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Author Topic: Tale of two swarms.  (Read 5595 times)


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Tale of two swarms.
« on: June 28, 2004, 11:00:28 am »
Swarm (1. I was putting things in my truckto go get a swarm of captured bee given to me when the phone rang. Kare answered it and Bob on the other end said to tell me to hurry as he had a sip (swarm in progress) if I wanted to see it. Since I had just loaded the last things in the pick up Kare and I took off only to get to Bob's to see a mass of bees in an oak tree about 25 feet up (measured by rope). Bob already had his truck full of equipment near by, out came the telasocping pole with the clamp on the end where a up faceing hook was placed. then a rope with a weight was placed over the hook raised to the limb the bees were clustered on passed over then slid back to the ground. A slip knot was fashioned then tightened on the limb just ahead of the bees. Since the limb appeared to be about 2" in dia. the pruning saw was used to saw the limb untill it gentile swang down with out coming loose. the bees were allowed to settle down again then the cut was finished. While the bees were settleing down a down faceing hook was clamped in place, it was used to pull the limb away from the other branches as I releases rope to lower the branch. When the limb was near the ground Bob placed a deep on a table pulled frames of drawn comb and sprayed them with honey. The limb was then placed on the hive, what a site to see, first all those bees clustered  on the limb and those milling about then the mass of bees going down into the hive. the hive had been fastened to the bottom board and the entrance blocked off. Once all the bees had worked inside the outer cover with the hole screened over was placed on along with the outer cover. The hive was taken to it'd final resting place, the entrance opened and grass place in it. Two weeks latter there is a honey super installed as they are a very strong colony.
Swarm (2. We went to the bee club meeting last Tuesday. One of the members works for the local newspaper, He announced he had recived a call about a swarm of bees from a lady just as he was leaving, did anybody want it? Nobody answered so Bob asked if I wanted some more bees. I said OK but I have a early appointment so I won't beable to help till some time after 9:00AM.
The plan was for Bob to callthe lady the next morning get the details on the bees then I was to call Bob as soon as I got home. When I calle dBob he said that the lady said the bees were under her siding. since she was close to 40 miles away Bob gave her the phone number of some bee keepers closer to her who might be able to set some thing up to draw the bees to a hive body, which Bob told her he could do but the miles were so great it would be better to get some one closer.
At about 8:30 pm Bob recives a call from the lady who said the bees were hanging from a tree branch on a maple tree just out side her window. Bob's son in law was visiting so He and Bob went and got them. A simple walk to the tree set the hive up and spray honey on frames and cut the branch with pruning shears which were about sholder high. The whole operation took 1 1/2 hours including driving time. The next morning Bob called me to come get them. The strongest colony of bees I have seen Is now in my bee yard. Then had alread drawen 5 full frames of comb 3 days and taken a half gallon of syrup. Today I check the syrup again as they are building as fast as I have ever seen bees build.

I now also want to add capturing swarms as part of the hobby. I will be working with Bob till I get all my equipment assembled and gain knowlege. A new building project is to turn a shope vac into a bee vac.
 :D Al

Offline Mchero

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Tale of two swarms.
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2004, 11:08:42 am »
I better get an empty hive ready eh?


Offline Beth Kirkley

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Tale of two swarms.
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2004, 02:11:03 pm »
Wow Al! You really have turned your hobby into a fasinating job. That is fantastic! I always thought of swarm chasers sort of like storm chasers. Each trip a new story, always something exciting. :)

It's pretty cool.  8)


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Tale of two swarms.
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2004, 10:50:10 pm »
Al- Any chance we can see pictures of this equipment. Seeing the process of the capture would be really great, too. Sounds like fun to me.

Offline Mchero

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Tale of two swarms.
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2004, 08:39:12 am »
I can see it now. A new reality program called Bee Chasers!



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Tale of two swarms.
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2004, 10:23:32 am »
I didn't have my camera handy the time I helped capture the swarm but I sure wil the next time. the extention pole that Bob installed the clamp to is nothing more than a pole to add a paint roller to so a painter can paint higher with out a ladder. the hooks are home made fashioned from heavy wire. The ladders are just ladders that can be bought at Lowe's and Well if you must Home Depot (still boycotting them).
 Yes I thought it was fun and that is why I'm adding it as part of the bee keeping hobby just like building my own hive bodies. I'm retired so have the time to do that stuff.
I'm not sure just where I am going to stop adding to my bee yard but I do know I am going to donate some of the swarms to others just as Bob and Billy did me.
Pay backs, Or do on to others so to speak.
 :D Al

Offline Agility Mom

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Tale of two swarms.
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2004, 10:01:22 pm »
That's great. Looking forward to future captures and the pictures.