I'm a new-bee and have just discovered this site. I've had bees about a month and have, due to lack of proper equipment, left them alone--I did my first (partial) inspection a couple of days ago and all seemed to be well. (I only looked at a couple of frames before the bees seemed to get a little irate. It was evening and maybe I was disturbing their supper.
This third time, I didn't get stung at all, despite only wearing a (light-colored) thin long sleeved shirt (still don't have a bee jacket in my size).
I live in northeast Oklahoma and our weather hasn't been cooperating with our garden planting. The perennials and weeds have bloomed, but we've been late getting other plants done. Fortunately, there is a good nectar flow, as evidenced by pollen on bees entering the hive. We're only secondarily interested in the honey and other by-products. Our green beans didn't set last year, despite copious flowers. We're hoping having bees in the back yard will encourage flower pollination.
My username is a reference to a phrase popular in the works of Patrick O'Brian.
- Ted