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Author Topic: Flooded basement, wet frames, need advice. You out there, Noah?  (Read 1290 times)

Offline Bee Curious

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We had 5" rain last night and another 3 on the way.  I have 3" of water in my basement.  Luckily, I brought all my brand spanking new woodware that I put together and painted upstairs.  But I left cardboard boxes with my frames on the floor in the basement and, now, they've sat in water for a few hours. 

The frames were sitting on end, so only one end is wet.  Will they warp?  Should I put them into supers and let them dry that way?  What to do?

Offline D Coates

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Re: Flooded basement, wet frames, need advice. You out there, Noah?
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2013, 11:54:58 am »
They might warp a little but nothing that should cause you any trouble.  Get them to drier ground ASAP to avoid mildew.  Good luck on getting your basement back under control.
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Offline mikecva

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Re: Flooded basement, wet frames, need advice. You out there, Noah?
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2013, 12:11:55 pm »
You did not say who made your frames but when I left the door to my honey house open about 4" ( just dumb) and it rained like Noah said, I had soaked frames (unused) also. I found that if I reversed the framed, they would nest together. I put the bottom frame on a pie cooler (thanks to my wife's idea) and nested the rest together then I put a heavy board on top. The frames did stain a little but were almost as streight as my other new ones. I do not know if they might have warped but I thought since they were raw pine, they would warp. Good luck and post your results.  -Mike
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Offline annette

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Re: Flooded basement, wet frames, need advice. You out there, Noah?
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2013, 09:59:10 pm »
I left 2 supers with frames outside in the rain last week (a mistake). When I checked on them yesterday, they looked fine. No warping and the bee space looked good.

Offline BeeMaster2

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Re: Flooded basement, wet frames, need advice. You out there, Noah?
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2013, 06:56:51 am »
Put them in a super and staple 2- 1/4" x1/2" x 16" wedges on the short ends near the top and half way down in the super to hold them in the super tight and then add wedges to the long side to hold the frame sides tight and put them in a dry place with a fan on them and they will be like new. I keep supers with the 16" wedges and when I build frames I put them right after I glue them to make sure they they are square.
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Offline Bee Curious

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Re: Flooded basement, wet frames, need advice. You out there, Noah?
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2013, 12:10:51 pm »
Here's my update:
I brought the frames up into the house where it was warmer and the humidity was lower because the heat was on.  I put them into the supers and wedged all eight frames tight against one side of the super.  They seem find this morning as far as I can tell.  

Got the basement pumped out.  Today is clean up and tossing the stuff that got wet.  I live in Skokie, a suburb of Chicago, and I always tell people that the word "skokie" is the Native American word for "water in basement."  In reality, the local government has done a lot to improve our sewers and tie it into Chicago's Deep Tunnel, but when 5"of rain shows up in a few hours, there really is no way to manage it.  This was the most water we ever had in the basement.  I don't usually keep anything valuable within 6" of the floor, but this time, it caught me off guard.  

Thanks for all the responses.  I hope that this will help someone in the future.

