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Author Topic: Selling Yourself Short?  (Read 22023 times)

Offline CaptainCanuck

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Re: Selling Yourself Short?
« Reply #60 on: January 23, 2009, 01:25:26 am »
With all due respect (and I did say with all due respect),that was one crazy, rambling, poorly spelled, disjointed post Beemaster. Just a little free advice, don't hit the crack pipe before you log on to the puter'.

     God Bless (I've just offended people who don't beleve in God :roll:)

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Re: Selling Yourself Short?
« Reply #61 on: January 23, 2009, 01:42:21 am »
I'm sorry Captain, but I suffer from seizure disorder - epilepsy of the frontal lobe. I have both short term memory, offactory and uncontrollable anxiety ALL brought on by Lymes Disease in 2001 which took a short cut to my brain, put me in a hospital, traveled my centralnervous system and burned my brain in the front. I try very hard to do this typing and it is becoming difficult. This typing in 1 years time has become laborous, and it is something I love with a passion.

I'm sorry I spent three months getting daily antibiotic shots to stay alive when the virus infected the blood brain barrier.

I have "memory" and now "typing issues" I have seen this developed over 2 weeks time - I see my neurologist this coming week - I take Seizure medication 2 times daily and I am healthy with some handicaps.

Captain: Many forums would allow me to say SCREW YOU as a reply to the crackpipe part, but we don't do that here, we treat you with respect, that is all we want from you. Instead you stuck a crackpipe in my mouth and lit it so I could post a post that looked okay to my damaged brain - sorry if it freakin bothers you in any way.

You get a warning for that, because I am tolerant of savages entering from the jungles. You really need to come in here with your shoes off and take her down a BIG NOTCH. You obviously posted that last message to get banned, no one wants you banned they want you to behave, that is totally different and you have one chance to behave.

Members.... I ask you is this FAIR????

Why couldn't you chill.

There will be no more warnings, behave in here or you will go away from Beemaster Family Friendly Forums - you are just having wiithdraw from other forums that all, we have support groups here to help you - it will be over soon, hang in there it gets much better very quickly.

P.S. Ask anyone here, I'm dropping the soap to you this time, use it wisely and join our place where you end by agreeing to disagree and not carry hatred because someone else's pont of views differ from yours. What is so hard to understand. I have admited to all of you I am brain damaged and I ask for your patiences reading some posts. But I don't lack the power to lead this  pathetic member out the Forum Door - but he has the golden ticket, a free pass to be a good member, let's see what he does with it - you all know it is a very magical gift. I hope he can change, they are like Vampires, they want to change but many just can't. It's sad.

All Moderators - be fair but strong, you have full control of this stupid issue of a man who can not play like a good little boy. So you are marked,being nice keeps you here active to post freely and curtestly to all as if you knew everyone in this village personally. That's what we do here. I'm not looking for Mayberry, I just want a safe block for our kids to play and a joyous experience for the adult members, not one of conflict and negative posts.

Why on Earth am I explaining any of this to you - I think it is more for the members. I can think of at least two who cried reading this. You ain't hot pooh here, your a new guy, act like one and meet people with THOUSANDS of years combine experience who have talked for nearly 6 years in this forum - they are good friends, if not almost family. Don't think your gonna sell your CRAP VACCUUM by throwing dirt on our floors.

LASTLY, it is up to you. IF you fail learning to be FREINDS with the members quickly, then you are a sharing member, if you pop your words out to rib someone they better accept it as humor or kindness and THAT is what it should have been intended by you.

If I were a betting man, I'd say you couldn't do it - hang here 48 hours without making an Ahole of yourself. Please prove me wrong.

ANY INPUT APPRICIATED MEMBERS. BACK ME UP IF YOU BELIEVE I AM RIGHT. TELL ME WHAT YOU WOULD DO. BE CONSTRUCTIVE, but these guys, using this language wants to know why their membershp is in jeopardy - dud?
« Last Edit: January 23, 2009, 02:19:24 am by beemaster »
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Offline CaptainCanuck

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Re: Selling Yourself Short?
« Reply #62 on: January 23, 2009, 01:59:50 am »
Actually I'm a woman. That might explain why "I'm too in touch with my feminine side" (an incredibly offensive, sexist comment that I suppose is the fault of the lymes disease) . With a masters degree in psychology I'm very familiar with the concept of conforming to the group. It makes people feel safe,accepted,like they belong, unfortunately it doesn't foster growth.

  Your site needs an "unregister" option

     God Bless

 To respond to your ever growing post, it's my opinion that the reason you didn't ban me was because you wouldn't have had an excuse to contribute all that nonsense.

 I was going to quote your more colorful insults, but I see that they have been removed. I realize that speaking to someone in that manner probably is an attempt on your part to feel "whole".

  I'll pray for your soul.


« Last Edit: January 23, 2009, 02:48:29 am by CaptainCanuck »

Offline tlynn

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Re: Selling Yourself Short?
« Reply #63 on: January 23, 2009, 09:36:09 am »
     God Bless (I've just offended people who don't beleve in God :roll:)

I'm not a Christian (assuming that's the religion you refer to) and I'm not offended.  What I am a little bit offended by...just a little bit, is people who claim to be Christians and then to do something nasty like shoot out an insult like you did.  That might be something to jokingly say in familiar company, but you don't know him or anybody else here for that matter.  I think Jesus said "Love thy neighbor as thyself."  Sage advice which as a "non-believer" I work hard to live by just the same.  If you're going to toss around your membership then maybe that's one to consider.

Offline Keith13

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Re: Selling Yourself Short?
« Reply #64 on: January 23, 2009, 10:07:43 am »
don't you have to be over 60 to know what woodstock was ?

No I was talking about the one they did in the late 90's ;)


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Re: Selling Yourself Short?
« Reply #65 on: January 23, 2009, 10:27:00 am »
With all due respect (and I did say with all due respect),that was one crazy, rambling, poorly spelled, disjointed post Beemaster. Just a little free advice, don't hit the crack pipe before you log on to the puter'.

     God Bless (I've just offended people who don't beleve in God :roll:)

Just my opinion,but it looks like  a guest in your home tried to spit in your face. Just my opinion,but if thats the gratitude you get for allowing them to be a member,I would have to think twice about their intentions here. The intentions do not seem to be of good nature.

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Re: Selling Yourself Short?
« Reply #66 on: January 23, 2009, 10:42:12 am »
We do have a SELF DELE ACCOUNT BUTTON in the profile section at the botton left - I'll make sure it is turned on and PLEASE use the door to go away. If you don't leave on your own, tonight you are banned anyway.

Captain, I just accidentally erased a page I wasted righting you. First I think you are freaking sick enjoying humor concerning someone Brain Disease or any ailment, 25 years ago, intollerent scum laughed at my brother in his wheelchair - he had sever cerebral palsy, in exchange firend took it upon themselves to let the dirtbag see what it was like to not havr your hands and feet working for a few months - I bet he grew a great deal of respect from his lesson. I didn't know thatfriends of my brother and mine showed an arrogant and intollerant low life that HEALTH is a blessing, not something you can laugh at when someone else suffers and you don't

That make you dog crap in my book. We have officers who nearly gave their lives to protect citizens in our forum, you'd probably chuckle along even more at their constant struggles. You are selfish and revolting - my stomach turns thinking of people that you conjure up in my mind. I won't waste another post writing you.

You will be banned for repeated bad mouthing a member of the forum, you couldn't even take 30 seconds and add your location to your profile - you are not a team player, so go play with yourself. Enough is enough, I'll give you today to say happy good byes, but I don't think you made any friends here, have you? But by midnight tonight EST you will be banned.

NO ONE MAKES FUN OF ANY ONE'S HANDICAPS and stays here - I almost died because of neurological lymes and you find it laughable that I work hard trying to communicate when my ability to type has lessened greatly from a brain disease - you sick twisted human.

Bet your a blast around handicapped kids too - as a group, we hate the intolerance of people who walk in and act the way you act. You are pathetic to me, I feel sad for you in a tiny way, but then I recall your words and any teared eye I could work up a tear with dries right out.

midnight tonight you are gone - enjoy your last day. Don't behave and you will be banned the minute you go overboard. If you had no intention to be a member in good standing, why on Earth did you come here? Most people who act like you have agendas before coming here - but most are smart enough to make past our trial period, we've watched every post of yours and could tell days ago, you just can't hack it here.

TO THE MEMBERS - you only need to read this post or the 12 or so from this Captain what's her face and there will be no further explanation needed. Have a Good Day. At least most of the Trouble walking through the door is not good at being stealth - they all jump the gun andruin any chance of even pretending to fit it.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2009, 10:56:11 am by beemaster »
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Offline Keith13

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Re: Selling Yourself Short?
« Reply #67 on: January 23, 2009, 11:31:16 am »
Can I say something?
It seems that a good bit of this argument was held outside of our view. The sad thing is I thought all of it should have been. I have noticed lately we seem to ban someone pretty regular; it is almost a weekly occurrence. I think a lot of things are said in PM then a rebuttal is added to the thread for all to see. That is not fair to the guy just reading through the thread, we miss the whole argument then form opinions with out all the facts, making for poor opinions. Reading through this thread how it got to the point where people are being told sc**w you and to smoke a crack pipe, I can't make the connection post to post. Reading through the post you realize, as a reader, something is missing from the post.

Is this the cabin fever all joked would come? If so I think it is a shame. As long as a new member comes in and does not offend with poor language or some of the other immoral things beemaster and others has created this forum to be with out, and against, I don't see a problem with the fact their points of view are different. I notice some of the new people (who are now banned) had some views vary different then me, but I enjoyed discussing their views politely on the forums. I noticed it seemed ( to me ) they only became belligerent when we ganged up on them with threats of banishment and the such, again just my opinion     with only half the argument’s facts. I think we should maybe allow a bit more latitude with some of the new guys (as long as no bylaws are broken). I think this might make for a more rounded environment for the forums. We have so many different opinions on how to treat our bees, and in the case of this thread sell honey, how can you hope to not have a wide array of opinions on truly complicated matters such as the Israel/hamas war? We will disagree I think it makes for a better place. If every time I wrote something, I also got ten people saying yep I agree I believe I would go somewhere else, I would have to. What would I have here to learn? It is through thought that we learn and become better.

Just my thoughts I might be wrong but at least someone will think about it.


Offline CaptainCanuck

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Re: Selling Yourself Short?
« Reply #68 on: January 23, 2009, 12:39:06 pm »
 For what it's worth Keith, there were no pm's going on between me and anyone else. Everything I've written is on the forum for all to see. Not sure what prompted Beemaster to admonish me for being insulting, or for that matter being too in touch with my feminine self  :?, or that I should turn down my "revv's, but clearly he overestimates the value of being a member of this forum.

    It's pretty clear to me that he has some remorse over his unsolicitated attack, but his ego will not allow him to extract himself from the situation.

   I've counselled many people over the years with life alteing illnesses, the most difficult hurdle to overcome is for them to not use it as an excuse for their personality flaws.

 When a person lowers themselves by switching the subject to their own personal problems or rambling on about "someone they know who went through this or that in their life", my training has taught me not to fuel their fire of self pity.

     God Bless........ and "Go Leafs   :-D"

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Re: Selling Yourself Short?
« Reply #69 on: January 23, 2009, 02:37:09 pm »
Hey Captain are you ever going to tell us your location?

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Offline Kathyp

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Re: Selling Yourself Short?
« Reply #70 on: January 23, 2009, 03:13:52 pm »
captain, you could have had good discussions here, and even arguments.  no one here can be accused of engaging in "group think" on bees or other subjects.  with a few exceptions and the occasional regrettable loss of temper, we do try to show respect for others and their ideas.  sometimes we just agree to disagree.  you chose to engage in personal attacks on people you know nothing about, and with whom you chose not to take the time to get to know.

this argument over price is like the guy who started emailing me pitching a bleep about me not charging for cutouts and swarm catching.  he accused me of going about scooping up low hanging swarms and leaving the hard stuff (for which he charged) to serious beekeepers like himself.

if i can afford to undercut your price and still make the profit that I feel i need to make, that's my business.  undercutting competitors is good and smart business as long as you are not damaging your own business.  

giving away your product is your own business.  

if your competitors are getting angry about your business practices, you are probably doing something right!
Someone really ought to tell them that the world of Ayn Rand?s novel was not meant to be aspirational.

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Re: Selling Yourself Short?
« Reply #71 on: January 23, 2009, 03:41:03 pm »

Wasn't it you who explained my rambling post? I try nd explain to you a health issue which has incompasitated me at my favorite craft: writing. It is a struggle. But I'm not making excuses for anything I've said. You are rude, crude and not going to be a member here after midnight tonight. I tried to explain something you haven't been around long enough to know anything about and you write it off as a pathetic excuse on my end. You are truly a sad individual.

I ask of Keith and any member who sees what little it can take to get booted here, to understand it is their own actions that get them to that point, and of course as a REGULAR MEMBER you do not have the tracking software and data that we do whih informs us that someone is likely a plant setting up the next round of forum terrorism.

I enjoy doing corrective measures in PM but when people make a fool of themselves in public, then calling them out in public works fine for me. If you call me a crack smoking misfit or other term, should I do what? I leave their comments for all to see and show that "when applied to circumstances" our rules work quite well.

This of course wouldn't apply to our seniored members, they have earned respect and "get what we do here" people like Captain runs in, can't even post her location and then stirs crap with a broom handle and we are supposed to take it - no way.

Captain, you come in, can't play by the rules and then think making me look bad with CRACKPIPE remarks etc., but trust me, you lost your membership that day. And it wouldn't matter who it was written to - I tend to be thicker skinned when such things are addressed to me, if it were a productive member you pulled a line like that on, you would have been gone THAT MINUTE.

So, the last two weeks 3 people with similar agendas have worked their way out the door - two of them for the second time and another who was here to stir crap and failed miserably. I am stating for the record to the membership - their is a small group of "other beekeeping forum members at a rather low ranked site" who thinks that enough head-games with us will raise them in their standings. They recast the same half a dozen members in here under different IDs and after a week or two they go over the top doing what they intended to do - make Beemaster Forums look like the bad guys.

If people would rather just see the windows and doors left open and see what flys stroll in and what maggots fester in the trash, we could run their game their way. Instead, if I get a little combative with a third time offender or someone with no intention of sticking around, only making what few days they have here miserable - the Captain has bought some time and is winding down.

But if you think that I feel REMORSE for anything I've aid to you - you are not correct. I ask you to calm your jets, you tell me to put down the crack pipe. Let me explain this Captain - you have no rights here, you haven't even earned priviledges in our group. Your only reason for still being here is to get more wasted typing out of me, so that too will end now.

-----------------  MEMBER INSIGHT -----------------

The new people coming and then getting booted are a WAVE of people, many from a place OTHER THAN BEESOURCE (so please no rumors there) and this flock of new members are here to cause havoc - I choose to call them on it, rather than hide this behind the scenes. It is not your average new member, there is a possee in town and they've spread out and are coming in at different times to appear that turmoil exists.

No this isn''t Cabin Fever", that is when people just get grumpy fro months of not doing anything much with their bees - This is a handful of people we need to deal with - the best they can hope for is US to boot a ton of what appears all new people so it appears we have issues, all we are doing is taking out the trash and freshening the air here - it is NOT as big of a deal as you may think. We have slugs making their way back in again and again, so we need to poor salt on the slugs. It is almost over, the slugs are retreating to the pile they crawled from.

Just cause someone says they are new, doesn't mean this isn't their third time here but they have new credentials which allow them through the filters. These are our main concerns, real new members with issues, if they feel the need to go, I'm more than willing to show them the door.

I wish I could tell everyone Everything - you need to trust that behind the scenes LOTS go on here. Keeping it civil for the members is a full time job sometimes and other times weeks go by with no troubles.

I'll reword this if need be, back on soon.
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Re: Selling Yourself Short?
« Reply #72 on: January 23, 2009, 04:48:55 pm »
Hey Captain are you ever going to tell us your location?


I think she did...."Go leafs"... ;)
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Offline reinbeau

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Re: Selling Yourself Short?
« Reply #73 on: January 23, 2009, 04:55:48 pm »
Actually I'm a woman. That might explain why "I'm too in touch with my feminine side" (an incredibly offensive, sexist comment that I suppose is the fault of the lymes disease) . With a masters degree in psychology I'm very familiar with the concept of conforming to the group. It makes people feel safe,accepted,like they belong, unfortunately it doesn't foster growth.

  Your site needs an "unregister" option

     God Bless

 To respond to your ever growing post, it's my opinion that the reason you didn't ban me was because you wouldn't have had an excuse to contribute all that nonsense.

 I was going to quote your more colorful insults, but I see that they have been removed. I realize that speaking to someone in that manner probably is an attempt on your part to feel "whole".

  I'll pray for your soul.

Wow.  Just, wow.  My husband told me about this thread and I have to say, I am amazed at the total and complete lack of human compassion you've shown here.  Don't let the door hit you on the butt on the way out. Then again, methinks you're nothing but a

Offline CaptainCanuck

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Re: Selling Yourself Short?
« Reply #74 on: January 23, 2009, 04:58:11 pm »
Your post was "rambling" because you were telling me not to insult people, something about "revving it down" and something about being too close to my feminine side.

  Well, my posts are there for all to see. There are no insults, no arguments, no "revved up" comments, and as a woman I can't help but to be feminine.

 It was you that tried to spin that as an attack on your diminished mental capacity, which I could not possiby have any knowledge of.

 You seem to be implying that I have arrived from some other forum. That is a false assumption on your part.

  But, I will give you credit for making me laugh. You claim that you want to have a family friendly forum, and yet your posts contain the most vulgar,base and disgusting comments that I have seen here. I guess it's not my place to tell you how to raise your family, but I wouldn't want children reading that nonsense and thinking that is the way an adult should communicate.

   I will pray that you find peace.

Offline Kathyp

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Re: Selling Yourself Short?
« Reply #75 on: January 23, 2009, 05:05:25 pm »
yet your posts contain the most vulgar,base and disgusting comments

just to satisfy my curious side....could you reference some of these comments?

and as a woman I can't help but to be feminine.

there is a difference between being female and being feminine.
Someone really ought to tell them that the world of Ayn Rand?s novel was not meant to be aspirational.


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Re: Selling Yourself Short?
« Reply #76 on: January 23, 2009, 05:10:53 pm »
time to lock this thread-up. No good can come from this at this point. On the bright side, bees were flying today and I got stung. Felt like an old shoe.....
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Offline Kathyp

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Re: Selling Yourself Short?
« Reply #77 on: January 23, 2009, 05:15:03 pm »
:-(  i was just winding up!!   :chop:  that's no fun  :evil:
Someone really ought to tell them that the world of Ayn Rand?s novel was not meant to be aspirational.


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Re: Selling Yourself Short?
« Reply #78 on: January 23, 2009, 05:32:48 pm »
:-(  i was just winding up!!   :chop:  that's no fun  :evil:

Its almost 5PM here, I guess I am feeling a TGIF moment and being "mellow" ! :-P
"The more complex the Mind, the Greater the need for the simplicity of Play".

Offline tlynn

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Re: Selling Yourself Short?
« Reply #79 on: January 23, 2009, 05:36:35 pm »
:-(  i was just winding up!!   :chop:  that's no fun  :evil:

Its almost 5PM here, I guess I am feeling a TGIF moment and being "mellow" ! :-P

Couldn't agree more!  Buh bye!  :locked:

