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Author Topic: Free training for LGBT  (Read 14478 times)

Offline Hops Brewster

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Re: Free training for LGBT
« Reply #40 on: December 05, 2016, 12:15:34 pm »
@Acebird, I want to amend my previous post to you.  I believe it is a good thing that there is a gun in your home.  I would not wish that to be different.  What I would wish for, is that you and your wife be proficient with it.  Shooting is a perishable skill.  Proficiency requires practice.  If you don't already, I urge you both to practice often.
Winter is coming.

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Offline Dallasbeek

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Re: Free training for LGBT
« Reply #41 on: December 05, 2016, 12:37:40 pm »
Even Vermont, which is represented in the United States Senate by that lovable Socialist Bernie, allows open or concealed carry without a permit.  New Hampshire requires a permit only if you're in a motor vehicle.  I find it remarkable that these liberal-leaning states have such enlightened views on firearms.  Maybe it's a carryover from being at the heart of the Revolution?  Their citizens helped throw off the yoke of a tyrant and somehow the they want to "live free or die," as New Hampsire's motto proclaims?
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Offline Acebird

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Re: Free training for LGBT
« Reply #42 on: December 05, 2016, 01:22:47 pm »
I believe it is a good thing that there is a gun in your home.

It is a small caliber rifle.  You don't need to be proficient at close range and with a double barrel shotgun you don't even need bullets because it is kinda hard to miss at 10 ft or less and a criminal is not going to ask if it is loaded.  However for personal protection I prefer dogs because they can smell a bad guy from 100 yards.  There is no way one is going to break into the house while we are there.  And if we are not there and the perpetrator survives it is law enforcement's job to chase them down with their guns.
Brian Cardinal
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Offline Michael Bush

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Re: Free training for LGBT
« Reply #43 on: December 05, 2016, 01:24:35 pm »
>Items that should require background checks and permits......

You left off:

Baseball bats
Golf clubs

also in 2012 13 people were murdered by drowning... so we need more water control...

and of course the most common weapon used in violent crime, knives...
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Offline Michael Bush

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Re: Free training for LGBT
« Reply #44 on: December 05, 2016, 01:56:43 pm »
I was curious how many people are beaten to death by golf clubs and in trying to find that answer, over and over I see two things:

1) Gun control opponents saying that hammers and baseball bats kill more people than RIFLES.
2) Gun control advocates saying that gun control opponents are saying that hammers and baseball bats kill more people than GUNS and then calling them liars.

Nothing quite like being misquoted and then have that misquote called a lie... of course it's a lie!  You made it up!
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Offline Dallasbeek

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Re: Free training for LGBT
« Reply #45 on: December 05, 2016, 03:29:10 pm »
A study at Johns Hopkins revealed that medical errors are the third leading cause of death each year in the U.S., behind cancer and heart attacks, with more than 250,000 deaths a year attributable to medical error (another interesting term is " medical misadventure").   We can't outlaw cancer or heart attacks.  Maybe we could outlaw doctors, nurses, hospitals?  Seriously, if the medical profession stripped all the "doctor dirtyfingers" of their licenses, it might cut down on the death toll. 
"Liberty lives in the hearts of men and women; when it dies there, no constitution, no laws, no court can save it." - Judge Learned Hand, 1944

Offline gww

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Re: Free training for LGBT
« Reply #46 on: December 05, 2016, 03:46:48 pm »
I think your priorities are mixed up, it is not about saving people it is about saving money.  The push is always to stop or put limits on what doctor dirty finger has to pay through the courts when he gets caught.  How could you get this so confused (just jokeing, you made a good post).

Offline Kathyp

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Re: Free training for LGBT
« Reply #47 on: December 06, 2016, 12:01:51 am »
around with three law enforcement agencies to respond.

Key word = respond

This fear of the "government" (we are the government) is blown out of proportion.  Governments have rules to protect it's citizens.

We are not the government.  As I believe I pointed out to you before, that's a communist idea.  We hire the government.  They are (supposed to be) our employees. 
governments have rules because that's how they control the masses.  Are you happy to have your government doing all it's been doing to "protect you"?  Been through TSA lately?

"The individuals desires are not as important as the majority in our society."

Depends.  If you want a place that is a democracy and rules are made for all by the majority....In our case, we have one over-riding law and that is the constitution.  All powers not given to the government by it, are left to the states and the people.  At least that was the design.  We have government by representation so that we do not have a majority rules mob deciding what they want all of us to do. 

Think about how different things would be if we really had majority rule....Most of the things the left holds dear are not that popular with the masses.  Even though there are a lot of people who vote for democrats, when you put questions to them without them knowing which party generally supports what, most people are more conservative than they know. 
Someone really ought to tell them that the world of Ayn Rand?s novel was not meant to be aspirational.

Offline Acebird

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Re: Free training for LGBT
« Reply #48 on: December 06, 2016, 09:25:42 am »
most people are more conservative than they know.

You are absolutely right Kathy.  My wife is very conservative and a bleeding heart liberal.  Imagine the conflict.
I don't know how people can equate mob rule to majority rule.  Mob rule is Putin.  Something Trump learned from him.  Oppressive dictator who gives orders to the pawns below to exercise his rules.  Majority rule is people thinking for themselves and voting for what they want not necessarily what the party wants.
You don't like the TSA?  How do you envision TSA with Trumps walls in the future?
When Trump removes every restriction on gun control who do you think will have the greatest fire power, law abiding citizens, terrorist, mobs, or criminals in general?  Will it be up to the gun owning citizens to secure, schools, public buildings, mass transit, businesses, and your neighbors?  Sorry but that doesn't give me a good warm and fuzzy.
Brian Cardinal
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Offline Michael Bush

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Re: Free training for LGBT
« Reply #49 on: December 06, 2016, 10:06:40 am »
>I don't know how people can equate mob rule to majority rule. 

How would you distinguish the two?  They are exactly the same thing.  Here's how Majority rule plays out:

They end up killing their best leaders and generals because of emotional reactions to the loss of life from a storm.  But it was pure democracy... later they vote to have Socrates drink hemlock and die.  It was majority rule...  Democracy is organized mob rule.  It's why our forefathers did not set up a democracy and often warned against it and instead set up a republic.

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Offline Kathyp

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Re: Free training for LGBT
« Reply #50 on: December 06, 2016, 12:22:01 pm »
You are absolutely right Kathy.  My wife is very conservative and a bleeding heart liberal.  Imagine the conflict.
I don't know how people can equate mob rule to majority rule.  Mob rule is Putin.  Something Trump learned from him.  Oppressive dictator who gives orders to the pawns below to exercise his rules.  Majority rule is people thinking for themselves and voting for what they want not necessarily what the party wants.
You don't like the TSA?  How do you envision TSA with Trumps walls in the future?
When Trump removes every restriction on gun control who do you think will have the greatest fire power, law abiding citizens, terrorist, mobs, or criminals in general?  Will it be up to the gun owning citizens to secure, schools, public buildings, mass transit, businesses, and your neighbors?  Sorry but that doesn't give me a good warm and fuzzy.

No, Putin is a dictator.  There is no will of the masses with him. 

I envision private security doing the job.  there is no good reason to have a massive government agency doing it.  The tech is the same, the rules are the same, the cost is not with TSA.

Terrorists and criminal already have that firepower.  No laws are followed by them no matter how restrictive they may be. 
While I know we may have forgotten how things are supposed to work after 8 years of Obamas pen and phone, laws are legislative matters.  The legislative branch of government is congress.  The SCOTUS has already left most gun regulation to the states.  That said, the SCOTUS has also left open the door to demand that what one states licences, other states may be forced to accept.  Thank you liberals, because if Trump does the one thing he's talked about with guns and gets CC permits extended to all states, I'll be quite happy with that.   I doubt it will happen.

It should give you warm fuzzies to have your law abiding neighbors armed and ready.  They may be your first line of defense while you wait for your 3 police agencies to respond.

How would you distinguish the two?  They are exactly the same thing.  Here's how Majority rule plays out:

don't even have to go back that far.  Check Paris and the french revolution.  The French had a populist temper tantrum and the aftermath was the result of the will of the masses. 

Ace, we have one thing that is different than all other countries and that is a constitution that is inviolate, no matter who is in office.  If we can keep the courts from destroying it, its very design is to keep us from both mob rule and the will of a dictator. 

Someone really ought to tell them that the world of Ayn Rand?s novel was not meant to be aspirational.

Offline Hops Brewster

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Re: Free training for LGBT
« Reply #51 on: December 07, 2016, 10:52:12 am »
I believe it is a good thing that there is a gun in your home.

It is a small caliber rifle.  You don't need to be proficient at close range and with a double barrel shotgun you don't even need bullets because it is kinda hard to miss at 10 ft or less and a criminal is not going to ask if it is loaded.  However for personal protection I prefer dogs because they can smell a bad guy from 100 yards.  There is no way one is going to break into the house while we are there.  And if we are not there and the perpetrator survives it is law enforcement's job to chase them down with their guns.
I would hate to get shot by a small caliber rifle.  Even a .22LR can be fatal with a well placed shot.  Proficiency.
The myth of shotguns being error-free at 10 yards is just  that, a myth.  at that range the shot spread is still rather narrow.  Proficiency IS required, even with a shotgun!  Besides, you said you "used to have a shotgun".  Where is it now?   A double barrel?  What if there were 3 BGs?  What if there were 2 and your first shot missed?  What if there was only1 BG and you're using quail shot?  You're very possibly the dead husband of a dead woman.

You are assuming that the BG is thinking rationally, while chances are that he is very irrational.  Very likely the BG is high.  He very possibly has a gun, too.  He has also heard of the myth that an empty gun is supposed to be scary.  His gun is loaded.  A meth-head can get to you in less time than it takes for you to load the thing.   He can get to you even before you take the safety off, if you're frozen with fear.  It is foolish of anyone to rely upon a display of falsehood when the life of your loved ones and yourself are on the line.  It might work, but it might not.  You're gambling life and the cards are stacked against you.

I also have a dog.  A large, very faithful hunting dog with lots of big, healthy teeth and loud, fierce bark.  He's part of my security system.  But only part of it.  You see, dogs are mortal beings, too.  The are subject to the same laws of nature that you and I are.   They can make errors.  They can be fooled.  They can be afraid or timid.  They can be killed. 

A loaded weapon in my proficient hands gives me a fighting chance.  An unfamiliar, empty .22LR in your hands is quite possibly a club that will be taken from you and used to beat you, your wife, and your dog over the head, to die long before the police get there to file a murder report.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2016, 11:04:57 am by Hops Brewster »
Winter is coming.

I can't say I hate the government, but I am proudly distrustful of them.

Offline Hops Brewster

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Re: Free training for LGBT
« Reply #52 on: December 07, 2016, 10:59:35 am »
Winter is coming.

I can't say I hate the government, but I am proudly distrustful of them.

Offline Michael Bush

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Re: Free training for LGBT
« Reply #53 on: December 08, 2016, 09:01:01 am »
In my experience a long gun is a very poor self defense weapon.  It is too easy for the bad guy to grab the barrel and then you are in a wrestling match.  Also, there is no way to keep it discreetly available while not escalating a situation.  You can have a pistol behind your back or in your waistband (also behind your back) and only bring it into a situation if it gets out of hand.  A rifle or shotgun instantly escalates the situation into a life and death one.  Often the person you are confronting is drunk or stoned and they are much easier to reason with if you don't have a gun in the situation, but if you can't reason with them, the gun may be the only way to reason with them.
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