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Author Topic: Split, anyone?  (Read 3857 times)

Offline Lesli

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Split, anyone?
« on: June 08, 2004, 01:55:42 pm »
Hey all,
I drove to the local Dadant outlet not too far from my house yesterday (about 45 min). About 15 miles from my house, on Route 13 (for those who know the area), a large animal crossed the road. "What a huge dog...oh my...that's a bear!"

Yes, I've heard there are bears around here, but this is the first one I've seen. And I see it when? When I'm on my way to buy beehives!

So I got my set up, including two deeps, two mediums, covers, frames, gloves, veil, smoker, hive tool, and so on.

I assembled the deeps, bottom board, and covers last night, along with ten frames. Sigh. Now all I need is bees! (And paint, but that's easy!)

So here's the question: does anyone want to split a strong hive, or have a spare swarm? I can wait until spring, but I'd be happy to pay package rates to anyone who would like to do a split, but doesn't have room/doesn't want another hive.

I'd be happy to pick up the little beasties if you live within reasonable driving distance of Ithaca/Elmira/Corning, NY.

Thanks!  :P

