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Author Topic: Another first timer to the hobby and a question too.  (Read 3617 times)

Offline Spyk

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Another first timer to the hobby and a question too.
« on: October 01, 2013, 08:37:28 am »
Hi fellow Aussie lovers of Bee's

I've just started my first hive - Installed my Packaged bees 10 days ago and counting :)

Everything is going great so far - comb is appearing on my frames like magic , bees coming and going, some
small hive beetles hitched a ride - but I'm helping my bees destroy the little pricks.

I bought my hive after a bit of web searching and ended up getting a technosetbee plastic bee hive.
I'm happy enough with it as it came mostly as shown etc.

I'm thinking of getting a second hive already and putting it at a close friends house - they
live adjoining the the ku-ring-gai wildflower garden here in Sydney, I'm hoping it would be

So again I have the opportunity to choose a new hive and since I have to post a hello
as a new member - I thought I'd also ask a question.

Some hives seem to have ventilation at the top - slits , or openings of some kind
and some do not  ( the Standard wood hived seem to have a lid which seems designed
to keep heat in ) ,  I would have thought for hot Sydney Summers it would be a must
( or at least preferable ) to have a hive with some way of letting the heat out at the top..

So I assume I've missed the point or don't correctly understand how bees
regulate hive temperatures .. or all the web info I'm looking at is aimed for bee hives
in cooler climates ?

Any thoughts gratefully received...

ps - I'm having an absolute ball with my new hobby.


Offline tefer2

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Re: Another first timer to the hobby and a question too.
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2013, 09:41:59 am »
Welcome to the forum Spyk. Someone from your neck of the woods will have to chime in with some idea's for your climate.

Offline bigsting

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Re: Another first timer to the hobby and a question too.
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2013, 12:00:51 pm »
the bees will regulate the temp by them selves on a hot day you will see them fanning wings but staying in the same spot some facing one way and other fanning the the  outher way he bee hive a/c with top vents the bee will block them up in winter it dose help get rid of excess mostour and stop wood rot just be careful 1 leads to 2 to leads to 6 leads to 20 and 20 leads to around 70 in 4 years or so ha ha

Offline bigsting

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Re: Another first timer to the hobby and a question too.
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2013, 12:03:40 pm »
the bees will regulate the temp by them selves on a hot day you will see them fanning wings but staying in the same spot some facing one way and other fanning the the  outher way he bee hive a/c with top vents the bee will block them up in winter it dose help get rid of excess mostour and stop wood rot just be careful 1 leads to 2 to leads to 6 leads to 20 and 20 leads to around 70 in 4 years or so ha ha and have some fun and eat some good honey and make a dollar or 2

Offline mikecva

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Re: Another first timer to the hobby and a question too.
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2013, 12:49:23 pm »
Welcome to the forum.   :cheer:

Please consider changing your profile to include your torw and country so we can better help you.   -Mike
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