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Author Topic: inframe bee feeders  (Read 2936 times)

Offline larrypeterson

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  • Posts: 2
inframe bee feeders
« on: March 01, 2016, 04:45:27 pm »
If I may,

I hope this is appropriate to post a question?  I use 10 frame baby nucs to raise queens.  They are a 1/2 medium frame and they work very well for me.  I have not been able to find a commercial in-frame feeder for these little frames.  I seen some in use on a video and when I enquired as to where the presenter had acquired them, he indicated that some one had given them to him and he did not have a source.  I have searched the sources that I have access to but have not been able to find them.

I would appreciate any assistance finding these little feeders.  If they are just not available I will conjure up some kind of a top feeder using the "Miller" style.

Thank you for your tolerating me and for any input.

Best wishes,  LP

