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Author Topic: When Cats talk and other wierd stuff  (Read 81647 times)

Offline Brian D. Bray

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Re: When Cats talk and other wierd stuff
« Reply #100 on: December 18, 2008, 06:44:14 pm »
I think it is the pain levels and the medication that put my mind into a state where it sorts out patterns in what might be considered background noise.  A higher pain lever plus and extra pain pill and my mind shifts gears into an unknown realm.  I guess you'd say I become Autistic.  Like seeing colors for numbers. 1 is plain white, 6 is powder blue, stuff like that. 
But the part about understanding the what the animals are saying is still valid I think.  It's just that when I'm in that "altered state" I no longer have the conscious restrictions that block out the meanings of their sounds.  I've come to realize the Dogese, and Catese is a lot like Chinese, a subtle but different inflection has a totally different meaning.
I say this because, having become aware that animals can speak in a way that can be understood, I'm finding that I understand more and more animals. 

Either that or I need to ever vigilant of people with butterfly nets.
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Offline Natalie

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Re: When Cats talk and other wierd stuff
« Reply #101 on: December 18, 2008, 06:52:28 pm »
Hey Brian, love this thread. I just want to tell you how bad I feel for your back situation.
I have had 3 back surgeries, the last one was a spinal fusion and they went through my stomach to fuse the spine. I shudder even now when I think of it and it still didn't fix anything.
I guess my discs are just too broken up and all that. I have permanent nerve damage in my leg from the disc pushing on the nerve and I lost all use of my right leg for months.
They told me I probably would never be able to walk on it again but I worked hard and had faith and I can definitely use it, it just hurts wherever its not already numb.
Anyway, I tell you this because I want you to make sure they do not let this go on you. It can get worse like mine did and then you have alot worse problems.
My doctors waited too long to take me seriously and I am still paying for it.
Pain keeping you up at night is the pits.
Hope you get some relief soon and have a great holiday.

Offline Brian D. Bray

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Re: When Cats talk and other wierd stuff
« Reply #102 on: December 18, 2008, 07:53:23 pm »
Hey Brian, love this thread. I just want to tell you how bad I feel for your back situation.
I have had 3 back surgeries, the last one was a spinal fusion and they went through my stomach to fuse the spine. I shudder even now when I think of it and it still didn't fix anything.
I guess my discs are just too broken up and all that. I have permanent nerve damage in my leg from the disc pushing on the nerve and I lost all use of my right leg for months.
They told me I probably would never be able to walk on it again but I worked hard and had faith and I can definitely use it, it just hurts wherever its not already numb.
Anyway, I tell you this because I want you to make sure they do not let this go on you. It can get worse like mine did and then you have alot worse problems.
My doctors waited too long to take me seriously and I am still paying for it.
Pain keeping you up at night is the pits.
Hope you get some relief soon and have a great holiday.

I hear you.  I've had a bad back since 1974 when I got hurt as a Police Officer, a few more injuries in the line of duty and I was retired out on disability in 1978.  That's 30 years of acute/chronic pain and it gets worse every year....I just don't know how much worse I can stand it to get.  On top of the back and head injuries I accumulated a lot of other medical baggage over the last 30 years, Minier's, Fibromyagia, Diabetes, High Blood pressure (from the pain), a bunch of allergies, along with boughts of depression.  The lastest is SAD, Season Affective Disorder.  On top of that I've had over 20 surgeries for various things.  I feel like a pin coushin.  There's more but I don't want to be more of a downer.  I just feel it more in winter, so I get depressed.
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Offline Natalie

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Re: When Cats talk and other wierd stuff
« Reply #103 on: December 18, 2008, 09:22:07 pm »
Well chronic pain absolutely will cause depression and I think the dark short days of winter are lousy to begin with.
Do you ever notice that if you do too much physical activity the pain gets bad but if you also sit around too long the pain gets bad?
I haven't been able to sleep past 3:30 a.m. for a while because I have to move around. Then by the time you fall back asleep you have to get up for the day.
Have the bee stings ever helped with the fibromyalgia pain? I know it is suppose to be good for arthritis, don't know about anything else.
I know honey is suppose to be good for allergies too.
Other than that I guess I don't have any earth shattering suggestions.
Its a bummer though and I know how frustrating it is and I hope they can do something more for you.

Offline Brian D. Bray

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Re: When Cats talk and other wierd stuff
« Reply #104 on: December 18, 2008, 09:49:57 pm »
Yes the bee stings help both the arthritis and the fibromyalgia pains.  I also have a history of RLS and have found that some Quinine plus Calcium tablets help alot with that.  I've decreased the RLS attacks by more than 3/4 since I started taking an oystershell calcium tablet and a Handy's Quinine pill every morning. 
I got the idea from remembering that we used to use Quinine and salt tablets to reduce muscle spasms in the tropics when I was in the Army.
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Re: When Cats talk and other wierd stuff
« Reply #105 on: December 18, 2008, 11:39:56 pm »
I have heard of the quinine for spasms before, my father use to take that too.
The oyster shell you mentioned reminded me of a thread I read on another site that talked about taking DE(dietomacious earth, not sure if I spelled that right) for all that ails you.
People report all kinds of good things, as long as you only take the one that is labeled food grade or codex so its for human consumption, the other kind of de is used for pool filters or something to do with pools anyway, that will do ya harm.
Anyway, like I said there is always that if you want to give it a whirl.
Its 2 tablespoons a day mixed into any kind of liquid you want. Its pretty grainy, I haven't tried it yet but my husband just started taking it.
I had been buying it to give to give to the animals, just mix it in with all their food bins. It keeps the bugs out of the food and some say bugs out of the animals.
I also toss it onto the floor of the coops to keep the fly population down.
If you do that or shovel afterwards wear a mask because its dusty and you don't want to breath that in. They say you should always wear a mask when you shovel a coop no matter what anyway, bad for the lungs, all that chicken dust.
I do think it helps with the flies alot, so I am going to have to be careful with the bees in the yard now.
I know alot of people do both and the bees are fine if the de is contained to the coop or food bins.
You can buy it online at alot of places. I can't get it around here in the local stores, at least not the food grade kind.
So now that I have rambled on about something you probably already know all about already..... :roll:
So this weather can't be doing you much good either huh? The cold rainy damp days are the worst for stirring up pain. I love those microwaveable heating pads, they feel so good on a bad back but they never stay hot long enough and then you have to get up and reheat it. Thats the bummer about those, but I do love when they are nice and hot, I find them soothing.
Have you ever tried those lidocaine pads with the sticky backs on them that you peel off and you stick right on the problem area? They numb the area.
I got them from my doctor a few years ago to try, they aren't bad for some aches and pains but I don't think they get that real deep pain, that unreachable kind that nothing can touch.
But they may work for some of your other types of pain, just something to think about.

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Re: When Cats talk and other wierd stuff
« Reply #106 on: December 19, 2008, 01:07:06 am »
But the part about understanding the what the animals are saying is still valid I think.  It's just that when I'm in that "altered state" I no longer have the conscious restrictions that block out the meanings of their sounds.  I've come to realize the Dogese, and Catese is a lot like Chinese, a subtle but different inflection has a totally different meaning.
I say this because, having become aware that animals can speak in a way that can be understood, I'm finding that I understand more and more animals. 
Either that or I need to ever vigilant of people with butterfly nets.

Brian, I don't know, I seriously think that you are onto something.  I mean, like you have somehow passed through the boundary of the different ways of communication, i.e., human, animal, you have linked occasionally yourself to communication of animals.  I seriously believe this and it is very interesting.  Have that wonderful and awesome day, wishes for health.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service

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Re: When Cats talk and other wierd stuff
« Reply #107 on: December 19, 2008, 10:19:37 am »
I think That Brian is in a diffrent realm because of what he has seen and done and the pain that he has. When I see his avatar I think of the wise man siting on top of the mountain.
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Offline Brian D. Bray

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Re: When Cats talk and other wierd stuff
« Reply #108 on: December 19, 2008, 08:50:24 pm »
I think That Brian is in a diffrent realm because of what he has seen and done and the pain that he has. When I see his avatar I think of the wise man siting on top of the mountain.

Not me, to hard on the hemroids. 

Brian, I don't know, I seriously think that you are onto something.  I mean, like you have somehow passed through the boundary of the different ways of communication, i.e., human, animal, you have linked occasionally yourself to communication of animals.  I seriously believe this and it is very interesting.  Have that wonderful and awesome day, wishes for health.  Cindi

Actually it is more than the pain, although that, I think is part of it.  The fact is that the more a person has contact with the other side (sphere/demension) the easier it is to make contact.  I am to the point that I often pop back and forth without really realizing it any more. 

The other thing is that all beings (all animals), I've found, can communicate on a telepathic level if one is open to the experience.  It was during such unguarded poppings back and forth that I was first able to understand my cat wanting to get out of the bedroom door.
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Re: When Cats talk and other wierd stuff
« Reply #109 on: December 20, 2008, 01:31:57 am »
Brian, I know so well about the animals telepathic abilities, been doing it forever with my animals, specially the cats.  I just know what they want or need, like a quick flash picture in my mind, but a different perception or look to it than I see with my own eyes, almost like a feeling picture if you know what I mean.  I go to let them in before they make any noise, will be walking up as I open the door. One can be standing in the middle of the room & I will suddenly think, water, toy, catmint, nap or whatever. Have also practiced with the dog, she is different cause most of the time the dogs want to please you so want what you want. Was great w/Haley, not so good yet with the cow. We don't have the bond yet, helps if they truly trust you, at least for me. Helped deliver Cheve' so he is easy but a real bonehead.  They all have different energy around them, different languages if you will between the different species with each other & me as a dumb human.  I sound like a kook now but that's probably why I do well with kids, animals & plants, most living things.  Some people are just better or more open to this facet of life, can't explain it as well as you guys can but it just is. I love reading your posts, you have seen & done so much & have all sorts of interesting tidbits of info that make me think! BTW, I'm just a couple of miles from the people with the butterfly nets... :? :roll:   J
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Re: When Cats talk and other wierd stuff
« Reply #110 on: December 20, 2008, 01:05:41 pm »
Oh Jody, you not be a kook, we as humans have qualities that we don't even yet understand.  We can cross those borders of mind/body, just depends on how open our minds are.  Have a great and wonderful day, live life, love it, health.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service

Offline Brian D. Bray

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Re: When Cats talk and other wierd stuff
« Reply #111 on: December 23, 2008, 05:45:17 pm »
Had another of those nights.  Closed my eyes and had pages full of numbers flashing past before my eyes.  The numbers were mostly in 3 digit sets clumped all over the page and it just kept scroling endlessly, until I feel alseep.  I couldn't make out any of the numbers individually which irritated me a tad at 1st.    The most I could make out of it was that time was running out.
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Re: When Cats talk and other wierd stuff
« Reply #112 on: December 23, 2008, 10:33:12 pm »
The most I could make out of it was that time was running out.

Brian, I don't think so.  My thoughts anyways.

When one closes their eyes and they see pictures, whatever those pictures are, as you describe, they are very, very difficult to deal with.  You cannot close your mind to them, you must wait until sleep takes over the conscious mind.

Ken has a tape that I listen to many nights.  I am an insomniac and have extreme difficulty sometimes falling alseep.  During the past month or so that I have been quitting that fag smoking, I have had the worst insomnia imaginable.  This tape I listen to on speakers that are behind my head board have saved me from endless nights of being awake.  Basically it is tones that take you into different parts of the process of what the mind does as it goes into the different depths of sleep.  It has been nothing short of amazing for me.  And I haven't seen pictures, in my mind's eye when I close my eyes, these rhythm sounds seem to keep away the pictures.

I typed out from a pamphlet what each of these discs do for the subconscious mind, I will copy a part of it for you to look at here.  If you are interested in me somehow getting these tones to you somehow, say the word.  Good luck, get rid of those scrolls and scrolls of digits, they must be very annoying.  Have a wonderful and awesome day, love and live life.  Cindi

Under no circumstances should you drive a car or operate potentially dangerous machinery or equipment while listening to these recordings.

This recording is designed to help bring on sleep by quieting the mental “noise” that can adversely affect your quality of sleep.  Think calming thoughts, or nothing, while you drift off listening to these specially designed tones that lead you gently into a healthful and restful sleep state.

This recording actually guides you into your sleep cycle, helping to give you a head start on a restful and rejuvenating nights sleep.

Listening volume should be low, and you may want to try it without headphones for greater comfort.  This recording should only be played once a night (remember, it is intended to get your sleep cycle started).  Do not repeat.

These recordings are not music in the traditional sense.  They are a series of finely honed and sculpted frequencies that have been arranged in such a way as to have a profound and beneficial effect when used regularly with or without headphones.

These recordings are best listened to at the highest comfortable volume, with your eyes closed and in a sitting or reclined position.

It may take multiple sessions for your brain to “learn” how to react to this forum of stimulation.  Following the usage protocol for each recording is paramount to your chances of success.

As with physical exercise, it it important to “exercise” your brain every day.  The more you use these recordings, the more positive changes you will be likely to manifest.  If you were to exercise once in a while, you would not see much of a difference in your conditioning or health (if any).  Do it regularly and you won’t be able to deny the changes you see.  It is the same with your brain.  Do it regularly and be amazed.

Due to the inconstancies in PC sound cards and speakers, it is suggested that you burn a separate CD of each recording to ensure that you do not miss out on any of the experience.  Never record more than 1 track per CD.

BWE – What is BWE (brainwave entrainment) When the brain is stimulated with pulsed sounds (neuro-electrical activity via the nerves originating from the ears), the overall activity of the brain to respond to and align with these pulses (also called the FFR or “frequency following response”.  By selecting the desired rate, the brain, via the FFR, and be naturally induced towards the selected brainwave state and its inherent benefits.

It is also because of the FFR or “entrainment” that these pulsed sounds often produce benefits similarly found with deep meditation.

It is entire possible that each listening session will provide a unique experience.  Even if you feel nothing happened, pay close attention to yourself and see if you, or your friends, co-workers or family notice anything different.

One of the great things about BWE is that it can be used on its own, or with many other modalities, as an adjunct to intensify the effects of pretty much whatever you choose to use it with.

What sensations might you expect when using the BWE-based recordings?

Some of the effects you may experience may be influenced by things like how “busy” your mind is, whether you are preoccupied, how willing you are to let go, to name a few.

You find that you experience “lost time”.  It is common to find that a 30 minute recording is over and it only felt like 10 minutes.

When tension moves out of your muscles and other parts of your body, you can expect a number of possible sensations, some of which you may have never experienced before.  These may induce tingling, a floating sensation, momentary numbness, muscle twitches, feelings of warmth, heaviness

You may find your mind wanders.

Some people may feel themselves falling asleep during a session
Important update.  Quantum Mind Power has been found to be very powerful by its users, as a result we now suggest that if the effects feel too strong with headphones, then you should begin listening without headphones and/or at a lower volume until you get more used to it.  You will still get the benefits and give your brain and mind time to adjust.  If you ever feel discomfort while listening to any recordings, you stop immediately and contact us.

General listening instructions
Schedule a time every day to listen.  This will help your mind/body to come to expect its use and accept your listening as a “habit” that will be easier to maintain.

Listen to the recordings where you are less likely to be interrupted by things like the phone.

You may lie on your back or seat yourself in a comfortable chair.

Loosen any tight clothing, remove glasses.

You may listen to these recordings with or without headphones.  Listening with headphones will augment the overall and immediate effects by many times.

Listen to these recordings at the highest possible volume, while still being comfortable.  You don’t want to strain yourself:  the idea is that the louder the sounds, the deeper the BWE may be (due to the increased stimulation of the brain).

Comfort is very important, if you listen to the recordings at too high volume, you are working against their purpose.

Depending on the individual, effects from these recordings may be noticed the first time or maybe not until the 30th.  It is very important to remember that whether you initially notice “effects” or not, it is indeed having an effect.  It’s just like exercise – you would not expect to see changes in your body after the first few times working out, would you?

Please note – the recordings that have brainwave entrainment frequencies, also have our unique “background” (it sounds like ‘shhhh’ or ‘hissing’).  Our background is a relative of ‘pink noise’ and is actually a set of hundreds of specific frequencies that when combined, produce a uniform (steady and consistent) background that effectively cancels much of the distracting noise that may be present when running a session.  It is also harmonically related to the tones which we have found can ease the entrainment process.
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service

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Re: When Cats talk and other wierd stuff
« Reply #113 on: December 24, 2008, 02:27:20 pm »
Cindi, you have good intentions.

Such things as subliminal music or white sound doesn't work for me, the constant tinnitis I experience filters it out.  Or you could say I have my own source so it has not effect.  My tinnitis is usually just background noise but can become so pronounced that I am totally deaf except for the roaring in my ears.  My family can tell my tinnitis level by how loudly they have to talk before I hear them.  Sometimes even yelling in my face fails to garner an answer unless I see their mouths move.
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Re: When Cats talk and other wierd stuff
« Reply #114 on: December 26, 2008, 02:09:21 pm »
Oh Brian, I feel so deeply for you and the things that you live with daily, I truly do, I could imagine nothing worse than that tinnitis, it saddens me.  I am sure that you have had many laying on of hands through the Melchizadek priesthood, has it ever helped you?  Just curious about this too.  Wishing you better health, have that wonderful and awesome day, life, Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service

Offline Brian D. Bray

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Re: When Cats talk and other wierd stuff
« Reply #115 on: December 26, 2008, 06:04:25 pm »
Oh Brian, I feel so deeply for you and the things that you live with daily, I truly do, I could imagine nothing worse than that tinnitis, it saddens me.  I am sure that you have had many laying on of hands through the Melchizadek priesthood, has it ever helped you?  Just curious about this too.  Wishing you better health, have that wonderful and awesome day, life, Cindi

There are certain afflictions that can't be cured by faith, those you chose to endure for self-improvement are those type.  Makes me wonder Just what I agreed to before I came here.  Also, there is the portions of others "agony" that I've taken unto myself in order to heal them fully that adds to the problem.  And then I found out, the hard way, not to pray for strength because that means adversity.  The Lord forges strength in a fire of adversity, paraphrasing Job.
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Re: When Cats talk and other wierd stuff
« Reply #116 on: December 27, 2008, 01:17:50 pm »
Understood.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service

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Re: When Cats talk and other wierd stuff
« Reply #117 on: January 01, 2009, 06:20:40 pm »
 Brian thank you for this post. I laughed more today than I have in a long time. If this is any indication of how my new year will be I am looking forward to it.

 A lot of what was so funny is I have always been able to hear phrases in machinery sounds also. I'm wife came through while I was reading this and started the dishwasher. When it first started I could hear it saying not enough soap not enough soap over and over. Right before it stopped it was saying almost done almost done. Thats some funny stuff. Now I am going to try and understand the animals too hahaha. I might just have it.

Have a great day

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Re: When Cats talk and other wierd stuff
« Reply #118 on: January 01, 2009, 10:08:55 pm »
At last, a cohart.  I just knew I couldn't be the only one listening to the songs of the machines and animals.
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Re: When Cats talk and other wierd stuff
« Reply #119 on: January 02, 2009, 12:06:25 pm »
Chris, Brian, aha!!!  Now we have two dudes being able to understand how machines speak, waiting to hear what the animals are saying to you Chris......let those imaginations run wild!!!  I love this thread too, it is certainly one of great interest to me.  I don't think that I hear anything talk other than nothing normal.....I have hearing like an eagle, but I don't hear anything unusual, maybe I should listen deeper, smiling.  Have a wonderful and great life, day, health.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service