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Author Topic: interesting call  (Read 6894 times)

Offline BjornBee

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Re: interesting call
« Reply #20 on: October 22, 2010, 01:02:28 pm »
Just be Glad you are down south.

Up here, my season is about a four month window of opportunity. I make 90% of my annual income in those 4 months.

Want to guess when many of those swarm and extraction calls come in. Yep....many in that four month period.

It's not about "education" for me. I simply do not have the time to "educate" the public by doing cutouts for ignorant homeowners, many times not willing to pay the 300 dollar minimum fee I charge anyways.

Cutouts can be an all day thing. And for me to schedule a cutout, this means it's one less day in the bee yard. I can build, graft, and produce 10-20 nucs in any given day. Even at 10 nucs, that would be $850.00 at $85.00 each. You won't ever hear me state to a customer that "I don't have your nucs ready this week because I was out "educating" the public doing a cutout.

What I have found, is that most homeowners who sprayed, did so because they were too cheap to pay anyone from the start. Then I get the call after they tried to deal with the situation with a 4 dollar can of spray, but want me to "save" the bees.

Will I "educate" a homeowner for $300 and the benefit of collecting some bees? Yes. I do it all the time. But filling my bees vac with bees dripping with poison, or haggling with a homeowner over the cost of the remains of a half dead colony, is something I pass on. Bee glad. If everyone felt like I do, that benefits you. So it is not a negative.

Myself, I hold open houses, have visitors almost every week on the farm, have spent thousands of dollars out of my own pocket starting National Honey Bee Day, a breeders association, a statewide bee association, maintain observation hives in various locations, pay for an open picnic for over 100 beekeepers every year, give speeches every year to schools for no fee, and probably mentor 20 beekeepers a year, among other things. Forgive me if I don't have the time or desire to do what you think "we" should all be doing.

Maybe you don't do what I do, and I don't do what you do. But it is not for you to say what anyone else does or does not do. I stated I do not go out for half dead sprayed colonies. You state you do. That is fine. But it is not something for you to comment or suggest others should do the same. Maybe some others like myself do have limited pockets after all the other generous "education" we supply the community.

It's nice that you can afford it. It's another thing to suggest that all beekeepers should feel the same way as you and suggest "who better?" and "we know better".  To suggest we are dropping the ball by not taking the opportunity to run out and provide this service as an educational opportunity, may just be bit amiss for others. Although maybe your "It's not about the money" comment is the basis of your decision and comments, while it may matter to others who can't do charity work educating homeowners with spray cans in their hands.

Anyone who feels different and lives nearby, let me know. I will gladly pass on all the half dead poisoned sprayed extraction jobs.  ;)
« Last Edit: October 22, 2010, 01:12:39 pm by BjornBee »
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Northern States Queen Breeders Assoc.  www.nsqba.com

Offline JP

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Re: interesting call
« Reply #21 on: October 23, 2010, 02:59:24 pm »
JP, that percentage of your work is with bees and what percent is other bugs?   Have you seen the number of bees (swarms or hives) increase over the past few years in your area?

Allen, 99% of what I do is fooling with bees. I also write insect reports for act of sales and give termite estimates to perspective customers.

I have other people working for me that perform the vast majority of the bug work.

I find that the weather dictates how bees will react from season to season. Rain has alot to do with it. No nectar, no honey flows, less swarming, etc...

Thanks Iddee. That means alot from someone who understands what we go through "down in the south".

My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

My website JPthebeeman.com http://jpthebeeman.com

Online Kathyp

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Re: interesting call
« Reply #22 on: October 23, 2010, 03:21:44 pm »
i have not had luck trying to save colonies that have been sprayed....or better  yet, had seven dust poured on them.  i don't berate a person for spraying them, but i'm not going out in the middle of October to try and save a sprayed colony that has been there through the summer.  i know she was trying to take care of it and save money, but now she'll end up paying to have someone do what i would have done for free if she'd called earlier.  

you guys are running a business.  i am running a hobby.  i get to be picky  :-D
Someone really ought to tell them that the world of Ayn Rand?s novel was not meant to be aspirational.

Offline JP

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Re: interesting call
« Reply #23 on: October 23, 2010, 03:45:44 pm »
I hate insecticidal dusts, they are indiscriminate!

When someone tells me they were dusted I tread with extreme caution.

My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

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Offline gaucho10

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Re: interesting call
« Reply #24 on: October 24, 2010, 03:51:05 am »
This year I have removed five or six colonies of bees which have previously been sprayed by either the home owner or an exterminator.  I took the jobs, made my 300 minimum, made extra on the carpentry and found out that in ALL sprayed colonies only a small section near the entrance was affected.  After the cutout is made I keep the frames separate from any other colony and so far I have not had a dead hive.  Next season I just go through all the "cutout" frames and destroy them.  All my cutout frames are prewired for comb support so they are easy to ID.
My favorite comedy program used to be Glenn Beck--The only thing is that after I heard the same joke over and over again it became BOOOORING.....

People who have inspired me throughout my life---Pee-wee Herman, Adolph Hitler, George W. Bush, Glenn Beck.
Notice I did not say they were people who I admire !!!

Offline Tommyt

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Re: interesting call
« Reply #25 on: October 24, 2010, 10:47:01 am »
This year I have removed five or six colonies of bees which have previously been sprayed by either the home owner or an exterminator.  I took the jobs, made my 300 minimum, made extra on the carpentry and found out that in ALL sprayed colonies only a small section near the entrance was affected.  After the cutout is made I keep the frames separate from any other colony and so far I have not had a dead hive.  Next season I just go through all the "cutout" frames and destroy them.  All my cutout frames are prewired for comb support so they are easy to ID.

 That seems like it would work good, as long they don't carry some residue from the unknown Bad comb
I do like it ,If I get that far I may wipe the comb out one more time

"Not everything found on the internet is accurate"
Abraham Lincoln

Offline JP

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Re: interesting call
« Reply #26 on: October 24, 2010, 11:27:15 am »
The thing is, at least down here people try to spray the bees with that can of wasp spray standing 10' or more from the entrance point.

99% of the time they only hit bees on the exterior.

The colony is inside of the void space, in most all cases I run across, unaffected.

I do my best to get the customer's perspective as to exactly what they did, how they did it and what type of product they used.

If possible I like to see what was used.

The can of spray is usually laying in the weeds somewhere close.

I don't advise anyone to accept any type job where insecticidal dusts were used.

If the customer hired an exterminator/exterminators find out what/how they preceded.

If the probability is high that the void space was injected/dusted this hive may be doomed/contaminated.

If you for some reason are still wanting to take this job:

Tread with extreme caution. If this same colony appears to be strong and you still want to try and save them, wear proper protection, chemical resistant gloves, perhaps a respirator and by all means only save the bees, don't use any portion of their hive for fear of contamination issues.

Gaucho is experienced in doing removals and is taking proper precautions on comb usage. Heed his advice.

And by all means charge for your services if you have to go through all this to try and save a hive that was dusted or injected.

Folks, I am not advocating that you go out and remove bees that have been sprayed, its is up to you if you want to get involved with a job like this, but if you even consider it, ask a million questions and if you're unsure of the situation by all means walk away.

There are far easier and better ways to get bees than doing cut outs.


My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

My website JPthebeeman.com http://jpthebeeman.com

Offline gaucho10

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Re: interesting call
« Reply #27 on: October 24, 2010, 12:18:20 pm »
After reading JP's post I realized that I should have mentioned that there were times when I did have to destroy all of the nest due to white dust spray (poison) by the exterminator.  Last year an exterminator did his job but the bees were still there.  He passed the job over to me and I did the cutout, removed a very small quantity of bees and trashed everything I took out (comb, honey, brood, etc.).

The following picture is of my last cutout at a local academy here in Massachusetts.  The grounds crew took it upon themselves to use liquid spray but failed to destroy the colony.  I was called and did the cutout.  On the first pic you can see their access hole at the bottom right side of the second floor window.  The next picture shows the actual colony directly below the window.  You can see that the comb on the right side is new.  This is only 6-8" away from their main entrance.  The poison failed to reach the colony because of the "crippled stud" separating the colony from the entrance.  Out of this cutout I was able to get the whole hive, including a small size of brood but lots of sealed honey.

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My favorite comedy program used to be Glenn Beck--The only thing is that after I heard the same joke over and over again it became BOOOORING.....

People who have inspired me throughout my life---Pee-wee Herman, Adolph Hitler, George W. Bush, Glenn Beck.
Notice I did not say they were people who I admire !!!

Offline Cindi

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Re: interesting call
« Reply #28 on: October 24, 2010, 12:44:10 pm »
Kathy, Kathy, Kathy, you make me smile.  I am and have been shocked to read in the past of you doing cutouts, swarm removal and the like, I know how my body feels these days, and I would/could never in my wildest dreams get into doing cutouts, good on you girl!!!  Think I have a bit of a lazy side, I would rather do something more sedentary like -- chuck rocks  :shock  .You must be fit as a fiddle (where did that odd expression come from anyways?  it is a strange one, smiling).  Keep it up girl, you doin' awesome with heading out to the wild blue yonder to save the bees, my hat off to ya  8-)  8-).  Have that most awesomely wonderful and great day with health that is even better.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service

Online Kathyp

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Re: interesting call
« Reply #29 on: October 24, 2010, 12:57:19 pm »
i think Annette has been doing some also.  several other ladies, but Annette and i may be the elders  :-D
Someone really ought to tell them that the world of Ayn Rand?s novel was not meant to be aspirational.

Offline Cindi

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Re: interesting call
« Reply #30 on: October 24, 2010, 01:06:27 pm »
 :-D and a big  :), think I'm getting pretty close, yes, I do actually recall now that I have read a couple of Annette's posts, she is coming up fast and hard after you with workin' that tha bees, beauty.  Have a most wonderful and awesome day, keep it up, health.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service

Offline L Daxon

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Re: interesting call
« Reply #31 on: October 24, 2010, 01:10:02 pm »
JP, Bjorn, Kathy, et al:

Thanks for all you do to educate the public and promote beekeeping. Everyone goes about it in their own way with the time and resources available to them.  Glad we don't all do the same thing.  The world would be boring.
linda d

Online Kathyp

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Re: interesting call
« Reply #32 on: October 24, 2010, 01:32:16 pm »
you are welcome, but don't put me in the same class with those guys.  they have many years more experience than i.  most of what i know i have learned from them.  the rest i learned from messing up  :evil:
Someone really ought to tell them that the world of Ayn Rand?s novel was not meant to be aspirational.

Offline gaucho10

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Re: interesting call
« Reply #33 on: October 24, 2010, 09:09:50 pm »
*******you guys are running a business.  i am running a hobby.  i get to be picky*******

Good for you kathyp.  That is what it is all about.... :-D

My favorite comedy program used to be Glenn Beck--The only thing is that after I heard the same joke over and over again it became BOOOORING.....

People who have inspired me throughout my life---Pee-wee Herman, Adolph Hitler, George W. Bush, Glenn Beck.
Notice I did not say they were people who I admire !!!

