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Author Topic: SHB Spotting / Game Plan  (Read 2158 times)


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SHB Spotting / Game Plan
« on: January 28, 2013, 05:02:59 pm »
Took a quick peek in both of my Nucs this past weekend to see how much drawn comb was on the 6th frame.  (I purchased 5 frame Nucs and placed them in 6 frame Nuc boxes).  On both inspections, I only pulled the one new frame to take a look to see if they were drawing comb.  I everything looked fine.  The only exception to that would be in one of them, I spotted 3 or 4 SHB's, which I promptly smashed with my hive tool.  Being in the south, I understand that SHB's are pretty much a fact of life, so I really didn't give it a second thought.  Although later I was reading some old forum post and started to wonder if maybe that was enough of a spotting to raise concern.

So, first question....Reason for concern or not?

Second question...I ordered some beetle jail Baitables from Kelley's today, I thought I would add them on the weekend when I take another look.  (assuming I get them in by then.  Is that a good plan, or should I do something before then?

Third, I'm guessing I'll be moving them from the Nucs to a hive boxes in the next couple of weeks, I have a screened bottom board with an oil tray, should I think about moving them to that sooner?  I would think the oil tray would be an advantage, while the added space would be a disadvantage....I guess I could put in a dummy board to keep the space the same in necessary.

Any and all thoughts and advise appreciated!  :)

Offline Bees In Miami

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Re: SHB Spotting / Game Plan
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2013, 06:39:53 pm »
Moots:  I'd love to see only 3 or 4!  Were they chased up to the top cover?  If so, that's a good thing, and the bees are staying on them.  Strong colonies and sunshine are the key to keep the beetles at bay.  I've had pretty good  luck with the beetle blaster traps, with about 1/2 inch of mineral oil on the bottom.  I was advised previously to put them close to the edges of frames, and it seems to have increased the success rate.   How much of the 6th frame had they drawn?  When does your flow usually start?  It does seem to be starting early for many folks.  I think it might be wise to wait until a bit closer to your flow for the move, but that is just my inexperienced opinion.   I can honestly say I have really started to enjoy the "crunch" of a smashed beetle!   :-D


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Re: SHB Spotting / Game Plan
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2013, 07:44:45 pm »
I want to say they've drawn a good 70% or so of one side of the frame, and nothing on the outside side.  The other Nuc, which seems to actually have more bees has only drawn out about 25% I'd say.  The SHB seemed to be up top or running around the new frame that I had pulled...it did seem that at least one that I noticed had a bee giving him hell.  :-D

Being 2 weeks into being a beek I can't really comment on when the flow usually starts, Maybe Bailey or JP or some others in my area can better answer that.  I do know that everyone seems to think we're in for an early spring.  :)

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Re: SHB Spotting / Game Plan
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2013, 09:53:06 pm »
Best defense against SHB that I am finding is hive placement. Hives placed in an open space with plenty of dry ground surrounding is critical. I've recently moved an infested nuc to the open (infested = SHB > 25) and last inspection only found less than a dozen beetles. Open, dry and sunny is the best defense against SHB in my book.

Offline Bees In Miami

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Re: SHB Spotting / Game Plan
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2013, 10:02:08 pm »
Moots:  I would not be overly concerned with a few hive beetles, and let the bees take care of the space they presently have, and let them get stronger before the move.  They still have expansion room...let them do what they're doing.  SHB  will become an expected condition in your hive(s).  I can on some inspections smash 20 or more, and my hives are absolutely booming.  Even my State inspector said that as long as the colonies are strong, the SHB is just a nuisance to them.  It is when a colony is weakened or depleted that the beetles can take over.  As I have said...in just my very inexperienced opinion, I would wait for the move until you are more sure there won't be any freezes.  You will know when your flow starts by observing the bees/pollen coming in/what is blooming, and how much, etc.  It shouldn't be long, though.

On another note, (and hoping he doesn't see this, or he won't fit his head through a door way...lol)  I would SERIOUSLY pay MONEY to work along with JP!  Have you watched his You Tube videos?  If not, you NEED to!  Search You Tube for JP The Beeman...it will keep you busy, and learning, for DAYS if you watched them all!  He's a master...You are SOOOO fortunate to have him right in your back yard!!  Seriously, I would offer HIM payment to work with him for a few days in his yards!  Take advantage of your location.   And GO to Bud5!  I would if it was a bit closer, trust me!   JP and Shawee make quite the pair.... :lau:

Enjoy your new addiction...errr, I mean adventure!!  Have fun with your bees, they are a joy to have!   How did you react to your initiation sting???  I am still scratching a couple from almost two weeks ago...  :roll:


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Re: SHB Spotting / Game Plan
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2013, 10:39:25 pm »

On another note, (and hoping he doesn't see this, or he won't fit his head through a door way...lol)  I would SERIOUSLY pay MONEY to work along with JP!  Have you watched his You Tube videos?  If not, you NEED to!  Search You Tube for JP The Beeman...it will keep you busy, and learning, for DAYS if you watched them all!  He's a master...You are SOOOO fortunate to have him right in your back yard!!  Seriously, I would offer HIM payment to work with him for a few days in his yards!  Take advantage of your location.   And GO to Bud5!  I would if it was a bit closer, trust me!   JP and Shawee make quite the pair.... :lau:

Enjoy your new addiction...errr, I mean adventure!!  Have fun with your bees, they are a joy to have!   How did you react to your initiation sting???  I am still scratching a couple from almost two weeks ago...  :roll:

Somewhere early on during the process of scouring the internet for any bit of bee information I could find, I stumbled across one of JP's youtube videos and absolutely loved it, It was the removal from the duck box.  I've watched quite a few but really need to find the time to watch more.  Coincidently, I actually met Shawee at my local bee club meeting a couple of months ago. And I ended up buying my Nucs from Bailey...who, albeit unknown to me at the time, is good buddies with JP....small world!
Bailey has been awesome with his willingness to answer questions and lend advice, he's actually offered and I'm very interested in lending him a hand one day for the opportunity to gain some hands on experience.
He's also told me about Bud5, I've got the possibility of both some personal and work conflicts but I'm trying to work it out so that I can make it, looks like a great opportunity to learn, not to mention a lot of fun.

Recovered from my sting quite well....Actually had a decent amount of swelling for about 2 days, but really little to no itching.  :)

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Re: SHB Spotting / Game Plan
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2013, 11:09:46 pm »
They come from a long line of beetle butt kicking hives. 
The few that they chase to the top are your target practice for quick and proper placement of hive tool
And a small application of pressure.  We play beetle smash here as well.

Keep them in full sun.  That helps the most. A strong hive will keep em in check.
most often i find my greatest source of stress to be OPS  ( other peoples stupidity )

It is better to keep ones mouth shut and be thought of as a fool than to open ones mouth and in so doing remove all doubt.

Offline Bees In Miami

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Re: SHB Spotting / Game Plan
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2013, 01:26:06 am »
 :locked:  Hive Beetles   :locked:

Love it!   :th_thumbsupup:

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Re: SHB Spotting / Game Plan
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2013, 06:14:09 pm »
I do a quality control pressure test on the hive beetles I find...so far they are all of apparently low quality as they consistently fail the test...but I keep testing, anyhow.   ;)

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