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Author Topic: The Hangover 2  (Read 5526 times)

Offline Mshel

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The Hangover 2
« on: June 04, 2011, 04:28:45 pm »
I was told The Hangover was a good movie, so I got talked into going to see The Hangover 2 . . .  I would not recommend letting anyone under 18 see it. It was very funny, I will admit, but it is very graphic to say the least.

Offline AllenF

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Re: The Hangover 2
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2011, 07:04:03 pm »
Rated R for a reason

Offline Mshel

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Re: The Hangover 2
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2011, 08:21:39 pm »
People had brought their younger (less than 18 yrs old) teenage children to that movie.  I wouldn't allow my niece who is almost 18 to even see it. I guess what rated R use to be back in the day and rated R today are a world apart.

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Re: The Hangover 2
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2011, 11:43:31 pm »
I too saw Hangover 2 - besides some full frontal tranny shots and too much graphic language, I doubt there is anything a 12 year old today isn't exposed to - sadly.

I think the funniest thing in the movie was the monkey, I guess I just expected more out of a movie that could have had a lot of money thrown into it for better writers. Luckily the price was right on this film.

The truth is sad though.... SH#t is allowed on any TV Station - networks tend to blank it, but most cable channels allow it uncensored today. I always found it interesting that The G.D. word removes God, not the second word. As does Ahole - you can say "A$$" but they bleep "hole", go figure.

Our kids are subjected to anything on TV if not V-Chipped. Quote, unquote comedies have no problem MF-ing up a storm and tossing the N word around (if you are black of course) like it is no big deal. Between the Grand Theft Autos, Mafia Wars, Rap music and all the stuff that bombards kids, you can't help but believe they are desensitized to almost everything.

I just wonder, if the Internet came around in the 50s/60s what would the world be like today? I've never met anyone old enough to remember those years and not have them say they were times of good olde fashion American Values. The Clevers (Beaver and Wally and such) really represented a generation, now we have American Family and the like. They make good comedy I guess, but the sad truth is it does reflect how we live in a society where books are in our classroom dealing with two mommies or two daddies. At least (I guess) those kids are the lucky ones, so many only know one parent.

Seems like morale values begin and stay at home for those who live a more stereotypical conservative life - where much of the left (not all, just those who make it to TV) are better suited for Maury Povich than Glen Beck.

Fact is America Doesn't need 310 million people, especially when 10% are illegals, 25% milk the system and the rest either are starving and homeless or supporting the latter through taxes.

So, if you plan to take your kids to the movies, even G-rated, there are double meanings to nearly every line so the adults can get a kick out of it too. We can't escape a world that shoves stuff down our throats and FORGET IT, BY TIME YOU GET TO PG-13 you might as well let your kids watch soft-core porn, because basically THAT is what it will fall under. Sad.

Think I'm crazy?... just search girl scout cookies and by page 2 you'll find adult material in most engines. Then again, shame on you if you click on "Barely Legal Girl Scouts" - lol.

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Offline AllenF

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Re: The Hangover 2
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2011, 12:16:05 am »

But I did go through the girl scout cookies in a google search and stopped at page 5 with http://www.grist.org/scary-food/2011-02-17-are-girl-scout-cookies-killing-orangutans and no adult stuff  :-D .     I just had to do the search, but you were right with the movie.   Every action movie that comes out, my 4 year just must see.   But it kills him that he can't.   Transformer 2 put a stop to that.   He knows that #3 is coming out, but we will have to wait until video to review first. 

Just watch Nick and the other kid channels after 8:00 for an experiment.

Offline Mshel

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Re: The Hangover 2
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2011, 10:11:57 pm »
Just watch Nick and the other kid channels after 8:00 for an experiment.[/quote]

Oh goodness yes!! You are so correct. I had to find out the hard way (years back) that Cartoon Network is not really for kids either! If I block any more channels she'll be stuck w/ PBS lol.

So, if you plan to take your kids to the movies, even G-rated, there are double meanings to nearly every line so the adults can get a kick out of it too. We can't escape a world that shoves stuff down our throats and FORGET IT, BY TIME YOU GET TO PG-13 you might as well let your kids watch soft-core porn, because basically THAT is what it will fall under. Sad.[/quote]

Yeah PG13 is not all kid friendly either. My daughter gets mad too when I wont allow her to watch certain movies. You gotta screen everything these days . . . so sad, but the the world we now live in.
