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Author Topic: Strange collection of bees  (Read 9704 times)

Offline iddee

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Re: Strange collection of bees
« Reply #40 on: September 25, 2011, 10:43:23 pm »
Realistically, I don't think telling a non-beekeeper to walk into a swarm of bees without protective wear is anywhere near a good suggestion. It just isn't going to happen. As for suggesting another beek, he had said he went that way already, but the northern beeks were of no help.
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Re: Strange collection of bees
« Reply #41 on: September 25, 2011, 10:55:38 pm »
like i stated you piss people off with yo coments then you try and turn it around about you being abused. po little old abused misunderstood yankey
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Offline hankdog1

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Re: Strange collection of bees
« Reply #42 on: September 26, 2011, 12:50:10 am »
Bjorn ya know I can't figure out how when it comes to beekeeping your always right everyone else is always wrong.  We are all here to lend advice and in some cases opinions and learn also.  When we stop learning we become self proclaimed experts and neglect honing our craft.  I suspect your joke may have been taken differently if posted in the proper forum.  Most southerners would have said the same thing about yankee beeks and it would have been forgotten.  Unlike the infamous gay spiders.  One last note Ken says your a pretty good feller and to me his word is as good as gold.  Think about it next time when your thinking about throwing out an insult and maybe people won't be so quick to jump on when something hits close to home with you. 
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Offline boca

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Re: Strange collection of bees
« Reply #43 on: September 26, 2011, 02:57:45 am »
There will always be more than one option when dealing with bees.
In addition of that there are a few statements supported by evidence, using logic and other disciplines like physics, chemistry and classical economics.

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Re: Strange collection of bees
« Reply #44 on: September 26, 2011, 07:29:37 am »
Bjorn ya know I can't figure out how when it comes to beekeeping your always right everyone else is always wrong.  

Funny thing is...I'm not the one saying this. I just tell my opinion, back it up with details, probably go out of my way to explain, and tell why I know to be true to me. Isn't that everyone's goal in some way? To suggest the way best as they know it. Even if it goes against what others say?

Yes, I told a funny. But lets not blame me for not putting it in the right forum. As I already stated, when you have people openly stating their comtempt for me, and coming back with direct insults with stronger language then I could ever get away with, it seems ironic to me that I continue to be piled on.

I ignore many comments directed at me. I tell one "southern' comment, and you have people falling over themselves to attack me. It's not really about my comment. We can at least acknowledge that.

As for my opinions on bees, if I am wrong, then tell me why. But to suggest that I can not, or should not, suggest that I am right, goes against what I feel every person should offer. Why tell your story, your opinion, your advice, if you do not feel it the correct thing? Just because 10 beekeepers give 10 responses, does not mean that all 10 are correct. It's for the reader to analyze, rationalize, and select the correct path for the solution based on the evidence and facts presented. I guess it just irked some when I suggested that perhaps discussions for two days did nothing to alleviate the situation through action. And this was the real rub some had. the humor was just the pathway for justification on jumping on me.

My advice was quit talking about it. Get the bees out of the screen. Get a beekeeper over to deal with it if needed. And try to save the bees before they all die since it was apparent they were stuck. But instead of it being a call for action to the homeowner, it was seen as nothing more than the first line of "quit talking about it" and then everybody assumed that education and discussion was the only reason the OP came here. But again, I suggest you read reply #4.

You don't like my way of offering my opinion, please pass on it. But lets not get all hung up on whether I placed the joke in the right forum. It goes deeper than that. It probably goes as far as my past comments about videos being posted, comments on Billy the exterminator, and other discussions. Jp does not like me for way more reasons than being over sensitive to a "southern" joke.

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Re: Strange collection of bees
« Reply #45 on: September 26, 2011, 07:36:02 am »
I see a lot of immaturity coming into this thread from a bunch of grown or at least aged people.. Another thread with a bandwagon every one wants to jump on and be noticed. I am going to lock it for a bit and see if all of you can play nice when you come back. If not,maybe it's time to let the pieces fall where they may. May the swarm disperse. I'm not gonna moderate this crap all winter.

Robsee,sorry they all had to pick your post for a peeing match,it isn't always this way,nor is it gonna be!!

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Re: Strange collection of bees
« Reply #46 on: September 27, 2011, 12:15:21 pm »
First off, guys, remember that Bjorn is from north of the mason-Dixon line. You don't expect much from those folks. You just kinda smile and shake your head. Lord bless their little pea-pickin' hearts.

I just had to add that IDDEE's Comments about Northeners was a rude as anything Bjorn said in this post. For starters, I feel insulted to be generically tossed in with anyone because I live in Northern States.

Seriously, IDDEE and BJORN - you both are painting with too wide a brush and you are both insulting. I'll keep this post visible but leave it locked. But I need everyone to think just a second, take everything BOTH these me said and see where it could land them in the rules. Bjorn has had a warning and a slap on the wrist before - he's gonna find himself out of the forum with this conduct and IDDEE, I know you have old school thinking that in my opinion are bigoted and racist at times - do you really want to live up to stereotypes that do nothing but make you seem a hundred years behind the times, while Bjorn just comes of as an ass for starting trouble over and over again, that is my humble opinion?! Since name calling seemed to be the theme of this post, I thought it fitting to at least express how I feel about Bjorn. Of course, I'm just another member, as all the mods are - that's why we have rules and Bjorn, you've had a good run here, all personal feelings aside, but you are now getting into your old habit of jabbing someone and then playing poor Bjorn when you get response. Seen that movie again and again, and I can only watch any movie so many times before I erase if from my computer. You want to talk code, that should be an easy on to figure out.

Iddee... you are a product of upbringing, any biases you have toward anyone is in your bloodstream, that doesn't make it any more acceptable. I'm conservative and yet chose to live in a very racially diverse neighborhood - if you open your eyes enough, you start to realize there are two types of Americans, those who work hard to live the American and those who leech off the system. Most of the prior type rarely differ from location to location, they don't make the headlines, they live their lives and do the right things to someday retire and spend life playing with the grand-kids or seeing the country.

The latter, they milk us for all we have, make the papers, rob and steel and find themselves in jail or if they play it quiet, they just milk Welfare until Social Security final kicks in. Rather than blanket trash people who try and live the American Dream just because they are Yankees, aim you despise to the slugs that drain our tax dollars - these are all colors of people, from all 50 states, they aren't grouped by anything except they have learned how to screw us.

There are truly needy and they deserve all the help we can give, wounded vets, those born severally handicapped and by our own laws spouses who's mate die and have you kids to feed. These are the people who need us, the others are users and abusers.

But to BOTH OF YOU - if you look i this forum and see anyone who is milking the system and have done so for many decades, than I doubt they are beekeepers - they are people who work to buy expensive equipment, try vesting in a hobby or business and do it WHERE they live, how the Hell is that something you can sit with a straight face and say is soooo different from you. It is arrogant of you both. We are hard working people, trying to survive a nearly impossible economy - try playing on the same team instead of letting you Grand-father's bigotry sway your thinking. Grow up, both of you.

I think both of you are better than stirring the pot, and I look forward to not reading such garbage from either of you again. 3 pages of people digging in the crawl of others is enough and as one of those above the Mason Dixon line, Iddee I took offense to that - mainly cause you bundled me in the same bag as Bjorn
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