I believe most beeks are familiar with the waggle dance of a bee which directs other forage bees to a good source, (telling) the forage gees the DISTANCE and DIRECTION of the food source.
I intend to explain this dance very simply:
First DISTANCE. This is easy, one second of waggles for each 3,300 feet (1000 meters.) Pay attention to only the waggle time, that is the length of time the bee shakes, waggles it?s abdomen. After the waggle the bee will make a loop either to the right or left and return to its original position and waggle again and again. For distance pay no attention to the loops, only the length of time of the waggling abdomen. Two seconds of waggle equals 6,600 ft, 2000 meters, over a mile.
If a beeks feed the bees in the apiary the waggle is instant,,,,a split second, that is such a quick waggle as the dance looks more like a figure 8, because the distance is so short, only feet away.
Second DIRECTION. The waggling bee will always waggle in the same direction, again, pay no attention to the loops the bees make, note only the direction of the waggling bee. The direction of the waggling is the direction from the sun.
With your mind, draw a line as the bee waggles, the waggles will always be the same direction. A bee picks a starting point, waggles in a specific direction, then loops either to the right or left does not matter and returns to the same starting point to waggle in the same direction, again loops to the same starting point and waggles over and over IN THE SAME DIRECTION.
So: if the bee is waggling straight up on a verticle frame that means the direction of food is straight towards the sun, so fly towards the sun. If the bee waggles straight down on a frame that means the food source is away from the sun, or fly with the sun to your back to reach the food source.
If the waggle dance forms a line straight in the middle of the frame say to the right then that means exit the hive and fly to the right 90 degrees to the sun or east of the hive.
If the waggle line is to the left or directly horizontal to the frame, that means West, 90 degrees.
So if a bee waggles one second and the dance is straight DOWN on a frame, then the food source is appropriately 3300 feet directly away from the sun.
Waggle straight up, straight towards the sun.
Waggle straight down, away from the sun, opposite the sun.
Waggle to the right, fly out of the hive and go right of the sun, the precise angle.
Waggle to the left, fly out of the hive and go left of the sun......
What is important is to note the waggle only, just the time and direction. Pay no attention to the loops as the bee returns to the same starting point, the waggles only indicates direction and distance.
If I have caused confusion, please advise, I find it difficult to critique my own writings.
To simplify mankind orientates direction via a compass with reference to the North where as bees orientate direction via the sun. Now what is really amazing is a honey bee can accommodate for the sun rising and falling according to the time of day with the waggle dance cause early morning Sun is way different direction as a setting sun. Just ingenious little critters.
Wish all health and prosperity.
It does not matter which way the hive entrance faces, only the direction of the waggle dance.