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Author Topic: Now I Have A 'Coon Problem  (Read 16374 times)

Offline 1of6

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Re: Now I Have a 'Coon Problem
« Reply #40 on: August 06, 2009, 10:34:50 pm »
Other wiser folks have suggested closing threads in the past.  I think it's time that wisdom once again prevail.

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Re: Now I Have a 'Coon Problem
« Reply #41 on: August 06, 2009, 11:09:25 pm »
bummer, i'm an idiot.  if a PhD say so, it must be so.  hope i didn't disappoint it with my grammar and spelling.

it did have one valid point.  i should not have assumed it was a tree hugging city dweller.  there are gun toting country folks that are dumb also.  my mistake.
Someone really ought to tell them that the world of Ayn Rand?s novel was not meant to be aspirational.

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Re: Now I Have a 'Coon Problem
« Reply #42 on: August 07, 2009, 08:12:02 am »
OK.  Let's not loose our heads here. We do not tolerate personal attacks and bad naming to other members.  Don't walk closer to the edge.

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Re: Now I Have a 'Coon Problem
« Reply #43 on: August 07, 2009, 11:52:57 am »
I need to add a few things too here. Bee Nice, you have THREE POSTS and this is how you come in our forums? You don't jump in here, without reading the rules of the forum as stated in several sections, we ask only 2 things really; be nice (which sounds like you should be familiar with since it is the name you chose) and second "Add your location to your profile" which you haven't done.

On both of these, you had better add your location Mr. PHD, I'm sure you'll figure out how, and lastly, you refer to any member in such terms, whether provoked or not, you WILL "Go to other bee forums" as you have stated, because you will be promptly removed from this one. Get along or GET LOST.

KATHYP: I just don't know what to say to you sometimes. You fall to easily into the traps set by those coming in here  (whether returning under a different name - I'll comment on that later) or new off the Web who hasn't taken time to read disclaimers and is working their way toward the door. Please don't fall into their crap, it isn't the first time.

You know I think of you as one of the smartest thinkers I know, and an asset to the forum - but to scold others and not you for name calling makes ME out to be a hypocrite, I just can't do that, you leave me in an awkward position again.

I ask you to please ignore people you find to be idiots, fools, morons, rejects, city folk, numbskull's, terrorists, stool-pigeons, bungie-jumpers or anyone else who winds up your clock ESPECIALLY in GENERAL BEEKEEPING. I can see a topic getting out of hand in Coffee House and it going a step to far, but NOW after each of you have read this, this post is going away.

Both of you, and trust me Bee Nice, you have earned no clout here at all, just the opposite, we are watching you and I highly doubt you will survive here if this is how you interact with our members. KathyP knows better, but occasionally lets her passions of civil rights (something we lose more of every day) get the best of her and she vents. I hope you both keep your distance from each other if you cannot talk in peace.

By the way Dr. Bee Nice... If you have any trouble with my grammar or spelling, then maybe I'll send it to you in Gregg Shorthand or Morse Code, I speak those languages too. Whatever is needed to get across to you, be nice or be gone!
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Re: Now I Have a 'Coon Problem
« Reply #44 on: August 07, 2009, 11:55:10 am »
sorry.  i'll go dye my hair black and sit in the ashes for awhile. 
Someone really ought to tell them that the world of Ayn Rand?s novel was not meant to be aspirational.

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Re: Now I Have a 'Coon Problem
« Reply #45 on: August 07, 2009, 12:04:42 pm »
Long as you clean up before Bud's Gathering :)

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Offline Scadsobees

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Re: Now I Have a 'Coon Problem
« Reply #46 on: August 07, 2009, 01:41:42 pm »
hokey-smokin-cadoodleboppers!  we have a coon fight! :-D :pop:

Ok, maybe some explainations and eddication are in order...I don't have a phD, but I don't think one is necessary in the field of animal control  ;)

I'm sure we all know that there are no GOOD, nice, pain-free solutions.

Trapping is for the coons that don't kindly mill around at certain times, allowing you to calmly picking them off.  It is rather inconvenient to sit out in the bee yard at dusk hoping that they stop by, and then doing that for a week when they don't, only to have them stop by on the night you finally get sick of it and skip.

So you set a trap out, and now have an angry, snarling coon in there. 
We can let it go at somebody else's property, but I don't think that there are any raccoon preserves out there, so it would be irresponsible to make it somebody else's problem.  Raccoons aren't endangered...

A bullet will dispatch the coon quickly, but how to do that?  Probably any good killing shot will also have the bullet going through the coon's head..and what is it going to hit on the other side?  the metal trap?  Then we have a ricochetting bullet, which has a good chance of coming straight back at the shooter. :sheeple:

So we don't want to shoot the coon.  That leaves A). Poison :thunder: B). Clubbing :deadhorse: and C). drowning :drowning:.  Getting a stressed coon to eat is going to be tricky, and it still could take some time for the poison to kill it...poisoning a caged coon = bad.  Clubbing it is very messy, not to mention the logistics of getting the coon out and trying to club it without it getting away or biting you.  Not to mention rather painful for the coon.  So that is bad too.

Drowning... I'm sure everybody will agree it is very unpleasant.  But it is over quite quickly, and it isn't messy.  I've never been drowned, so while I understand an extreme panicy feeling, I don't think it causes pain.

And if you need to get rid of a skunk, I don't want to be next to the cage shooting it.  But if it were underwater.....

But if you want to start a raccoon preserve, I'm sure you'll have plenty of takers.... :-D

And now its time for ....  :rainbowflower:   :camp:   :rainbowflower:   ... I'll shutup now...

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Re: Now I Have a 'Coon Problem
« Reply #47 on: August 07, 2009, 01:47:03 pm »
Wow Rick!!!  I think you just won the "Best use of Smiley's in a Post"  Award.......
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Offline Vibe

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Re: Now I Have a 'Coon Problem
« Reply #48 on: August 07, 2009, 03:09:39 pm »

a bullet will dispatch the coon quickly, but how to do that?  Probably any good killing shot will also have the bullet going through the coon's head..and what is it going to hit on the other side?  the metal trap?  Then we have a ricocheting bullet, which has a good chance of coming straight back at the shooter.
Not at all true if any thought at all is given to proper use of caliber. A 22 revolver and proper shot placement will have none of those "nasty" side effects. In fact AR Game and Fish laws limit the legal caliber or night hunting to use of the 22 SHORT cartridge ONLY.
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Online G3farms

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Re: Now I Have a 'Coon Problem
« Reply #49 on: August 07, 2009, 05:22:50 pm »
KP don't forget the sac cloth either :-D

I'm with you on your thoughts but the forum rules our words and we have to play nice, bummer. :rulez: :whip:

Anyway Robo you still got a good site going here.

those hot bees will have you steppin and a fetchin like your heads on fire and your keister is a catchin!!!

Bees will be bees and do as they please!

Offline David LaFerney

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Re: Now I Have a 'Coon Problem
« Reply #50 on: August 07, 2009, 06:02:24 pm »

So we don't want to shoot the coon.  That leaves a). Poison :thunder: B). Clubbing :deadhorse: and C). drowning :drowning:. 

How about poking with a pointy stick?  Too bad arrow poison frogs are so hard to come by.

Seriously - good points, well made.

I really do usually take them to someone I don't like.  :-D
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Offline Rebel Rose Apiary

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Re: Now I Have a 'Coon Problem
« Reply #51 on: August 08, 2009, 10:53:18 am »
Oh so sorry this turned into a 'coonfight'....hey, I liked that one! But it did get out of control....I do share the thoughts that some of you posted, so we canot all be wrong here.

I want to thank the mods for speaking up and not letting this get too bad. I did not want to start any fights, as I just wanted to see what others were doing about 'coons tearing up hives....and most of all, what really works!

I figured up that my losses are pretty high already. I am not sure of what size the boar 'coons are in anyone else's areas, but here they have been fed well by the human population and nolonger hunt or range for their groceries. They would rather rip apart a hive or ALUMINUM door to get something to eat. (Last night, they attacked the house while I was gone and broke in through the bottom of the NEW ALUMINUM storm door to get into where my outside kitties sleep at night!) My night camera caught them in the act and there was a total of six 'coons that entered onto my porch! They must have given my cats some fights too, as they were still very upset when I got home and found out what had happened.

I like to sleep with the bedroom window open, so I can imagine what I would have to do if one came through the screen while I was sleeping.

I had mouse guards over the entrances on some of the new hives that I just built and painted. THere are 'coon tracks all over them where they tried to get into the hives...their prints show up well against the new white paint. I also have concrete blocks on top for weights. If they want in, they will work at it until they gain entry.

The proplem that I have now is from the fact that some 'well meaning' old folks fed 'coons for the past twenty some years and now they are not feeding them anymore. The coon population is grown too large for them to find enough food and they are bothering my property.

Dogs are not an option for me. They poisoned the last two good dogs right in my own yard.

I guess that I better shut up before I end up going out and buying some black hair dye with KathyP.


Offline David LaFerney

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Re: Now I Have a 'Coon Problem
« Reply #52 on: August 08, 2009, 12:01:02 pm »
Seriously RebelRose there has actually been a lot of good information in this thread, but it really sounds like you are already doing all the right things.  Secure everything so that your place is NOT a source of an easy meal, and they will move on.  This time of year you still have young of the year that are foraging along with their mothers.  At some point in the fall she will push them out on their own and they will disperse - then you will be back to the minor annoyance of a normal local population. 

The year after we divested ourselves of dogs (kids grown, and gone - not enough time and attention to be good owners) we had a large population of 'coons that homed in on cat food.  We moved it into the garage, then we put it in a metal trash can, now we tie down the lid of the can and only feed what the fatcats can clean up in a short time.  They're still a nuisance, but only a minor one.
"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." Samuel Clemens

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Offline Rebel Rose Apiary

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Re: Now I Have a 'Coon Problem
« Reply #53 on: August 08, 2009, 02:20:49 pm »
DL, I greatly appreciate the help from the good folks on here. There are just so many 'coons, (and a few 'possums are coming around now too) that I am pulling out my hair.

There are a lot of coyotes that pass right by the house and barn, as well as the bee yards. I had hoped that they would be some help to run off the 'coons, like dogs do. Not so!

I am going to put up more electric fence today, around the house!

I feed the cats inside the porch at night and do not leave out any feed or garbage to attract them. They can smell honey away from the bee yard just like I do and I like the smell too!


Offline hpm08161947

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Re: Now I Have a 'Coon Problem
« Reply #54 on: August 08, 2009, 04:53:05 pm »
Brenda - I can not help but notice how similar your problems with coons and oppossums are to mine.... or at least how mine used to be.   I mean - I live so far back in the country it is not funny - this is where people come to hunt coons at night ( a popular activity around here) - but it still did not put a dent in out coon/oppossum population.  The solution came a coupla years ago when a friend gave us an old Red Bone (said he was too old for the hunt).  Every night this old hound lays out near the fields with his nose in the air - just hoping for a hint of coon - if he gets it he's off trailing and howling, he's really something to watch.  I believe he loves his retirement home.

At anyrate - our coon and possum problems have gone away.

Offline Rebel Rose Apiary

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Re: Now I Have a 'Coon Problem
« Reply #55 on: August 08, 2009, 07:12:12 pm »

I wish that I could keep a dog, but like I said before, the last two were poisoned right here in my own yard. I hate to get another dog and have the same thing happen to it. Okay, I am a hopeless animal lover.... :-D

I live out in the middle of nowhere too, but I am surrounded by farmland and veggies. Lots of things to attract the critters, but they got used to being fed by the old folks, so they head right to my place! I am sick of the 'coon poo on top of the hives in the mornings!  :shock: Those are some big 'coons!

I guess that I will be back to building more electric fences and buying more mouse and 'coon proof entrance covers. 

I also want to thank everyone for the help and ideas that they have posted here. I cannot wait until fur season! The way those 'coons been eating so well, they will have prime fur this winter! I might be able to get back some of the losses by going into the fur business!


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Re: Now I Have a 'Coon Problem
« Reply #56 on: August 08, 2009, 08:17:35 pm »
Brenda Now I want to see a pic of you in your coon-skin hat, boots & coat!!  Some of the boars are huge around here too, poo bigger than my dogs!  I've seen em bigger than my aussie & they will kill a dog if given the chance or are cornered.  Once one reached through the chain link in my chix holding pen & pulled guineas out piece by piece...went out in the am & 2 were gone, all that was left on the outside were a few feathers & a foot, nothing on the inside of the pen except a little blood where they pulled the parts through!  Sounds like you have done all you can, if they are destroying your property........ :jerry:    :jail:   :drowning:   :-X
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Offline Rebel Rose Apiary

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Re: Now I Have a 'Coon Problem
« Reply #57 on: August 08, 2009, 08:29:30 pm »

That is what the 'coons did to my rabbits in my 'windows closed in with wire' and supposed to be 'thief proof' rabbitry! I had them kill over 64 kits/bunnies by ripping them through the wires. Then I had a problem with weasels in the chicken house this summer too...but I solved that..I sold the chickens!

I think that the bigger 'coons are working in teams to get the tops off of the hives! My whacked out neighbors just told me that last night they sit on their porch outside and WATCHED two big 'coons on top of one hive....sure enough, the block was knocked off and they got into the top two supers...I told them next time to give me a holler when they seen 'coons doing something like that!  :roll: Their excuse was that they did not want to bother me at that late of hour; it was around 8:30 pm......I am up until at least mid-nite and they know it too!

Does anyone know if 'coons are immune to bee stings? They have to get lots of stings grabbing the honey.


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Re: Now I Have a 'Coon Problem
« Reply #58 on: August 08, 2009, 09:01:24 pm »
I think between the guard hairs & undercoat very few stings actually get to them except for the face..wonder if they swell up like we do..heh heh heh...that way you would know which were in your hives!  Are there any trees by your beeyard? They can get around the electric fence by climbing trees & coming down branches into wherever they want to be. Those big ones probably won't go anywhere for awhile or as long as they think there may be something to eat.  Amazing how strong & persistant they are.
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Offline Rebel Rose Apiary

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Re: Now I Have a 'Coon Problem
« Reply #59 on: August 08, 2009, 11:46:34 pm »
I just counted 19 'coons at once messing around my bee yard next to my house. I have some trees that they can climb up, but I put a maze of electric fence around the hives today. Those 'coons must be slow learners, as they will touch the fence, get shocked, stand up and growl at it, then do it again and again....they are repeat offenders for sure.

You know, if I make a 'coon skin hat, etc. and actually put it on....someone would shoot me as they would think that I was BIGFOOT with all that hair!
On the other hand, the big boar 'coons would think I was one big, bad sow!
Might keep them out of the bee yard next year!
