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Author Topic: Cindi, I smelt dirt!!!  (Read 3411 times)

Offline poka-bee

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Cindi, I smelt dirt!!!
« on: February 19, 2009, 11:30:00 pm »
Cindi, I know you will appreciate that wonderful smell, things starting to grow, microbes waking up, wonderful dirt! Much different in the early spring than fall!
Was moving the peony (I know, shoulda done it in the fall.... :oops:) it was 15" across, with tubers the size of yams!  Tons of growth buds.  It probably won't bloom this year being angry that I dug, chopped & moved it, oh well!  Now it is in front where I can enjoy it. I have a stand of things heeled in when we put in the new house..5 years ago :shock:!! The lilacs are gonna need the fence stretcher used like a winch to ratchet em out (us short old feeble people use anything we can...)but the forsythia is still manageable thanks to the goat & cow! :evil: Pruned all the roses & apple tree. Working on limiting the "free range" of my darling chix..the little monsters scrabbed up all my strawberries & are digging UNDER the rockery part of the pond! I got so behind w/Dads illness,death, Kid problems, Bruce's accident & then hip replacement..think there was some depression in there too but am feeling more & more like myself.  It is so satisfying to go out & see things done..gonna try to expand the chix house adding to the N side of the barn..I build like you so it should be interesting & funny to some of those who can actually build! Rose discovered the rubber shedding dealie, she loves it till she realizes I'm close to her, she sniffs me & if I'm looking @ her she throws her head to the side snorting cow snot all over trying to get my human cooties out of her sinuses! She sneaks up & sniffs me if I sit still not making eye contact, standing close for quite a long time & is jealous of the goat chasing him away. They were both scampering around the pasture w/me the other day, cows look funny jumping & running!  Is your snow gone yet with all this sun we have been having?? Have you scouted out a market for your eggs in the area you are planning on moving to?  Wow, this quick post ended up being a novel!  It must just kill you to not play in the dirt!  J
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Offline reinbeau

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Re: Cindi, I smelt dirt!!!
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2009, 11:41:48 am »
Oh, I wanna smell dirt so bad, I long for that early spring morning when I open the door and it smells fresh, alive, emerging, green - and we've got at least five weeks before it will happen.  I know I'm not Cindi but you struck a chord in me today!  The sun is blazing but it's 28°F out there with a stiff wind - spring flirted with us last week but she's back in hiding again

Offline poka-bee

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Re: Cindi, I smelt dirt!!!
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2009, 11:56:17 am »
Ann, we don't have the extremes you do but once your spring gets underway it goes! Ours flirts with us till July!  A week here, 2 weeks there & then the rain, drizzle, grey & cold..cold meaning 40's.  We do usually have an extended nice stretch in the fall but by then the sun is so short the plants are still getting into winter mode.  I'm glad you know the dirt smell, there is nothing else like it & makes your heart happy & peaceful, things are as they should be!  Should be nice today too..maybe I'll dig a hole just for the fun of it! :yippiechick:  J
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Offline reinbeau

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Re: Cindi, I smelt dirt!!!
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2009, 05:06:49 pm »
Last year we had a wonderful spring, but some years we go from winter to July - I mean we might get two weeks of warm, 50° days, maybe a 60° day, then WHAM! we shoot to the 80's and pretty much stay there - I don't like those kinds of Springs.  Too hot, too dry, things get off to a bad start.  I hope we have a nice, gradual warmup that lasts a few weeks this year!

Offline Cindi

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Re: Cindi, I smelt dirt!!!
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2009, 06:34:34 pm »
Ann, Jody, one thing that gardeners have in common, we love the smell of dirt!!!!!  Nothin' on earth smells like that good ol' hunk o' dirt.  And Ann, you can chime in any time you like, you know that, smiling.

Oh Jody, you lucky lucky gal....I pictured you out there doing the spring clean up.  I can't get out there yet, I know the ground is still fairly frozen.  We have the snow that is mostly gone now in the sunny spots, but down by the pool, man, still looks like a winter wonderland.  I can't wait.  We have had sun now for several days, the ground is thawing fast, but it is deceiving.  At night it still goes below freezing, so the ground that has thawed gets the frost heaves.  Oh brother.  My heart is just not in the gardening mode this year.  It will come I know, but I just am having a hard time with that get-up and go I have this time of the year.

Jody, you lost your Father?  Did you make a post about this and I missed it?  You have had a rough winter.  Tell about Bruce and his hip, I didn't know that either, you must tell us these things that go on in your life.  I know I like to hear and would love to give you moral support, should you ever need it, I am only a few keystrokes away, hee, hee, smiling and  8-) 8-) 8-).  I don't doubt for a minute that you had A LOT of depression going on in your life, you just don't realize it.  I have had a rough go with my Grandsons and their Mother and Father moving away (that was on Christmas day), I've been pretty ding dang depressed too.  Getting through it though, it does sadden my heart, I miss my Grandsons so much  :(.  But, I must look on the positive side, I had the privilege of them living no more than 20 feet from my kitchen window for many years, think it was about 6 years, those were some pretty wonderful years and I am ever so grateful for that.  I need a fix of them and my Daughters, guess I'll be going on a road trip soon, smiling..... 8-)  8-)  :) :) :) they are only five hours away.

No Jody, haven't even began to think about any egg sales.  Too premature as we just don't know where we will settle.  I don't want to take too many birds on our move, I will build up my birds again.  I need to find out what breed is the most winter-hardy.  I do know for a fact that we will be in the land of deep freezing for months, eeks!!!

I love to hear your stories and antics with your critters at your place, keep writing little novels, they are cool and always such an interesting read.  AND....you take me right there in my mind's eye, you have a wonderful story telling talent.  Have a great, most wonderful day and life, and health.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service