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Author Topic: Ghost Guns  (Read 27858 times)

Offline BeeMaster2

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Re: Ghost Guns
« Reply #20 on: April 13, 2021, 09:41:49 pm »
Wow, you sound just like a libertarian.
If there were more support for libertarianism I would totally support it.
Jim Altmiller
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Re: Ghost Guns
« Reply #21 on: April 13, 2021, 10:05:33 pm »
You make the same mistake my brother makes. He says I am libertarian also but I mostly vote democrate.  Doesn't mean I like every thing any of them do.  I like unions and my grandma only survived due to wic and so it is pretty hard to fit in if you ask me.  I mostly just dislike the republicans more then I dislike the democrates.

My drug stance would be more libratarian also.  Not cause I want to take them just cause it seems self inflicted and nobody's business. 

In the end out of all of them you only get to vote for a platform which none of will be all things I like and so I don't mind having elections every four years to try and make corrections as we go.  My experience with all is that it seems most times that the things I really want don't happen but the things I don't do no matter who wins.  In the end though, I live in a place with the fewest rules in my state and seem to get by no matter what happens out in the real world.

Offline Kathyp

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Re: Ghost Guns
« Reply #22 on: April 13, 2021, 11:10:12 pm »
He says I am libertarian also but I mostly vote democrate.

You do seem to have libertarian leanings.  That you vote Democrat is kinda surprising since there is nothing libertarian about them!  I would think you would be more of a constitutional conservative. If the constitution is followed as written, it is libertarian. 

The fact that you know someone who used welfare does not mean they would not have survived without it.  It just means they used welfare that was offered.  Those things should be done by states if the state wishes and without federal dollars.  Charities would be my first choice if people are really in need. 

Probably a debate for another time.   :wink:
Someone really ought to tell them that the world of Ayn Rand?s novel was not meant to be aspirational.

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Re: Ghost Guns
« Reply #23 on: April 13, 2021, 11:55:24 pm »
dui check points and search a seizure laws seem unconstitutional to me since things are taken prior to going to court. 
Who goes so much by the constitution that it is safe to vote for them?  They all seem pretty choosy on when to follow and when to not.  It was a republican who wanted to be able to listen in on private discussions between lawyers and clients (one I voted for just once, my mistake).  I could name other things also.
I live in a republican state and they snuck a bill and tax to support it to put a meter on my private well.  Good for them that they rescinded it due to hell being raised.  I guess it is lucky they snuck it in cause that made people come together even harder to put more pressure on them.
I find fault with all of them but on the other hand I sure do not want to do it myself and so just do my best as it goes. 

Offline Kathyp

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Re: Ghost Guns
« Reply #24 on: April 14, 2021, 12:08:59 am »
dui check points and search a seizure laws seem unconstitutional to me since things are taken prior to going to court.
Who goes so much by the constitution that it is safe to vote for them?  They all seem pretty choosy on when to follow and when to not.  It was a republican who wanted to be able to listen in on private discussions between lawyers and clients (one I voted for just once, my mistake).  I could name other things also.
I live in a republican state and they snuck a bill and tax to support it to put a meter on my private well.  Good for them that they rescinded it due to hell being raised.  I guess it is lucky they snuck it in cause that made people come together even harder to put more pressure on them.
I find fault with all of them but on the other hand I sure do not want to do it myself and so just do my best as it goes.

It is true that there are a lot of republicans that are not conservatives.  In my state, I've even voted for a few dems that were more conservative than the republicans running.  It was for local stuff.  In general, I find myself voting for the best of the worse, but in national elections, I almost always find that the republicans give me a better shot at preserving freedoms than the dems if only because they can be counted on part of the time to block the crazy leftist stuff  :cheesy:
I voted for McCain, someone I long detested, because he was better than the alternative when it came to overall ideology.  It physically pained me to do it...
Same with Trump the first time, but I was pleasantly surprised by his policies if not by his personality.   :tongue:
Someone really ought to tell them that the world of Ayn Rand?s novel was not meant to be aspirational.

Offline Acebird

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Re: Ghost Guns
« Reply #25 on: April 14, 2021, 09:54:03 am »
You think it's guns.
Actually I do not.  I think it is more the marketing of guns and the glorification of certain guns with the intent of profiting knowing full well that the use of these guns will be used for criminal intent.  The AR-15 is a primary example.  The NRA is a corrupt organization not focused on protecting the 2nd amendment but on promoting membership from extremists and white supremacist.  Essentially money and political power.
Kathy, how would you feel if a medical supply company was openly marketing condoms and latex gloves to a rapist as a rape kit complete with instructions?  Should condoms and gloves be banned?  That is ridiculous. Right?  But how about banning a company from marketing their products to criminals?  Would you be OKay with that?  It took a long time to ban cigarette commercials on TV.  And it helped.  But capitalist don't give up.  They switched to marketing vaping to youngsters.
My elementary education was in a parochial school.  What they taught you was that your freedom and liberties were not protected if you did not show responsibility.  They were the first to go.  We desperately need that to be taught in public schools today.
Brian Cardinal
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Offline Acebird

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Re: Ghost Guns
« Reply #26 on: April 14, 2021, 10:01:01 am »
In general, I find myself voting for the best of the worse, but in national elections, I almost always find that the republicans give me a better shot at preserving freedoms than the dems if only because they can be counted on part of the time to block the crazy leftist stuff  :cheesy:

They are outnumbered and making it worse for themselves.  The majority of people are fed up with a do nothing congress.  If all you do is block and offer no solutions then your days are numbered.
Brian Cardinal
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Offline gww

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Re: Ghost Guns
« Reply #27 on: April 14, 2021, 12:47:49 pm »
The fact that you know someone who used welfare does not mean they would not have survived without it.
Some people survived auschwitz but survival is not how I look at it.  I look at it more at what was most help.  My moms and dads family were both sorta poor but dads was no where near like my moms.  Both were large families.

Mom grew up in some places that you could see the outside light through the walls.  This was while her dad was still alive.  her dad died when I was about one year old.  I have an uncle that was only two years older then me and so when her dad died her mom still had probably five young children at home.  The part I remember is the house that is just as iddee mentioned he grew up in with no water and out houses and the whole nine yards.  Having a wash pan to wash your hands in.

So now to what helped.  There was charities.  I remember getting opened toys and coats and such at xmas and it being welcome. I also remember eating many sandwiches of bread dipped in bacon grease with slices of garden tomato and onion and many whole meals of just potato mostly french fries. 

Now I never noticed it being so bad it being this way as for as life goes but can see how much worse it would have been if hunger would have been worse though it was not perfect as it was.

What did help was the regularity of the cheese, Hard peanut butter, corn syrup, milk that came much more regular then the charity stuff which did help also. 

I will say circumstances were so much better and with many more options in my parents and also my life in comparison cause at the bottom there was no choices except pure survival.

So looking at the few things that helped the most, it did come down to the regularity of what the government did not that there was no help from charities here and there.
I can not look down on my grandma but more look up to her cause fate gave her a pretty tough hoe to roe and she did what she could. 

When the kids were old enough to watch themselves, she worked at some minimum wage jobs cause they were available to her as here carreer started pretty late in life.

I am very seldom jealous that some one might get something they did not work for cause I would not trade my situation for theirs any day.

Offline Ben Framed

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Re: Ghost Guns
« Reply #28 on: April 14, 2021, 02:29:27 pm »
> The NRA is a corrupt organization not focused on protecting the 2nd amendment but on promoting membership from extremists and white supremacist.  Essentially money and political power.

Is that is what the NRA is about Brian? I don't know. Or could it be more made from scratch bunkum and propaganda spreading your are proclaiming or repeating? Mark Robinson (a self described history lover), describes bunkum spreading folks who oppose the constitution and the second amendment as marxist and socialist folks which he says have hijacked the word and meaning of the word liberalism. He goes on to say such people are enemies of the constitution, enemies of freedom, enemies of law abiding loving American Citizens...
This NRA backing man is not a white man. In fact, (since it seems to be so important to you), he is a black man.  This man went on to be elected as Lieutenant Governor of NC; serving as the 35th and current Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina since 2021. His color does not matter in this SOUTHERN STATE. Mr Robinson is loved for his agenda of love for his country, love of The Constitution, love for his state, love for his fellow man, love for his family, and his love of The Lord Jesus Christ. Just a few samples of what does matters to the citizens in North Carolina. Which once again proves the lefts continuously nasty remarks of highlighting the right, and anyone who opposes their agenda, as white supremacist proving once again, by an entire state to be pure made up lies and bunkum, the FAVORITE tool of the left, race, always attempting using it as a tool of division of our citizens. Why?   Shame.......


« Last Edit: April 14, 2021, 02:45:25 pm by Ben Framed »
Matthew 10:16
Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

Offline Kathyp

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Re: Ghost Guns
« Reply #29 on: April 14, 2021, 03:15:30 pm »
Actually I do not.  I think it is more the marketing of guns and the glorification of certain guns with the intent of profiting knowing full well that the use of these guns will be used for criminal intent.  The AR-15 is a primary example.  The NRA is a corrupt organization not focused on protecting the 2nd amendment but on promoting membership from extremists and white supremacist.  Essentially money and political power.
Kathy, how would you feel if a medical supply company was openly marketing condoms and latex gloves to a rapist as a rape kit complete with instructions?  Should condoms and gloves be banned?  That is ridiculous. Right?  But how about banning a company from marketing their products to criminals?  Would you be OKay with that?  It took a long time to ban cigarette commercials on TV.  And it helped.  But capitalist don't give up.  They switched to marketing vaping to youngsters.
My elementary education was in a parochial school.  What they taught you was that your freedom and liberties were not protected if you did not show responsibility.  They were the first to go.  We desperately need that to be taught in public schools today.

Can you show where guns are marketed to criminals?  Would anyone need to market guns to criminals?
How many rifles of any kind are used in a crime?  Are they also marketing handguns, knives, bb bats, etc. to criminals? 
If a person is a criminal, they can't legally purchase a gun.  What would be the point of marketing to them?

You were taught the wrong thing in school.  What you should have been taught is that there are consequences for choices.  If you make bad choices you lose YOUR freedom, you do not take it from everyone else. 

You keep repeating the leftist description of the NRA.  The NRA is a lot of things but the one reason I support them is to protect me from uninformed people like you.
Someone really ought to tell them that the world of Ayn Rand?s novel was not meant to be aspirational.

Offline Acebird

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Re: Ghost Guns
« Reply #30 on: April 14, 2021, 06:12:56 pm »
If you make bad choices you lose YOUR freedom, you do not take it from everyone else. 
I thought you came from a military background.  One screw ball most certainly affects the freedom for everyone else.  Can't believe you said that.
Brian Cardinal
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Offline Acebird

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Re: Ghost Guns
« Reply #31 on: April 14, 2021, 06:23:15 pm »

This NRA backing man is not a white man. In fact, (since it seems to be so important to you), he is a black man.                                                                                                                                                                               .
Phil, he is the first.  Explain to me why he is the first.  Why there aren't 20 others?  If you took a poll in NC and asked the question, "Would you approve of your daughter marrying a black man?"  How do you think that poll would turn out? I know how it would turn out.  So you can forget about all this other nonsense.
His color does not matter in this SOUTHERN STATE. Mr Robinson is loved for his agenda of love for his country, love of The Constitution, love for his state, love for his fellow man, love for his family, and his love of The Lord Jesus Christ.
Brian Cardinal
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Re: Ghost Guns
« Reply #32 on: April 14, 2021, 06:43:37 pm »
"Is that is what the NRA is about Brian? I don't know."

Neither does he.

Brian's idea of white supremacist, and yes, I voted for him.

Mark Robinson
American Politician
Mark Keith Robinson is an American politician serving as the 35th and current Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina since 2021. A member of the Republican Party, he is the first African American to hold the office.Wikipedia
Mark Keith Robinson, August 8, 1968, Greensboro, North Carolina, U.S.
Political party:
Yolanda Hill
"Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me . . . Anything can happen, child. Anything can be"

*Shel Silverstein*

Offline Kathyp

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Re: Ghost Guns
« Reply #33 on: April 14, 2021, 06:48:56 pm »
I thought you came from a military background.  One screw ball most certainly affects the freedom for everyone else.  Can't believe you said that.

You also don't get to exercise all of your constitutional rights in the military.  When you sign on the dotted line and take that oath it is to support and defend the Constitution.  You are under the authority of the UCMJ and many of your rights, like free speech, and gathering, are either suspended or amended. 

I can't believe that's the only part of my comment that merited a response from you.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2021, 07:00:31 pm by Kathyp »
Someone really ought to tell them that the world of Ayn Rand?s novel was not meant to be aspirational.

Offline Kathyp

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Re: Ghost Guns
« Reply #34 on: April 14, 2021, 06:59:14 pm »
Phil, he is the first.  Explain to me why he is the first.  Why there aren't 20 others?  If you took a poll in NC and asked the question, "Would you approve of your daughter marrying a black man?"  How do you think that poll would turn out? I know how it would turn out.  So you can forget about all this other nonsense.

The NRA does not keep demographic info on members.  The race, gender, party, or lifestyle of members has no relevance.  That said, I know a number of black and other minority members of either the NRA or National African American Gun Association, which is a newish group with over 30,000 members.  60% are black women.  Not all of their members are black.  I think it's a great idea because people should learn and associate where they are and where they are comfortable. 

You might quiz some black parents on how they feel about their kids marrying either white or (God forbid) Asians.  Most of them are not thrilled.  It happens even among friends.  My son has a very good friend from college and he is black.  When my son met the guys father, the father was suspicious of this white kid wanting to be friends with his black son.  Neither of the kids thought anything of it.  We didn't think anything of it.  In fact, he was the one who walked me down the aisle to be seated at my sons wedding and I don't think anyone gave it any thought...except maybe my very racist MIL, the democrat.  Yes, the same one who only skipped voting twice in her 99 year life because she wouldn't vote for a republican and she wouldn't vote for Obama.

Someone really ought to tell them that the world of Ayn Rand?s novel was not meant to be aspirational.

Offline Ben Framed

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Re: Ghost Guns
« Reply #35 on: April 14, 2021, 10:31:17 pm »

This NRA backing man is not a white man. In fact, (since it seems to be so important to you), he is a black man.                                                                                                                                                                               .
Phil, he is the first.  Explain to me why he is the first.  Why there aren't 20 others?  If you took a poll in NC and asked the question, "Would you approve of your daughter marrying a black man?"  How do you think that poll would turn out? I know how it would turn out.  So you can forget about all this other nonsense.
His color does not matter in this SOUTHERN STATE. Mr Robinson is loved for his agenda of love for his country, love of The Constitution, love for his state, love for his fellow man, love for his family, and his love of The Lord Jesus Christ.

Brian he is not the first. The folks that you are listening to would very much have you believe that he is the first. There are many patriotic Americans of all races. The binder IS the constitution, not a member of a specific race. In fact with your present state of mind, you might be shocked to see just how many folks are wise to the bunkum of the left. Don King is one, yes the same Don King who was the manager for and of Mohamed Ali, Hershel Walker is another, Fifty cent is another, and on and on it goes. Wake up Brian. Many red blooded Americans are already awake to the shenanigans of the misleading left.

Matthew 10:16
Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

Offline Kathyp

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Re: Ghost Guns
« Reply #36 on: April 14, 2021, 10:37:07 pm »
There are a fair number of Dems switching parties and they are of all races.  That scares the dems.  What do Dems offer?  Stuff.  If people don't need or want stuff, Dems have nothing to offer.  They need a permanent underclass to "help".  Since they need that underclass, they have no interest in regular people of any race doing better.  Fortunately, people are waking up this.  Might be an explanation for the open borders thing that's going on. 
Someone really ought to tell them that the world of Ayn Rand?s novel was not meant to be aspirational.

Offline Acebird

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Re: Ghost Guns
« Reply #37 on: April 15, 2021, 07:45:19 am »
Many red blooded Americans are already awake to the shenanigans of the misleading left.
The American people did wake up.  They picked sleepy Joe and a black woman over Trump.  As a Trump supporter you follow in his footsteps ... twist the truth, blame the other guy for what you are guilty of.
All politicians are misleading.  Doesn't matter at all what party they are affiliated with.
Brian Cardinal
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Offline Acebird

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Re: Ghost Guns
« Reply #38 on: April 15, 2021, 07:48:31 am »

Mark Robinson
American Politician
Mark Keith Robinson is an American politician serving as the 35th and current Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina since 2021. A member of the Republican Party, he is the first African American to hold the office.Wikipedia

Look here Phil, he was the first.
Brian Cardinal
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Offline Ben Framed

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Re: Ghost Guns
« Reply #39 on: April 15, 2021, 09:37:41 am »
> The American people did wake up.  They picked sleepy Joe and a black woman over Trump.  As a Trump supporter you follow in his footsteps ... twist the truth, blame the other guy for what you are guilty of.
All politicians are misleading.  Doesn't matter at all what party they are affiliated with.

No they did not wake up. They were Hypnotized with hate from, and by, the lefts Democratic leaders.
There you go again. Picking on poor Mr Trump. He is out and gone. Yet you are still obsessed. At least he had the economy on the right path. Unlike this dummy you so proudly boast about electing.
How do you like paying 90 plus dollars for a sheet of 3/4 4x8 plywood? How long do you thing the economy can continue to prosper? We can thank YOU; Mr Biden green new deal supporter for the effects we are already beginning experiencing from such an incompetent leader and administration, and only three months in. Your man is leading alright, straight down the road to destruction. I suppose that is exactly what you on the left wanted and like since you so strongly supported and continue to support him. How can we blame him? We all knew the score there. After all how can he be expected to be any smarter than those proud supporters who elected him? Your failing policies are once again proving disastrous for America and Americans. I have also noticed a lack of coal being transported on RR cars for the last couple weeks . Do you on the left know what that means? Yet you call yourselves woke? It means energy will soon follow lumber prices. Even though America had the cleanest coal in the WORLD. Biden, your choice not mine. As you so proudly boast. Goodness.  :shocked: :tongue:  :wink:

From a friend just yesterday
One sheet of 3/4 plywood is 96$. 1/2 is 48$


« Last Edit: April 16, 2021, 07:33:09 am by Ben Framed »
Matthew 10:16
Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.