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Author Topic: Bee swarm kills six in car smash and sting  (Read 7901 times)

Offline Jerrymac

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Bee swarm kills six in car smash and sting
« on: September 11, 2008, 03:04:04 pm »

Bee swarm kills six in car smash and sting Thu Sep 11, 12:37 AM ET
Three people were stung to death after a truck carrying dozens of bee hives overturned in northeast China and three more were killed on the road as they tried to steer clear of the swarm, newspapers said on Thursday.

The bee-hive truck collided with a farm vehicle on Wednesday and overturned near Changchun, the capital of Jilin province, the China Daily said.

Pictures showed thousands of bees swarming around the accident site as workers, wearing protective clothing, cleared the debris.

The East Asia Economy and Trade News said three more people were killed hours later when two trucks collided as they tried to avoid the swarm.

There had been seven deadly accidents on the same section of road in three months, the newspaper said.

(Reporting by Yu Le; Editing by Nick Macfie)

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Offline SgtMaj

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Re: Bee swarm kills six in car smash and sting
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2008, 06:21:36 am »
Just a thought, but couldn't they have run... or just stayed in the vehicles if the windows were all still in tact?  How many of them were killed by the impact and not the bees?

I also have to quesition reporting that comes out of China... You never really know how accurate it is when you know the government is doing the reporting.  Especially since there have been numberous bee truck accidents around the world this year, with no other people getting stung to death.

Offline Jerrymac

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Re: Bee swarm kills six in car smash and sting
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2008, 10:57:07 am »
I guess if they wreaked because they were dodging the bees then the bees killed them even if they were not stung.

A cow jumps onto the road, you dodge and smack a power pole knocking the power lines into a swimming pool full of people, how many people did the cow kill?
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Offline SgtMaj

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Re: Bee swarm kills six in car smash and sting
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2008, 10:54:10 pm »
None, the cow just stood there... it was the driver that killed people (driving too fast to safely stop in time, or to avoid the accident, swerving the wrong way, swerving too much, etc.).  Accident avoidance is the responsibility of the driver, not the conditions.

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Re: Bee swarm kills six in car smash and sting
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2008, 12:18:43 am »
You know how hard it is to see a black cow on a dark night?

Yes a late night pool party  :-D
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Offline SgtMaj

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Re: Bee swarm kills six in car smash and sting
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2008, 12:27:25 am »
You know how hard it is to see a black cow on a dark night?

That just means the driver should have been driving slower.

Offline JP

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Re: Bee swarm kills six in car smash and sting
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2008, 01:43:11 pm »
You know how hard it is to see a black cow on a dark night?

That just means the driver should have been driving slower.

Yes and no, especially if the black cow is looking the other way.

I was driving the speed limit 55 one night many yrs ago near Roxie,Ms on hwy 33, hit what I thought was a brick wall, wound up being a 135lb Rotweiller.

I was driving an its bitsi truck, ya know, a motor on wheels, and the incident almost left me stranded.

It was pitch black on that road and the road had no reflectors and was black topped.

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Offline SgtMaj

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Re: Bee swarm kills six in car smash and sting
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2008, 03:41:32 pm »
Nope, the speed limit isn't the speed you're supposed to go, it's the maximum speed you're allowed to go.  If you ever hit anything, you were driving too fast for the conditions... well, as long as you're still conscious and not passed out like John.  Had you been driving only 15-20 mph, I'd wager you might have been able to see and avoid that rotwieler. 

Offline johnnybigfish

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Re: Bee swarm kills six in car smash and sting
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2008, 07:30:46 pm »
 You never met my Rotty!
 I can be driving up my driveway at 5 mph and that foolheaded dog will just fly out of now where to get in front of me and make me stop! He does this so I will give him a ride in the truck!..Its sometimes only fifty feet from the house.
This is worse in the dark too!.The only way he can bee seen is by seeing his red, glowing eyes!!!!( actually, they glow white to pale blue, but red sounded scarier!)
 I know a guy who ran into a black cow once...Totalled his truck....But Jimmy was/is an idiot..Killed the cow, and he had to buy it from the rancher who owned the cow and the land.
Oh yeh,....back to the bees.....
or powerpoles.....Nawww,...lets just jump in the pool and see what happens next!

your friend,

Offline Jerrymac

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Re: Bee swarm kills six in car smash and sting
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2008, 09:12:48 pm »
I hit a horse once in the dead of the night. I hit him after I dodged the other four. There just wasn't any place else to go. Dented my left fender above the headlight. Knocked out a fog light. This was a 1998 Durango.

The horse? Not a scratch or a limp. Acted like nothing happened.
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Offline JP

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Re: Bee swarm kills six in car smash and sting
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2008, 12:29:35 am »
Nope, the speed limit isn't the speed you're supposed to go, it's the maximum speed you're allowed to go.  If you ever hit anything, you were driving too fast for the conditions... well, as long as you're still conscious and not passed out like John.  Had you been driving only 15-20 mph, I'd wager you might have been able to see and avoid that rotwieler. 

The conditions were clear night, no rain or fog in sight, the maximum speed limit was 55, I was going somewhere between 50 and 55, was not in any rush was on my way to the store on a dark road on a dark, clear night, so how was I going too fast for the conditions??????

If I remember correctly it was about 7:30 at night and there was light traffic.

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Offline Jerrymac

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Re: Bee swarm kills six in car smash and sting
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2008, 06:49:05 am »
There is this weird logic out there that dictates that if you have an accident of any kind, you were going too fast for the conditions.

A bright clear day, high noon, you're going 2MPH and bump something, you were going too fast. Must have been. Otherwise why didn't you see it and stop before hitting the thing?

The conditions include everything. The weather. Your car. AND you. Did you yawn before hitting the thing? Sneeze? Blink because something got into your eye?

This is one of those you can't argue against.
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Offline SgtMaj

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Re: Bee swarm kills six in car smash and sting
« Reply #12 on: September 15, 2008, 07:32:56 am »
The conditions were clear night, no rain or fog in sight, the maximum speed limit was 55, I was going somewhere between 50 and 55, was not in any rush was on my way to the store on a dark road on a dark, clear night, so how was I going too fast for the conditions?????

Simple, because you hit something.  It was apparantly too dark to see a dark colored object in your way.  Which means that no matter how slow you were going when you hit it... that speed was too fast for those conditions.  Had it been a dark colored car that was parked in the road with no lights on, your insurance would have been the one to pay.  You can probably understand that, because you were the one that hit them.  However, your insurance will only pay a claim if you're legally at fault.  Why were you at fault when they were the one stopped in the road with no lights on?  Because the courts have defined that if you hit them, you were driving too fast for the conditions (speed limit is irrelevant here).  The ONLY excuse that can work when you hit something, is that this thing, darted out into the road when it was already too late for accident avoidance, in that case, because you had no chance of accident avoidance, you're not responsible.

Offline JP

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Re: Bee swarm kills six in car smash and sting
« Reply #13 on: September 15, 2008, 07:52:01 am »
The conditions were clear night, no rain or fog in sight, the maximum speed limit was 55, I was going somewhere between 50 and 55, was not in any rush was on my way to the store on a dark road on a dark, clear night, so how was I going too fast for the conditions?????

Simple, because you hit something.  It was apparantly too dark to see a dark colored object in your way.  Which means that no matter how slow you were going when you hit it... that speed was too fast for those conditions.  Had it been a dark colored car that was parked in the road with no lights on, your insurance would have been the one to pay.  You can probably understand that, because you were the one that hit them.  However, your insurance will only pay a claim if you're legally at fault.  Why were you at fault when they were the one stopped in the road with no lights on?  Because the courts have defined that if you hit them, you were driving too fast for the conditions (speed limit is irrelevant here).  The ONLY excuse that can work when you hit something, is that this thing, darted out into the road when it was already too late for accident avoidance, in that case, because you had no chance of accident avoidance, you're not responsible.

State Farm paid the claim.

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Offline Scadsobees

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Re: Bee swarm kills six in car smash and sting
« Reply #14 on: September 15, 2008, 11:12:31 am »
I hit a horse once in the dead of the night. I hit him after I dodged the other four. There just wasn't any place else to go. Dented my left fender above the headlight. Knocked out a fog light. This was a 1998 Durango.

The horse? Not a scratch or a limp. Acted like nothing happened.

My mom got a horse too, only she was probably going faster when she hit it and it was dark and rainy.  You just don't expect to see a horse on the road.

Caused $1500 damage to the van and the horse...well...the horse got hit in its head and was alive but bleeding but we don't have any idea what happened to it.
China...in a country where they got punished for melamine in pet food they sent to us and now they kill their own babies with it...nothing really surprises me anymore, sadly.

Offline johnnybigfish

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Re: Bee swarm kills six in car smash and sting
« Reply #15 on: September 15, 2008, 07:22:51 pm »
I ran into a fireplug once!
I was doing about 3 mph. At first i thought it was a telephone pole!
I was in my dads '65 chevy pick-up.
The plug came through the floorboard on the passenger side!
 The next day I went to look at the damage....It was totalled. But, as I was taking out my stereo and speakers and whatever else i wanted to keep I looked up in the dash...There were 2 cigars, one next to the glass on my side, and one next to the glass on the passenger side! There was only about half an inch smoked off both of them!...Appparently, me and david had just both lit 2 very nice cigars when we got in the truck....And, upon impact, and unbeknownst to us, the cigars POPPED right out of our mouths!! :shock: I guess it was a good thing that nothing caught on fire, huh?

That horse was funny jerry!

your friend,

