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Author Topic: Upper entrance question  (Read 6040 times)

Offline T Beek

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Re: Upper entrance question
« Reply #20 on: April 20, 2011, 08:52:46 am »
Observing nature is an award in and of itself.  So sorry for your loss, thanks for sharing.

"Trust those who seek the truth, doubt those who say they've found it."

Offline Trot

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Re: Upper entrance question
« Reply #21 on: April 20, 2011, 10:58:16 am »
Yes Thomas and jusme I am lurking and reading...
Thanks both for kind words and yes Thomas you did say it right.  I have some pictures of how my telescopic covers are made, but I am not too handy with this box, computer, to be able to post a picture.  I could send it to a private  address?

And Thomas, we have nasty weather too.  it is snowing, blowing and after a spell of warm weather, 20 degrees C. I fear that the bees will not make it despite the years of experience and best care possible.


Offline T Beek

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Re: Upper entrance question
« Reply #22 on: April 20, 2011, 12:55:02 pm »
Trot; I thought you might be around, especially with the topic being discussed.  We must have similar weather patterns, its quite nasty here today and I fear for my suvivor bees as well.  They appeared to be doing so well just a few days ago but have now gone quiet, I gave them some fondant and at the rate they were bring in pollen, I'm hoping for the best, but fear that means a major warm up, sooner rather than later.

I'll pm you w/ an address but this site has a very good 'picture posting tutorial' and if the mods are listening they will usually put up a link.  They've been pretty good about it actually.  I'm sure there are many other beeks who would love to see some of your pics.  Have you given any thought to writing a book since the last time I bothered you ;)

"Trust those who seek the truth, doubt those who say they've found it."

Offline Trot

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Re: Upper entrance question
« Reply #23 on: April 20, 2011, 05:03:05 pm »
I just came in from shoveling my driveway.  The snow is wet and heavy, or am I older than I think? :-D

Now I am back at my 'box' ...
I got my nose buried into my keyboard - back home in Slovenia, beeks are loosing bees from farmers spraying the fields of rape. ( think that is what is called?)
The reason I bring this up is the way situations have a knack of developing in this crazy world of ours;  yesterday there was this argument going on (their forum) about growing things organically, getting away from dreaded Neonicotinoids, at least using less chemicals, sprays and what have you, which all affect the health of our bees.  One guy, that I personaly know, he eagerly and at times 'hotly' defended the growers/farmers, saying that they work by the book, spray by the book and at proper times, to protect bees, blah, blah, blah...
Early today I was reading their newspapers and noticed the many reports how are in many regions loosing countless hives, due to improper or careless spraying of rape crops. 
Such, or similar (last year was corn) poisonings are yearly wiping out many beeks in Slovenia. 
I recognized some names and regions where this is going on and promptly went to various sites to investigate?  Sure enough, the fella who defended the practices, mentioned above, he lost 300 hives today.  Pictures of dead bees and empty hive, upon hive are not nice to see...

I should mention again that the plight of EU bees and beeks is in the news every spring if not even throughout the year, as of late, cause growers and orchard owners just don't care about nothing anymore.  They spray whenever it suits them with whatever chemicals comes into their hands.  (or so I gather?)  Most often they mix a bit more, or mix a 'cocktail' and "fortify' so it will 'take better!"
if there is no 'bugs' to spray - they set up with the same (unwashed) equipment and spray to kill off the natural growth, plants that 'steel' fertilizer and deprives their precious crops from proper nourishment??? :?

It is a sad world that we are living in, my friend, and I don't see it getting any better.

 About the book? 
Thanks, but no thanks.  I take enough flack as it is.  Tired of eating crow. . .  Writing books belong - should go to the 'experts,' for God knows that we have enough of them.  It should make for entertaining reading if they do decide to put their know-how on the paper?  I am looking forward to it, when sitting by the crackling fire, passing the time - waiting for weather to break, or for lost Spring to appear...  We sure could use something to perk us up in our gloomy days, don't you think Thomas?
Like the guy said: "I'm too old to dance ..... is too cold to swim, don't drink, to old to - heee, hee, nuf said. . . . :) ;) :-P

Happy Easter to you and all. . .


Offline T Beek

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Re: Upper entrance question
« Reply #24 on: April 21, 2011, 08:29:52 am »
Trot;  While it remains ever painful and frustrating to witness, I haven't been surprised by humanities willingness to self-distruct or commit murder upon 'our' planet, its peoples, and fellow creatures, in the never-ending desire to accumulate more and more profit (at the expense of our own descendants) :'( for a very long time.

"Trust those who seek the truth, doubt those who say they've found it."

