I know that you have to have noticed this difference in your years of beekeeping. I know others on this forum have.
IDifficult to what has happened to my skills in my years. But I remember my average honey yields which tells about skills.
40 years ago .....40 kg/hive
50 kg/hive
60 kg per hive
Now narmal yield 60-80 kg yield
90kg is not rare
the best 130 kg in year 1994
But hives 200 kg/hive. 20 years ago I could not even dream about that size yield what I get now.
And what is the biggest difference?
25 y ago I kept hives 10 hives in one punch. Then I noticed that if they are in different places, I get information about quality of different pasture areas. Then it become a main point in my learning, because I allready knew, how to rear big hives.
Now I keep 1-3 hives in one point. I take care that main pastures are inside 1 km radius. I move my hives if needed flying is not good. Differences are amazing even if the hives are one mile apart.
OK, somebody get sick that fooling, but what about Golf playing? 4 hours walk on lawn doing what, - nothing?
I play my golf with hives 150 kg honey into entrance hole! (Not one in hole....)