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Author Topic: Warre Hive - North Carolina  (Read 5445 times)

Offline rail

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Warre Hive - North Carolina
« on: May 13, 2011, 12:33:33 pm »
Anyone in the state of North Carolina using Warre Hive's?

Is it legal by state regulations?

I want to run a Warre Hive and trying to find input from individuals in my state!

Thank You


Offline DavesBees

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Re: Warre Hive - North Carolina
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2011, 12:02:26 pm »
Most states maybe all have a removable frame rule.  But… the Warre or any other top bar hive can meet the requirements as you can remove the bars individually.  My take is as follows:  Be honest and register your hives.  If the bee inspector asks you to open your hive and you are ok with that no problem.  If you prefer to not break the comb attachments with inspections then just tell the inspector you would like to stay out of the hive.  Then it is up to the inspector.  I am not going to make an inspector get a warrant to open my hives but I will certainly beg the inspector to respect my wishes.  If the law prevails, so be it.  I really don’t think that if the inspector is treated with dignity and respect that you won’t receive the same consideration.  So go ahead and build or buy that Warre and have fun.   
Dave - PM me if you are interseted in natural beekeeping in Hancock County Maine.

Offline Benthic

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Re: Warre Hive - North Carolina
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2011, 12:10:13 am »
If NC requires movable comb, you could always use a Modified Warré hive with frames.  Google "The Warré Store" and look at the photos of their modified hive (I'm new here and I can't just post the link for you. Sorry.)

I'm in the same boat you are, but I'm in Florida.  The state laws here require moveable comb hives--but I'm very interested in a Warré hive.  I have an e-mail in to the apiary inspector for my area to see if a Warré with frames, or half-frames will be acceptable.


Offline caticind

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Re: Warre Hive - North Carolina
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2011, 03:35:59 pm »
NC law clearly requires that all hives have movable comb so that they can be inspected, but it does NOT require that you register your hives or have them inspected unless you are selling bees.

So if you are ok with not being able to have an inspector come by should your hives develop disease.  AND if you are committed to doing what's needed to protect other beekeepers in your area by properly sanitizing/destroying any hives that develop American Foulbrood....then go ahead and run a Warre!

The bees would be no help; they would tumble over each other like golden babies and thrum wordlessly on the subjects of queens and sex and pollen-gluey feet. -Palimpsest

Offline rail

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Re: Warre Hive - North Carolina
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2011, 02:58:34 am »
NC law clearly requires that all hives have movable comb so that they can be inspected, but it does NOT require that you register your hives or have them inspected unless you are selling bees.

So if you are ok with not being able to have an inspector come by should your hives develop disease.  AND if you are committed to doing what's needed to protect other beekeepers in your area by properly sanitizing/destroying any hives that develop American Foulbrood....then go ahead and run a Warre!

What chapter, subchapter and section of the NC law is the requirement mandated?

After a few days of reading through NC State regulations I found Chapter 106 - Article 55 - Section 106-641; The Commissioner may require that bees be kept in moveable frame hives and be maintained in an inspectable condition or in other hives where inspection for disease or disorder can be readily made.

I am committed to do what is needed to protect other beekeepers in my area, this is why I am asking for others experience and knowledge of the Warre Hive.


Offline caticind

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Re: Warre Hive - North Carolina
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2011, 11:37:43 am »
You've got the section right there, from the 1977 Bee Law.  It's phrased as "may" but treated by the Ag Dept as "shall".  If you feel like challenging current practice, you can make a semantic argument but I wouldn't suggest it - there's no need.

You don't have to have your hives inspected unless you sell bees, but to have your hives inspected they must have movable comb (not necessarily in frames).  Don Hopkins, the inspector for central NC, is pretty clear when you speak to him about what is reasonable.  He doesn't have any problem with unusual hives (I use long hives and no foundation myself), or with not treating, and doesn't involve himself in beekeepers' decisions about how to keep.  If you ask him to inspect a hive, though, he will not certify it as healthy unless he can move combs and examine the entire hive.

My understanding is that part of the point of having a Warre is that one not open the hive and disturb the comb as in an inspection.  That's perfectly fine and completely legal in NC, unless you want to sell bees (or more than 10 hives) from that yard, in which case you will have to choose between the Warre method and your bee sales permit.

Keeping a Warre (or any other kind of hive, skep, whatever) is completely legal provided it is for fun and experimentation rather than commercial bee sales.
The bees would be no help; they would tumble over each other like golden babies and thrum wordlessly on the subjects of queens and sex and pollen-gluey feet. -Palimpsest

Offline rail

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Re: Warre Hive - North Carolina
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2011, 01:19:28 pm »
You've got the section right there, from the 1977 Bee Law.  It's phrased as "may" but treated by the Ag Dept as "shall".  If you feel like challenging current practice, you can make a semantic argument but I wouldn't suggest it - there's no need.

You don't have to have your hives inspected unless you sell bees, but to have your hives inspected they must have movable comb (not necessarily in frames).  Don Hopkins, the inspector for central NC, is pretty clear when you speak to him about what is reasonable.  He doesn't have any problem with unusual hives (I use long hives and no foundation myself), or with not treating, and doesn't involve himself in beekeepers' decisions about how to keep.  If you ask him to inspect a hive, though, he will not certify it as healthy unless he can move combs and examine the entire hive.

My understanding is that part of the point of having a Warre is that one not open the hive and disturb the comb as in an inspection.  That's perfectly fine and completely legal in NC, unless you want to sell bees (or more than 10 hives) from that yard, in which case you will have to choose between the Warre method and your bee sales permit.

Keeping a Warre (or any other kind of hive, skep, whatever) is completely legal provided it is for fun and experimentation rather than commercial bee sales.


No commercial intentions, just garden hive's and learning! Wanted a copy of the regulations for my journal to understand my privileges.

Thank You
