Hey finsky,
I ended up going over the article Fat bees Skinny bees, and using Cindis recipe but altering it slightly. FBSB said that pollen was best, so I added more. The article also said brewers yeast adds vitamin b complex if the pollen has degraded a bit and those are the vitamins that get lost. So the recipe I used was 5 cups brewers yeast, 7 cups sugar, 4 cups water, and 5 cups pollen. FBSB said that dry sugar was best to not stimulate the hive to brood production. I guess the sugar in pollen patties acts like that? Or does it stimulate? There are plenty of stored honey in both hives at this point. My mentor said to hold off on feeding small colonies patties, but the article said to do so. What would you recommend for a small overwintered colony finsky, patty or no patty? I went ahead and fed a small patty to the smaller hive, because it made sense to me that if its smaller because of spring dwindle due to nosema protein would help their immune systems, until I can add some medicated feed (fumagilin B) when the weather warms enough to give stimulating sugar. I also added insulation to the small hive at the same time to help them keep heat in, so they would hopefully be more able to break cluster. Our temperature daytime in my apiary has been 9-12 degrees the last few days while I've done this. The small hive is still dropping wax cappings onto the bottom board so I know they are eating the stores daily at around the same amount. However I don't want to poke my nose into the hive and only quickly added a patty. The larger hive cluster was in the upper brood box , while the smaller hive I didn't see the cluster, I am just assuming its there by the evidence of cappings dropped.