I wrote something on this not to long ago, and I'll try to give the RD version here.
no one has the right to illegally enter this country or any other. The moment you have done that, you have broken the law. Why would we want people here who have no regard for the law?
However.....we have many people in this country who have been here years, been productive, raised families, and after their first law breaking of entering illegally, have been crime free. It is not practical and probably not desirable, to round those folks up and send them back home. We do not need to have amnesty, but we do need to address this issue with some kind of practical plan.
We need to end both citizenship by birth, and chain immigration.
This last, I think, is the most important. The immigrants we take now, even legally, are not the same as my great grandmother with her one suite case and dreams of a better life. When she came over, she was probably 14 although the ships manifest said 16. She told the story of stepping off the boat and being so afraid because she had little money and no job or place to stay. She and her sister went to work in the clothing factories in Chicago, which was their destination (another story) and managed to survive and eventually, thrive.
What they did can't even be done today. The place they rented would not be fit for habitation now, and the rents reflect the regulations. As minors, they could not work as they did due to regulations.
Even if it could be done, we have a different breed of immigrant now. Most come from failed socialist and dictator run countries. They are not looking for freedom from oppression or a chance to succeed. They are looking for successful socialism. For the moment, they find it here. They step off the boat and are handed every kind of aid package you can imagine. They don't have to learn the language, and interpreter is provided. They don't have to earn a living, they get a welfare package and food stamps. Unless they decide to become citizens, and many don't, they don't have to learn the constitution, or any history.
Many of our "immigrants" are refugees that tend to clump together. They do not, and do not intend to, integrate into American society. We have a Latino movement particularly in the SW that thinks they should own that part of the country because it was "taken from them". Who would have thought we'd stand for the flag of another country being paraded through our streets by a bunch of thug law breakers?
To those who say we need an immigrant work force, fine, then have a program that brings in what we need. To those who say we need to share what we have with the rest of the world, fine, then let them come experience our right to succeed or fail, without sucking off the ever shrinking number of people trying to support the welfare class.