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Author Topic: Brand New to Beekeeping  (Read 2581 times)

Offline Sand Creek Dairy

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Brand New to Beekeeping
« on: June 23, 2008, 04:09:36 am »
I mean soooo new that we havnt even made boxes yet..lol
We are looking at the ceder lumber out her that we have but not sure if that would be just ok,good or bad...have no idea what is what as far as stacking of the boxes or what kind of boxes there are..what I need exactly to get going..we want to provide the best to our ability for the bees...just have no idea about them ..

I've been reading and reading several different places but it's just kinda joggled my pea brain lol
I have no idea what a drone or a worker looks like as to tell the difference, cant find any examples :(
How many do you put in a box (I figure that depends on size of box) I dont want a swarm but I want enough in there to keep them comming back.. I know the queen is larger longer than the others ...but how in the world do you tell what is what when they start laying?? I'm sooooo lost but want to learn!!
Do they kill off the other 'types' of bees that hang around?? like the wasps and hornets or yellow jackets..or are they subject to being hurt by these nasty lil' critters?? Ants...do they kill ants or how do you keep ants away from that wonderful honey??

We plan to use the honey as well as part of the beeswax in our soaps  :) 

Thank you all...I'm so glad there is somewhere that we can learn and hopefully learn how to be a successful beekeeper..

Offline indypartridge

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Re: Brand New to Beekeeping
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2008, 07:06:12 am »
Hello and Welcome!

This is a great forum to learn more about bees and beekeeping. A good place to start is the tutorials on the main Beemaster page: that will get you thru all the basics, the terminology, etc.

The 'search' function is very useful. Many times I find that my question has already been discussed and I can get an immediate answer.

Also, please update your profile to include your location. Much of beekeeping is "location-specific", i.e., "what to do" in a particular situation often depends on where you live (local climate). We'll be able to provide better answers when we know where you are.

Lastly, get involved with a local beekeeping club. Clubs often offer beginning beekeeping classes, and they are great places to find mentors and get connected with nearby beeks.

Offline Cindi

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Re: Brand New to Beekeeping
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2008, 11:06:11 am »
SandCreekDairy.  Welcome to our forum.  It won't take long, once you have began to study about the bees, to find out the answers to many of the questions that you are seeking.  You will also get answers here.  Take your time, get to understand and know about bees, that will be your avenue to keeping bees, one fine day, and you will love to be involved in these little ones' lives. Have the most wonderful and beautiful day, Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service

Offline Sand Creek Dairy

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Re: Brand New to Beekeeping
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2008, 11:55:04 am »
Thank you all!! Guess I'm just excited and scared at the same time..lol

Offline Bee-Bop

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Re: Brand New to Beekeeping
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2008, 11:04:55 pm »
Just completely starting out I would suggest contacting Your local BeeKeepers Assn.
I believe it is;
 Parkland BKPKS Assn.
David Hannah
5583 Flatwood Dr.
Farmington, Mo.

" If Your not part of the genetic solution of breeding mite-free bees, then You're part of the problem "

Offline johnnybigfish

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Re: Brand New to Beekeeping
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2008, 12:32:11 am »
 My first good bee book I found was "Beekeeping for Dummies"..This helped me understand all the terminology that was printed in all the prior bee books I had read.
 If its any consolation to you, I have only seen one of my queens after installation :-D. But I have seen lots of eggs and larva! I figure they move around alot slower than a queen :roll:
 What I like about the drones is how loud they flap their wings! They are the LOUDEST bees!..and they dont sting either!

Your bees in a box, regardless, are basically swarms. First you have a hive,...hive gets crowded...bee swarm if left to their own devices. The bees you got originally would have become a swarm anyways if they werent caught up to send to you. In my minds eye, you have a swarm...The bees just havent gone through the political process to make their transformation.
So far, my bees seem to be living well with the ants. These are , so far, piss ants, not fire ants. The fire ants down here are sons a biscuits.They hurt everything!

If you get bees somehow, before you're set up for them,You'll be astonished at how fast you can get things all set up in a mtter of minutes!
 We wanna hear more!!
good luck!

your friend,