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Author Topic: burn baby burn  (Read 3212 times)

Offline Jerrymac

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burn baby burn
« on: June 06, 2008, 03:17:06 pm »

Man sets blaze while trying to kill pesky bees

Thu Jun 5, 6:49 PM ET

Joshua Mullen just wanted to kill the bees swarming around his utility shed. When Mullen, 26, walked away from the gasoline-soaked towels he was using, he heard a "whoosh" and turned around to see the shed in flames that spread to his rented home and wound up causing some $80,000 in damage.

"There were no injuries, unless you count the bees," Mobile Fire-Rescue spokesman Steve Huffman said.

Huffman said the fire appears to have started when the pilot light of a hot-water heater in the shed ignited fumes from the gas.

Mullen, who rented the home after his Biloxi, Miss., residence was destroyed by Hurricane Katrina, said he had poured gas on some towels the bees were swarming around and then walked away to pick up some trash in the yard.

He managed to get his fiancee and 1-year-old daughter safely out of the house. The blaze was hot enough that it melted some plastic blinds through a closed window on a neighbor's house.

A trained mechanic, Mullen said he has been trained on gasoline flash points and flammability but didn't expect the gas to put off enough fumes to catch fire.

"Looking at all this, there might have been a better way," Mullen said while a few surviving bees buzzed around the ashes of the shed. "It was a mistake. I wish I hadn't done it, but I did."
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Offline Keith13

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Re: burn baby burn
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2008, 04:35:06 pm »
You almost have to wonder what the last few bees were thinking " geez what an idiot this guy is" :evil:

Its amazing nature always has a way to balance itself out
Stupid man=no more house=can't live any longer.
too bad someone will help him out

Offline derrick1p1

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Re: burn baby burn
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2008, 05:47:57 pm »
A trained mechanic, Mullen said he has been trained on gasoline flash points and flammability but didn't expect the gas to put off enough fumes to catch fire.

Alot of good that did.  Where did he train.....Would have thought he would have learned the consequences of this in "Flash Point 101".

Survival of the fittest.
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Offline MustbeeNuts

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Re: burn baby burn
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2008, 07:11:28 pm »
Just another freaking idot. Nuff said!  Guess they forgot to put on the sign. Gasoline Flammable! Keep from open flame!
Each new day brings decisions,  these are  new branches on the tree of life.

Offline JP

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Re: burn baby burn
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2008, 08:55:12 pm »
Let's see, pilot light, gas fumes, pilot light, gas fumes, sound like a recipe for disaster? To those with half a brain, maybe?

Heard of a next door neighbor that set his neighbor's house on fire trying to kill bees for him. For goodness sakes he was just trying to be neighborly! Involved a propane torch and a high combustible aerosol can of bug spray.

Another neighbor came on by and politely told the two goombahs, hey, is that smoke supposed to be coming outta the top of your roof!

Stupid is, is stupid does.

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