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Author Topic: What's flowering: Queensland  (Read 175383 times)

Offline max2

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Re: What's flowering: Queensland
« Reply #780 on: March 25, 2024, 09:52:24 pm »


There is not much to report.
The weather has been against us - too wet. Bees can't fly and pollen and nectar would be washed out.
I can see that the Blue Gum ( E. tereticornis) is budding heavily.
It is a reliable producer at the end of winter into spring.
We do get some surplus honey most years and occasionally a good flow.
The timing, just before a strong buildup of brood can be magic magic.

With plenty of soil moisture Clover often performs well too.
A great time to make early splits and some queens. We shall see.

I can see the Golden Rain Trees are  flowering (Koelreuteria elegans subsp. formosana)
It is considered a weed around here but bees love it.
I suspect that the honey is rather dark.

No luck this year . They are a lovely tree to watch bees at work - when the sun shines.

During our wet season we generally find that Cobbler's pegs ( Bidens pilosa) keep our bees happy if we get short bursts of sunshine. Even they could not provide some sustenance for our bees.

Offline max2

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Re: What's flowering: Queensland
« Reply #781 on: April 01, 2024, 04:40:30 am »
Easter cassia ( Senna spp)

This invasive weed is in full flower around our bush areas.
I don't see bees working them at all.
The literature does mention Cassia as a bee plant.
Anybody have any personal experince?

Offline max2

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Re: What's flowering: Queensland
« Reply #782 on: May 28, 2024, 02:51:29 am »
Not a lot flowering - a few Euc's are out and will keep the bees going into Winter.
I went for a walk through anold orchard and was surprised by the number of bees on Cobblers Pegs and some legumes

Offline max2

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Re: What's flowering: Queensland
« Reply #783 on: June 28, 2024, 07:43:41 pm »
We haven't had a frost at all so far.

As a result the Cobblers Pegs and Agerathum are still flowering profusely and are keeping the  bees busy.

The Blue Gum have been flowering on and off. I hope that they will give us a surplus come July.
It would be a bonus if we could take off some winterhoney come August.

The Clover is growing - slowly - but looking great. A drop of rain would be perfect. Early morning fog has kept it happy.

Offline maxell86

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Re: What's flowering: Queensland
« Reply #784 on: July 01, 2024, 05:49:59 am »
No more frost = equals more weeds and bugs.

Keeping the blue banded bee's happy, some cherry tomatoes are flowering.
They also like the tradescantia purple heart, same for the europeon bees.
But more unseasonable rain this week.

Odd, dew over the highway (warrego) but not North Ipswich. hmm... that black stuff during the day, the clouds lit up at night.

Offline The15thMember

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Re: What's flowering: Queensland
« Reply #785 on: July 01, 2024, 11:13:15 am »
Welcome to Beemaster, maxell86!  :happy:
I come from under the hill, and under the hills and over the hills my paths led.  And through the air, I am she that walks unseen.

Offline Ben Framed

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Re: What's flowering: Queensland
« Reply #786 on: July 01, 2024, 11:28:48 am »
Yes maxell86 welcome! I also have concerns about plastic in several applications. Being plastic foundation is first covered in beeswax before use, (in most cases), I do not know what if any effect it will have on our bees or honey? Has the plastic foundation subject specify been researched or studied? 



Offline maxell86

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Re: What's flowering: Queensland
« Reply #787 on: July 10, 2024, 03:54:57 am »
Thank you guys.
Although I am not new to this forum. It seems the years drift on even in digital terms.

Good idea to cover plastic foundation in beewax. Who knows until you get down to the details.
If anyone has done the work, I am sure some of us would be interested in the results.

Offline Ben Framed

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Re: What's flowering: Queensland
« Reply #788 on: July 10, 2024, 10:32:48 am »
Thank you guys.
Although I am not new to this forum. It seems the years drift on even in digital terms.

You?re welcome maxell86. There are many beekeepers or folks who are simply interested in beekeeping who join Beemaster. Some may never post but simply read and study, enjoying the forum. Many of these members do not interact initially and some may never join in the conversations or begin one. Even still, such members are >very< welcome, and we are glad to have each one with us. It?s also nice when a member decides to begin posting here at Beemaster. Thank you for making that move maxell86, transitioning to an active posting member since you first joined Beemaster back in 2020. 😊


Offline max2

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Re: What's flowering: Queensland
« Reply #789 on: July 16, 2024, 07:14:59 pm »
Cold mornings with some frost in the valley.
This is the way is should be this time of the year.
The days ( and nights) are clear - thus the frost.
It is not cold enough to hit the lantana along the river as it used to.
It will stop the growth of some Tropical weeds like the Chickweed and the Clover ( it can tolerate some frost) will benefit.
I'm looking forward to a good Clover flow - here is hoping.
The Blue Gum ( e. tereticornis) is flowering through the valley - not evenly but I expect the hives to build up on this.
Due to the wet weather the Blue Top - a weed - has been flowering profusely. Even a light frost will slow this one.

Cold mornings are ideal to make candles and there are never enough made up frames :wink:
How are you going, maxell?

