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Author Topic: "NEW MEMBER" RECORD MONTH IS BROKEN!!!!  (Read 9143 times)

Offline beemaster

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« on: March 27, 2009, 04:56:42 am »
I just wanted to announce to all you who follow data in the forum that we have REACHED A NEW HIGH NUMBER MEMBER JOINED RECORD for any previous month in our 5 years on line as a forum - the previous record of 140 members set last year has been broken with everal days left this month.

Congrtulations first to all those who found us and have taken the steps to join and share your stories with us, second to the existing members who always welcome new members in to the forums and collectively I thank our great mod-staff for helping keep the peace and offer all the necessary help to new members (as they post links and photos) until out software settings allow them to do so on their own.

It is great seeing our site grow, it shows in so many ways, new members contribute questions and spark ideas in existing members and topics flow and grow. Our posting records are right there too at record levels, literally thousands a month and hundreds of thousands of pages read - so we have a very active LURKING community too - people who are quieter, whether non-members or laid-back members who enjoy just reading.

You again get all the applause, I mention our mod staff (in no order to let everyone know who they are) so that you always know who looks out for your interests and those of the forum's future.

Robo - out Technical Administrator, the wizard behind the software and website orderliness. Invaluable and in the real world someone who would cost us greatly for his hundreds and hundreds of hours of technical service.

Eviend - ourlong time moderator from Oslo, Norway who is here often when most of the US is a sleep and always around to offer a sane prospective to what sometime gets hectic in the Moderators life.

TWT- our SENIOR MODERATOR who is the voice that often balances out my thinking so that what comes out is a good agreement of how a subject should be approached.

Buzzbee - My closest Mod neighbor (only 5 to 6 hours drive) who's adminstrative life in local government brings insight and a laid back prospective that really earns a big pat on the back for his being the fellow who goes out of is way setting people up in Ventrilo Chat, helping find posts long buried in the archives of the forums's search engines - and always there to assist new and seasoned member - a true gentleman.

PDMattox (Dallas - as he is know) who is our eagle eyed scout with a remarkable memory and a sixth sense to see and avoid trouble. He is a savant of members, knowing where nearly everyone is from and recalling who said what in what post and to how. His is our Wikapedia of the Bee Forum.

I won't say anything about me - except I am the founder and do the forum layout (the categories and subcategories) allow members in blocked by their email severices when such things occur and the guy who has to be the HEAVY when members go off the deep end. I'll just say about me, I never like to a member go - but some people can not function in a place that has (and enforces) rules and regulation. So the buck stops here, I'll gladly take the fallout when a member goe for foolish reasons that break our rules.

Combined, this staff is a perfect union group all eagle eyed and doing everything humanly possible to keep the peace, and ensure you can always bring a family member, no matter how old or young here and safely expose them to over 150 thousand posts.

A last though, because some people miss this, YOU TO ARE A BIG PART OF THE TEAM - use the REPORT POST TO MODERATOR tab in ever post window to report anything offensive, and we will handle it here. That makes you a part of the mod team, and allows you to self police the forum and greatly assist them. Mind you, we need to act upon the rules, which often are not broken, even though some offensive material may get posted - but if something offends a member, it will be removed as soon as possible. And lastly a forum this size, your eyes are greatly appriated. Just remember, we have over 100 countries, and many differ from other, languages get twisted and misinterpreted from native to English, so sometime what appear a proble may be just poor communications.

To all new members, you are family here, be kind to others, offer your own knowledge and ask questions and you will get friendly and helpful responces. Welcome to the LARGEST MONTH we have ever had in growth, a milestone that we surely will repeat again and again - because I truly believe our membership is a VERY SPECIAL GROUP that is just a remarkable gathering and on all topics they will gladly debate topics, but here we agree to diagree, not fight. That is the difference from us and many other online forums. I promise read the BILAWS at the top of the main forum page just once and you will know what we ask of you, in return you will be respeted and make friends quickly. Welcome to all, and thanks to all others.
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

Please enjoy the forum, and if it has helped you in any way, we hope that a small donation can be made to support our FULLY member supported forum. You will never see advertisements here, and that is because of the generous members who have made our forum possible. We are in our second decade as a beekeeping forum and all thanks to member support. At the top right of every page is a donations link. Please help if you can.

Offline JP

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« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2009, 06:05:01 am »
Congratulations John and thank you to you and the mods that do make this a wonderful site,

Look forward to meeting you next month!

My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

My website JPthebeeman.com http://jpthebeeman.com

Offline beemaster

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« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2009, 06:14:56 am »
JP, thanks. Same here on meeting you - meeting members, especially some from such great distance - it would be rare to meet otherwise, but knowing you in the forum and voice chat - It will be great to put a face and handshake behind it all :)

I just noticed too that we are up from 600 tousand to over 900 tousand page views THIS MONTH ALONE - wow, 30 percent increase in views in amazing. I love stats, they do tell you alot, and we have something special here - I cannot even imagine what it may look like this time next year - great times for sure :) talk soon. Nearly a million page views, that is amazing to me and I just imagine it will grow exponentially as we grow. Pretty sweet!!!
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

Please enjoy the forum, and if it has helped you in any way, we hope that a small donation can be made to support our FULLY member supported forum. You will never see advertisements here, and that is because of the generous members who have made our forum possible. We are in our second decade as a beekeeping forum and all thanks to member support. At the top right of every page is a donations link. Please help if you can.

Offline Jim134

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« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2009, 07:30:14 am »
Congratulations John and thank you and the staff for all your time.

   BEE HAPPY Jim 134  :)
"Tell me and I'll forget,show me and I may  remember,involve me and I'll understand"
        Chinese Proverb

"The farmer is the only man in our economy who buys everything at retail, sells everything at wholesale, and pays the freight both ways."
 John F. Kennedy
Franklin County Beekeepers Association MA. http://www.franklinmabeekeepers.org/

Offline BjornBee

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« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2009, 08:58:09 am »
Way to go Beemaster! Drinks on the house... :cheer:


Please Support "National Honey Bee Day"
Northern States Queen Breeders Assoc.  www.nsqba.com

Offline vermmy35

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« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2009, 10:19:22 am »
Semper Fi to all my brothers out there

Offline Cindi

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« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2009, 12:29:46 am »
Oh John.  Simply wonderful.  You have that gift with words, you know that....you are an inspiring writer.

OK.......there is no place like  home, there is no place like home, there is no place like home......that is how I feel about our forum, this is my home away from my home.  My safe place to go and spend time.   I know you, the Moderators, and all of the members have the power to keep our forum as safe as our own home, we are secure and isn't there a more wonderful feeling in this world, than being cared for -- and loved.

My thanks to everyone that works and toils to make this forum this special place that it is...that beautiful place in time.

These numbers of new members and topics viewed are beyond our wildest dreams, such a good thing.  New members, come on down!!!  Enjoy and stick around....AND....have that most awesomely great and beautiful day and night, knowing full well that a more beautiful day will come tomorrow, health.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service

Offline annette

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« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2009, 12:34:56 am »
There is just a warm and cuddly feeling knowing you guys are taking care of things behind the scene. You are all so brilliant to figure this all out.

Thanks again guys and thanks John for not selling out to the big guys.


Offline beemaster

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« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2009, 11:30:06 am »

With more than 13 hours to go, we have:

170 new members (plus 7 approved who haven't logged in yet)
and less than 3000 PAGE VIEWS from ONE MILLION PAGE VIEWS!!!

Both are seriously fine numbers, 3000 page views is VERY POSSIBLE (each time you go from any page to another here, it creates a page view count) so it is LIKELY that we will have a RECORD ONE MILLION PAGE VIEWS this month, the highest previous month was 600 thousand+ and we had a few of those months, but a million blows all records away.

But just think 170+ mumbers in one month, making 400 new members since the beginning of the year in here to add to our conversations, those added new members has greatly boosted our concersation, posting and replies - all of which are way up - new highest NEW TOPICS month, second highest new POSTS month, and again we could see a million pages view.

If you have never seen our STATS PAGE - here it is http://forum.beemaster.com/index.php?action=stats
you can find it NEAR THE BOTTOM of the main forum page.
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

Please enjoy the forum, and if it has helped you in any way, we hope that a small donation can be made to support our FULLY member supported forum. You will never see advertisements here, and that is because of the generous members who have made our forum possible. We are in our second decade as a beekeeping forum and all thanks to member support. At the top right of every page is a donations link. Please help if you can.

Offline BjornBee

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« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2009, 01:54:53 pm »
It's official.....ONE MILLION pages viewed! 

Congratulations beemaster.
Please Support "National Honey Bee Day"
Northern States Queen Breeders Assoc.  www.nsqba.com

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« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2009, 02:12:13 pm »
Thanks Bjorn:

I was watching as it changed over, actually got a screen shot of the 1000000 exactly! that's record new posts, record members and record pages viewed all this month and it was a pleasure to see happen :)

Click to see the large page with comparative monthly data.

Thanks to all the members and guests who have joined and followed along this year, each month has been a whopper to follow and although March thru May are typically our busiest months as far as growth goes, I still can imagine great days ahead, giving us all new people to talk to, new friends to make and larger gatherings when they occur. Thanks all :)

NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

Please enjoy the forum, and if it has helped you in any way, we hope that a small donation can be made to support our FULLY member supported forum. You will never see advertisements here, and that is because of the generous members who have made our forum possible. We are in our second decade as a beekeeping forum and all thanks to member support. At the top right of every page is a donations link. Please help if you can.

Offline asprince

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« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2009, 06:26:56 pm »
John, Did you know the MODS before you started BEEMASTER? If no, what brought you all together?

Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resembalance to the first. - Ronald Reagan

Offline beemaster

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« Reply #12 on: March 31, 2009, 07:53:07 pm »
Really Good Question Steve:

When I started I had one mod, who was one of the first few members, you need to remember in the beginning of a forum, membership growth was far and few between - it was necessary sometimes to have a member post some questions to get the ball rolling. Nothing staged, but have someone asking questions so post count can climb.

Up until I met Dallas (PDMattox - for those who don't know) I never met a mod, but long before Dallas was a Mod, Robo and Eviend and several others came in to help and we actually had a mod group nearing a dozen people, far too many and with way too many ideas of what was important I found out.

The most important issue has been and always will be the safety of the membership, and what violates a member's good standing - I had a basic set of rules established, but many of the mod staff had issues with the rules and my mistake was in trying to run the forum democratically using a true one member one vote system - it was a nightmare. Today, we post issues for each other to comment on and decide what to do from there, no voting, just logical discussions about issues - the way it should be and honestly, the only way it can work.

That original moderator had become a real ying-yang and started PMing members speaking about issues discussed in our mod forum (sort of our cone of silence - what happens in a mod forum, stays in the mod forum) and because issues concerning members are talked about in there, letting out info to any member often gets back to a member who has violated some rule and he/she runs a muck. In otherwords, this first Mod had become a turncoat, decided he was going to leave anyway and wanted to do as much damage as he could on the way out the door.

Instead though, the people he PMed ended up writing me or other mods and quite quickly the original mod found himself out the door forever with no real harm done. A few of this "Early big staff" were apposed to his banishment and left on their own, mostly trickling out, not voting on key issues, etc. and Eventually it was Eviend, Robo and me.

I met Buzzbee (Ken) next in the forum, he was fired up at a post that I wrote which was written in total sarcasm to someone who was trashing the fact people used anything chemical (right down to powdered sugar) he called such members as poluting the planet, killing all that is natural and pure, and Buzzbee mistook my sarcasm written as a reply to the powered sugar post - I was over the top, but in context it all made sense. I think Buzzbee missed the first part of the post, and tore me a new one. After explaining why I said what I said, he appologised, agreed in whole and I liked his way of thinking.

About that same time the last two fellows TWT (Ted) and Dallas came along, it was right around the birth of Ventrilo Chat and they were some of the first people there were to chat with. Ted came to the rescue and made Mod when spammers practically destroyed our old PHP forum, they were logging in with spam to adult sites, pramacies online - all that crap. We didn't have a real varifier to make sure it was a human signing up after a version update of the software and spammers were coming quicker than could be deleted.

Dallas was the first to suggest voice chat as a means of communicating actually, it came up in a conversation and we searched out programs - I'm a little fuzzy about how Ventrilo first came up, but it was hosted on my computer, later Buzzbee's and finally on a secure and dedicated server that does nothing but host Ventrilo Voice chat.

Ted also then took on the extreme job of saving the cookbook forum which also had been over run (even worse) by spammers, this was during a sad time when my Mother passed away and I was pretty useless to anyone. This got Ted into Mod status, so he could take on the job of deleting all spam posts and members in the two forums.

So after a few months (if that) of being on Ventrilo, Buzzbee and Dallas were good sensible online friends who I knew would be ideal additions to the staff and I asked them to join.

Mind you, during this time the old forum was wearing itself out, it needed someone technical to handle the software and programming part, something that I seriously lack in. Robo came forward with an idea to move us from the old PHP to the current SMF forum software - I really didn't know his talents as a programmer and he still amazes me, that was when he was moved up to Technical Administrator, a position that were are very lucky to have him piloting for us.

So, to answer you Steve, I never met anyone prior before they were mods, and didn't start meeting anyone until Dallas and his family when I flew down to his home, then got to meet Ken and his Family a year later when Dallas visited me and my wife, after that Ted and his family came and stayed with us on their way to Maine. I still haven't Met Robo or Eviend - I surely hope to someday soon, most likely I'll catch up with Rob at a Beekeeping Gathering somewhere - but Eviend may take a while, he's in Oslo, Norway.

So that's the story (as best as this fading mind can remember) it is interesting though - we are a great group, they often put up with my hissy fits which usually ends up with me putting a foot or two in my mouth, but in the end it is a great group of guys highly dedicated to the forum and we are all lucky to have them.
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

Please enjoy the forum, and if it has helped you in any way, we hope that a small donation can be made to support our FULLY member supported forum. You will never see advertisements here, and that is because of the generous members who have made our forum possible. We are in our second decade as a beekeeping forum and all thanks to member support. At the top right of every page is a donations link. Please help if you can.

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« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2009, 12:42:49 am »

Just checking if you ever followed up on this post? Hope I answered your question about the mods okay - it was a real walk down memory lane :)

NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

Please enjoy the forum, and if it has helped you in any way, we hope that a small donation can be made to support our FULLY member supported forum. You will never see advertisements here, and that is because of the generous members who have made our forum possible. We are in our second decade as a beekeeping forum and all thanks to member support. At the top right of every page is a donations link. Please help if you can.

Offline asprince

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« Reply #14 on: April 03, 2009, 01:29:38 pm »
Oh yes John, I read nearly all posts. Thanks

Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resembalance to the first. - Ronald Reagan

Offline johnnybigfish

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« Reply #15 on: April 03, 2009, 03:37:20 pm »
Hey John BM!
 That was really interesting about how you guys all came together and figured all this stuff out!
 It really takes great commitment for you guys to stick together and make these forums work!
And, youve all heard it a million times......This bee forum IS the best forum Ive ever come across...I dont mean just bee forums either....I'm talking about all kinds of forums! Cars, plants, baseball, fishing,...Lawnmowers, bible groups, eating.....There is just no comparing this forum with any others out there!
 There must be a website rating place on the net somewhere. I'd put this forum right on the top!
Ok,...thats all about that.......I gotta go see JP about putting the mods back to work.... :evil:

Way to go, guys!

your friend,

