>Has any of our experts any red them?
I have.
> Any opinions?
Walt is one of the most observant and inteligent beekeepers I've met. When I went to North Carolina to speak, we spent two days, late into the night, talking bees. I think his sequence of events as far as swarm prep are right on. I think his observations about drones (in one of the recent bee magazines) is exactly correct also. I have not really had the chance to try nectar managment. I'm always busy breaking hives up for queen rearing (breeder hives, cell starters, cell finishers, mating nucs etc.) So I haven't really had the chance to try it.
>BTW. He recomends an empty brood comb above the brood nest all the time. I do not have that many combs yet. I wander if foundation would work the same?
No, foundation will not work the same. But it may work better than nothing.