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Author Topic: Inspection on six week old hive??  (Read 1448 times)

Offline harvey

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Inspection on six week old hive??
« on: July 19, 2009, 03:50:12 pm »
I inspected my hive today,  probably should have left them alone but couldn't help it!
I put this swarm in the first deep and added a second deep two weeks later.  Now after six weeks I inspected again, actually have been in there once a week.  Last week I put on a medium super. 
   Today.   There were bee's in the super but nothing has been drawn out.  In the top box frames 1,2 9,10 had some drawn comb but nothing else.  Frames 3 to 8 were drawn both sides, I found some brood in frames 5 and six.  I moved two drawn frames out to the outside and moved frames 1 and 10 into 4 and 7.  The brood in this box was not all that tight and had as much honey in the frames as it did brood.  Last week was all honey and no brood?   Lot's of bees though five frames covered.   
   Bottom deep brood.  Frames 1 and ten not drawn out.  Frames 2,3 8 and 9 drawn and full of honey,  Frames 4,5,6,and seven drawn and mixed brood and honey,  again probably six frames covered with bees,  Did not see the queen.  Did not see the swarm cells that I saw last week?  Did see a little drone cell, first time I have seen these.  Brood was spotty here and there with honey all around.  Some pollen but not a lot.  I did not see queen and havn't seen her yet.  Did not see eggs or larva this time.  Might just not have looked at the right frame and I didn't move the bees off of the frames.  I did move frames 1 and ten that were not drawn out to 3 and 7 with drawn honey in spots 1 and ten. 
    Ok so how am I doing so far?  As this is the first hive I have ever had I need all the advice and encouragement I can get.  Oh and I pulled one old solid plastic frame of drawn honey, I don't like the plastic after what I have read here so I pulled it and placed it in front of the hive for them to rob and put in a new wood frame with Dadent Plasticell in it's place.
   Am I really slowing these bee's down by going frame to frame each week?  I think from what I saw I need to leave them alone now till at least the end of July, two weeks.  I still have a lot of thistle flowering and the wild carrot is comming out.  My neighbors beens havn't flowered yet either.    I put the super back on just cause. 
    Also on the plastic frame i pulled,  I stoll a little of the honey off of it!   WOW!  it was GREAT!!!
    K any advice on what I am doing or what I should do would be helpful here.  Thanks  Harv

Offline Wynoochee_newbee_guy

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Re: Inspection on six week old hive??
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2009, 11:09:46 pm »
Working your hive once a week is fine in your first year. always remember the rules of 8 if your using ten frame hive. if your deep has 8 out 10 drawn out then add the second deep. what one needs remember is anything above the first deep is called a super latin for above. so when one adds a hive box its called a super honey or other wise. Just make sure that you see brood eggs and larva honey and pollen. and your doing fine as a new keeper. Oh if you add a supper befor they draw it all out you will have your bees chimmney the hive. not good.
take care and have fun.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2009, 03:10:45 pm by Wynoochee_newbee_guy »
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Offline applebwoi

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Re: Inspection on six week old hive??
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2009, 12:53:38 am »
I routinely use plastic frames from Mann Lake and they do wonderfully well.  I usually add some additional wax but the bees draw them out very well.  Also, I wouldn't be moving the frames around so much.  The bees will put things where they need to be you always run the chance of killing the queen by moving the frames around too much.  Just pull one or two to see what is going on with regard to brood and honey and then leave them alone.

Offline BoBn

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Re: Inspection on six week old hive??
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2009, 08:19:58 am »
when one adds a hive box its called a supper honey or other wise.

When it's time for dinner, that's what I hear.  :-D
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--Thomas Jefferson

Offline Scadsobees

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Re: Inspection on six week old hive??
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2009, 09:07:28 am »
Ahhh...nothing better than frame fresh honey!! :)  Its great in the jar, but can't seem to capture that warm honey right from the hive...

Sounds like they are doing fine.  It has only been six weeks and they have 12 frames drawn out.  Weather has been spotty, too.

I wouldn't necessarily have a honey super on there yet, at least till they have the second box drawn out almost all of the way.  Not that they will start drawing it till the second box is mostly drawn.  They'll need both boxes mostly drawn and lots of honey to survive the winter.

As far as the frames go...sounds like you have a pretty good handle on it, moving the empty frames to the middle.  In the top box, I'm assuming that you moved frames without brood to the outside, if it had brood, it probably wouldn't hurt but it has been cool enough at night that you wouldn't want brood too far from the nest. :-\  At least until they have the second box drawn out 80% you shouldn't need to move frames around too much.  But its fun to do anyway :)
