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Author Topic: And then there's THIS...!  (Read 15145 times)

Offline Acebird

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Re: And then there's THIS...!
« Reply #60 on: March 03, 2011, 05:32:55 pm »
Anyone that worked construction in the 70s and delt with osha can probably testify to this.

He, he, you are absolutely right.  It took me a week before I stopped crashing my head into everything because I wasn't used to wearing a WWI helmet.  It was a finish contractor installing base molding and hanging interior doors in an apartment complex.  The biggest construction hazard was getting plaster dust in your eyes.

Shouldn't the effort be made to get the regs written to meet the risk rather than have no regs at all?  And just because they are written wrong doesn't mean they can't change.  There are good policemen and there are bad policemen.  Should we go without any police force at all because some are bad?
Brian Cardinal
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Re: And then there's THIS...!
« Reply #61 on: March 03, 2011, 06:58:51 pm »
The children are running the assylum!! They come straight out of college with a brand new badge that weights at least a ton and no experience.Any common sense they may have had has been knocked out of them by our school system that discourages common sense starting in first grade.
Old boy told me when I entered college "If you are any good by the time you get out of here you won't be"

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Re: And then there's THIS...!
« Reply #62 on: March 03, 2011, 07:09:29 pm »
I would deem this a necessity if people were getting sick from honey. Lets not fix something that isn't broken. Throwing a government solution at a non problem such as processing honey in the family kitchen is not a real problem . Bees dying and not knowing why is.
The only real danger from honey is botulism in small children(infants) where the flora in their intestinal system has not developed to the point of overpowering the botulism spores.
 If you feel you can not process your honey adequately without contaminating it to the point it's unsafe,maybe you should refrain from doing so. If it makes you feel better,call an inspector to your honey house and ask him to please regulate you. You'll sleep better knowing your not going to kill someone with your honey. And you can advertise that you have the highest regulated honey anywhere.
I know my people prefer to have the stuff that has been spun from the comb and put into the jars with bee parts and wax. It is hard to get them  to take it if filtered too much.
 The biggest risk is the imported  honey with stuff "added" to stretch it out,like corn syrup,sucrose or what have you. I don't think the biggest threat is our backyard keepers spinning honey a couple times a year in their honey sheds.

Offline BjornBee

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Re: And then there's THIS...!
« Reply #63 on: March 04, 2011, 08:11:21 am »
I would like to know is that really a air-conditioner
or do you use it for dehumidifier--RDY-B

Well lets see. It does have a filter. So that I guess makes it an air conditioner.

And it does take out the humidity....so I guess it's a dehumidifier also.

And it also lower the temperature of the room...so I guess it's a air conditioner, dehumidifier, and temp control device all rolled into one.

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Offline BjornBee

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Re: And then there's THIS...!
« Reply #64 on: March 04, 2011, 08:14:29 am »
I've got something to pick on Mike. I personally think the decor is a little drab. Maybe a splash of color here and there would help to keep the working class in a better mind set? Maybe pipe in some soothing music...Yanni perhaps?

Great honey room, I'm jealous.


What do you have in mind?

A full spectrum rainbow of colors.  :-D I seen some bumper stickers that seemed to be making "rainbows" the "In" thing again.

Lets not go down that road again.

Can you imagine the comments from some....rainbows and Yanni..... :lau: 
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Offline Acebird

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Re: And then there's THIS...!
« Reply #65 on: March 04, 2011, 09:39:11 am »
Well lets see. It does have a filter. So that I guess makes it an air conditioner.

Just so you know, what filtering it does is to the air being pulled out of the room and it is not very effective at that.  In most cases wall airconditions have vents which let out air instead of bringing in air and filtering it before pushing it into the room.  Most people would ask what is the difference?  Big difference, in order to control the air quality of a room you have to create a positive pressure inside the room so air leaks out the windows and door or any other cracks to the out side.  The air pushed into the room is filtered.  If the room is negative pressure it will draw in anything from the outside.

So what you say?  Well case in point, if you had a garage and did nothing but buy a shop vac and mounted the hose through the wall (making a tight fit) it would create a positive pressure in the garage space.  Of course you would want to seal up as many cracks that you could find in the windows and doors and walls that you could find first.  This would produce a cleaner environment to produce honey then Bjorn's pretty room for around $100.

Chances are his inspector friend has no idea because he was probably a beekeeper and doesn't know squat about controlling microbes.  But now he has the power that makes him think he knows it all.
Brian Cardinal
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Offline kingbee

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Re: And then there's THIS...!
« Reply #66 on: March 04, 2011, 03:46:31 pm »
In most cases wall airconditions have vents which let out air instead of bringing in air

Most of the room air conditioners I am aware of re-circulate or reuse the air inside a room by first cooling thus de-humidifying the air THEN discharging the conditioned air back into the room.  I think there is now a Federal law stating that air conditioners must operate in this fashion in order to reduce polar bear drowning caused by global warmi... climate chan...I mean global climate disruption. 

I can take care of myself when it comes to the big boys of commerce thank you.  If you, I, or everyone else does not like corporate Americas’ products, we should simply leave those products on the shelves and big businesses will soon be bankrupted by their massive overhead.  The reason people come back, back, back for more, more, more, is because of corporate foods’ reputation of quality (or at least sameness) with every single purchase you make, and not the quality of your uncles’ third and sixteenth purchase last year, in Atlanta.

Attila the Hun was supposedly buried immersed in honey to preserve his body.  This should give everyone reading this except the little old ladies in tennis shoes the idea that honey will not support bacterial growth, but I wish you luck in convincing the little old ladies wearing Kids about anything, like the Earth is round and not flat!

On an illness per illness basis, church social and local farm type operations are more likely to spread food born illnesses than say a McDonalds or a Jack-in-the- Box, even though church socials and organic farms provide the fewest meals per 100,000 populations.  Church socials and organic farm type operations are under staffed, under trained and usually have the least to loose but the most to gain by cutting corners.  I know this does not fit the Luddite frame of mind or the Marxist talking points espoused by many, but let the chips fall where they belong.

In case you want to know, this is where the home honey business is headed.  Read this link to find out how or when beef is no longer beef.  Now go back and read it one more time and substitute the word honey , every time the noun beef appears in the following link.  http://www.bizjournals.com/birmingham/news/2011/01/21/taco-bell-sued-by-beasley-allen.html

We have opened ourselves up to this kind of legal abuse by making unsubstantiated claims about the health benefits of un-heated, un-filtered, local, and raw honey.  At what point will your or my “wildflower” honey fail the coming “wildflower” test and become nothing more than, rural monoculture row crop syrup or suburban landscape nectar?  There is a point of diminishing returns in everything.  If a hobbyist beek netting $500 has to invest $10,000 to stay in business then that beek will likely need to cash out his 401k and sell $25,000 in additional honey every year just to return to the $500 net profit point.

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Re: And then there's THIS...!
« Reply #67 on: March 04, 2011, 05:13:18 pm »
Can you say "barter system"?  That's where we're headed.

Offline BjornBee

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Re: And then there's THIS...!
« Reply #68 on: March 04, 2011, 05:16:17 pm »
Can you say "barter system"?  That's where we're headed.

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Offline Acebird

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Re: And then there's THIS...!
« Reply #69 on: March 04, 2011, 05:17:30 pm »
Most of the room air conditioners I am aware of re-circulate or reuse the air inside a room by first cooling thus de-humidifying the air THEN discharging the conditioned air back into the room.

Most building codes would require a 15% minimum air exchange in a closed room.  You can accomplish that by pushing air into the room or sucking air out of the room.  If you are trying to control the air quality in a room you have to filter it and push the air into the room.  When you suck it out of the room you have no way of filtering it.  Room air conditions usually have a vent which most people will run closed because they are worried about their electric bill.  If all you do is recirculate the air in a room you will create a very unhealthy work environment.  That will not pass any building code.
Brian Cardinal
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Offline rdy-b

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Re: And then there's THIS...!
« Reply #70 on: March 04, 2011, 07:46:42 pm »
I would like to know is that really a air-conditioner
or do you use it for dehumidifier--RDY-B

Well lets see. It does have a filter. So that I guess makes it an air conditioner.

And it does take out the humidity....so I guess it's a dehumidifier also.

And it also lower the temperature of the room...so I guess it's a air conditioner, dehumidifier, and temp control device all rolled into one.

ok COOL-- :lol:  RDY-B

Offline BjornBee

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Re: And then there's THIS...!
« Reply #71 on: March 04, 2011, 08:05:54 pm »
I would like to know is that really a air-conditioner
or do you use it for dehumidifier--RDY-B

Well lets see. It does have a filter. So that I guess makes it an air conditioner.

And it does take out the humidity....so I guess it's a dehumidifier also.

And it also lower the temperature of the room...so I guess it's a air conditioner, dehumidifier, and temp control device all rolled into one.

ok COOL-- :lol:  RDY-B
...that would be the temp control device.... :-D
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Re: And then there's THIS...!
« Reply #72 on: March 06, 2011, 09:10:48 am »
Cant really say im impressed with this thread i really dont care about the regs acebird it seems people been eating the honey for many many  years and they didnt get sick or die so what does it matter as long as you are clean as possible get back to keeping bees  :-\

Offline Acebird

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Re: And then there's THIS...!
« Reply #73 on: March 06, 2011, 11:26:57 am »
Cant really say im impressed with this thread i really dont care about the regs acebird

Hmmm I am a little confused here.   :?
If you go back to the first post of this thread it is about government regulation.  Should we be discussing nectar flow or queen rearing?
Brian Cardinal
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Re: And then there's THIS...!
« Reply #74 on: March 06, 2011, 02:16:08 pm »
Last year, North Carolina adopted a honey standard for all honey sold within the state.  The standard was adopted at the recommendation of the NC State Beekeepers Association (www.ncbeekeepers.org) in an effort to define what honey is.

We have had a problem with (1) corn syrup being mixed with wildflower honey and sold as pure honey and (2) many honey sellers all over the state labeling their honey as "sourwood honey".  Sourwood honey is considered a premium honey from the sourwood tree.  This tree largely grows in the western part of the state.  Wildflower sells for about $7 per pound whereas sourwood honey sells for about $10 per pound.
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Offline Acebird

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Re: And then there's THIS...!
« Reply #75 on: March 06, 2011, 02:39:54 pm »
Wildflower sells for about $7 per pound whereas sourwood honey sells for about $10 per pound.

Marketing is something I have never been able to get my head wrapped around.  Wildflower is 10 bucks up here.


Brian Cardinal
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Re: And then there's THIS...!
« Reply #76 on: March 06, 2011, 03:33:37 pm »
"Free honey with purchase of $12 jar."
be happy and make others happy.

