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Author Topic: Queen excluders.  (Read 1351 times)

Offline don2

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Queen excluders.
« on: May 22, 2015, 09:20:26 pm »
I know, this has been kicked around for ever. Didn't want to high jack any ones thread. Some people call it a honey excluder. in some ways it can be. When I have a colony that the queen wants to keep going up. up, up, unless I want to change the depth of the brood box I will put a queen excluder on top of that third box if I don't want brood to go any higher. I buy some #2 grade boxes when I need more. These boxes will have some knot holes, if not I will drill a hole about 3/4 to one inch in the upper boxes.
I have used the excluders in this manner and can tell little difference in these colonies and ones I don't use them on. If the queen turns and goes back down I don't use the excluder. If I have an fast growing colony early I will give the extra box or two trying to suppress the swarm mood.  I have had both type queens, ones that will go up for ever and some that don't. Remember, I do things the ways they work for me. One thing that has affected the use of the excluder is bigger cells. So, for those wanting to go natural  and end up with smaller cells=smaller bees, they should work well. I say again, Do it the way it works best for you. d2

Offline sc-bee

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Re: Queen excluders.
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2015, 10:44:47 pm »
Queen Excluder or Honey Excluder by Jerry Hayes

 (The only place I could find a link)
John 3:16

Offline don2

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Re: Queen excluders.
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2015, 11:29:41 pm »
Well, I didn't close the bottom entrance, just added an upper entrance. d2

