Whether a few hours or a full day, you see that workers find out quickly they are queen-less and the clock is running. They are quickly choosing eggs or larva for the replacement, but I really never heard the idea of them CREATING PERMENT QUEEN CELL LOCATIONS just by drawing out cells - if that were the case ONE of TWO things would happen 1) you would only see queen cells in the same few locations every time they choose to replace or swarm out and 2) you'd see queen cells all over the frames, which just isn't the case.
Remember too - workers have been known to build queen cells for the mere practice of it, nothing going on in the hive warranted queen cells, yet they were building them. The only difference is the obvious OUTER PEANUT SHAPED part of the cell, the inner cell section is just a regular cell from anything I have ever seen, so one day it could be brood, the next food storage and someday (by pure happenstance, a queen-cell) Good question and answers all :)