkles!