i'm a bit busy to address all of this, however, quickly, i'd like to point out:
1. in "the other thread", i pointed out that even if one considers cane sugar "not a chemical" (being essentially a product of nature....not a def i'd use, but it is a line that is often drawn), one cannot consider HFCS anything but a chemical...it is synthesized in a lab. bjorn agreed that HFCS is a chemical.
2. i have (for years) been intentionally been using the term "treatment free".....being the best short description that i can come up with that accurately conveys what i mean......no "treatments" (substances, drugs, artifical feeds, essential oils, organic acids, fgmo, antibiotics, probiotics, synthetic chemcials, aroma therapy, etc, so forth and so on...) are used on the bees and/or in the hive. perhaps "input free" or "zero input" would be more accurate? i don't use the terms chemical free, organic, natural, etc.
3. the person claiming chemical free bees and chemical free honey is bjorn. it's probably not fair of me to point out the things that are on his website considering all the contortions i had to do to find his site (i clicked the link at the bottom of each of his posts...just above "marking queens is gay" or somesuch nonsense).
4. in our book, we note that pcbs have been found in every honeybee sample taken in the last 20 years...in fact, also on page 116:
Even those of us who don't use pesticides inside our beehives have to face the fact that they are ubiquitous in the environment, and all kinds of pollutants are present in even the most pristine beehives
is that clear enough?
...this is the same book that is on the table at every market we do (7 a week) right next to honey from actual untreated bees. anyone that knows us at all won't have any trouble believing that ramona and i discuss these issues with hundreds of people every week.
we say "treatment free" and mean that no treatments are used. others say "...we do not use chemicals in our hives" and feed HFCS. i have no idea what "non-chemical treatments" may or may not be used....i expect that neither customers or readers of beemaster will find out any time soon. contamination of honey is only one of the concerns associated with treatments....just like lack of nutrients is only one of the concerns associated with artificial feeds.