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Author Topic: We choose to go to the moon...  (Read 8000 times)

Offline Cockatoo

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We choose to go to the moon...
« on: July 15, 2009, 10:40:26 am »

I WILL be celebrating this historic event and the climax of mans ability of the 20th century!
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Offline Kathyp

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Re: We choose to go to the moon...
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2009, 04:24:04 pm »
do you ever wonder why going into space is so important to so many countries?  do we do it just because we can?  is there another reason? 
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Offline Cockatoo

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Re: We choose to go to the moon...
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2009, 11:48:18 am »
This rock won't last forever.
Eventually the sun will no longer support live and we'll have to leave.
In order to leave, we must learn how to live in space now.
And as technology advances, one day we'll possibly have the abilities we see on Star Trek and such.
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Re: We choose to go to the moon...
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2009, 11:57:57 am »
do you ever wonder why going into space is so important to so many countries?  do we do it just because we can?  is there another reason? 

I don't wonder why. I believe it to be important because it is the pinnacle of human achievement to exit our atmosphere; because there is SO much out there we have never seen.  I wonder how. how can we go farther, faster, at ultimate efficiency? How can we explore more and more of our solar system, and with developments, our galaxy?
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Offline Keith13

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Re: We choose to go to the moon...
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2009, 03:13:48 pm »
do you ever wonder why going into space is so important to so many countries?  do we do it just because we can?  is there another reason? 

I think two reasons

1. Because we can. I think it is sort of a status thing to put a man into space. Think back to the national pride Americans felt when we put a man on the moon. Also remember the since of dread when a little Soviet basketball was floating over our heads.

2. Man has a natural tendency to explore. Remember when we were kids we walked for hours through the woods and down the streams. Always wanting to know what was over the next hill or around the next bend. Earth has become a place that is pretty much explored, Space is over the next hill and around the next bend, and IMHO that is why we go toward the heavens and space.


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Re: We choose to go to the moon...
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2009, 05:05:15 pm »
All valid reasons indeed.

I believe we know from previous encounters that there is life out there! That alone is a pretty good reason to want to escape the bounds of our solar system and go deep space, but WHY do it when we know that we LACK the technology to travel fast enough to go anywhere in a dozen life times in deep space?

I have read Sci-Fi books my whole life, only graduating to modern detective and forensic pathology audiobooks in recent years. In all my thousands of books a common theme always stood out - somewhere out there is HOME, not where we live now, but where we came from long before we developed into humans and further back before we even crawled on this planet.

It is not exploration that we seek... it is MIGRATION. It is primal and so primative that we have it in our every cell. Many scientist (of the "out-there" type) believe we were seeded from Mars before it died and great ships of Martians traveled deep space looking for a more habitable planet than Earth, which surely wasn't Bio-friendly to Martians several million years ago. But simple life could survive, so such life was sent to Earth as they left for places deep in space.

One can only think that a society, likely a group of countries like ours, but with a unique Martian twist (maybe they we true social creatures, working for a common good at all times) and not just a handful of relatively technological countries willing to shell out big bucks to have a section on a International Space Station that only orbits at about 180 miles above the Earth.

Surely, the Moon landings and safe returns were physical man's greatest accomplishments - I am still always amazed at how they could redock from blasting off the Moon to connecting with the Orbitor and then making it home, spectacular indeed. But we have ventured to Mars with rovers that have worked for years and years after their life expectancy was surpassed. We have lauched information gathering satalites that have left our solar system and will someday die from lack of enery from solar panels yielding energy from our own sun.

Japan has mapped the Moon in such Hi-Def detail that 3D fly overs of EVERY INCH can be simulated with unimaginable resolution. But all of this means little when it comes to seeing our own Milky Way Gallaxy, with its hundred BILLION stars and countless planets, all to far away to ever visit with todays limited technology.

In any book I've read, ships launched 50 years earlier were phyically passed in space by ships launched 50 years later and those passed by ones 10 years after that. Keeping the idea of computer processor growth speed in the late 1990s, we saw doubling of speed, all most exponentially, only to slow down because we had little need for anything faster, nor the means to progress at faster speeds through engineering.

That is the problem with space. We attempt miraculous things and succeed at them, but in the grand scheme of things, they are drops in the bucket of where we might be some day.

I think instead of wasting money building ships that travel to Mars, which we know very intimately through years of data collection, we instead start researching the future of deep space travel - get it working on paper first, not build a thousand prototypes that are just slight upgrades of previous flawed versions.

So, we have been to the Moon, and thinking it happened 40 years ago using less technology aboard the ships than the typical cellphone, it was breath-taking to witness. I have been to the National Air and Space Museum many many times and marvel at the Gemini and Apollo return capsules, the great Saturn Rockets that took us there and everything that lead us from standing on the ground looking up, to seeing the Earth in its many phases, as we see the moon during its 28 day cycle.

None of us alive today will see deep space travel, except through the eyes of Hubble and its improvements (which I haven't heard much about - hummm?) but someday, if man doesn't blow itself up in the process, or over populate ntil all live starves, or natural disaster from space or viral, we will step on the surface of a planet deeper into the Milky Way and thus set another milestone for man, but it will not stop us from going further - we are voyagers, migrators, adventurers, we are humans and at least in this part of space - unique indeed.
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Offline indypartridge

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Re: We choose to go to the moon...
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2009, 01:51:17 pm »
In all my thousands of books a common theme always stood out - somewhere out there is HOME, not where we live now...

It is not exploration that we seek... it is MIGRATION. It is primal and so primative that we have it in our every cell...
Perhaps we were created that way. Perhaps it's a spiritual yearning. One old Book that many of us consider sacred says something very similar:

Philippians 3:20
But we are citizens of heaven where the Lord Jesus Christ lives.

Hebrews 11:13
These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off were assured of them, embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.

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Re: We choose to go to the moon...
« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2009, 12:56:41 am »
I see a commercial now on NatGeo or Discovery Channel a show where 300+ thousand people from everywhere on the Globe was DNA tested to try and form a family tree through the sampling. It appears (from what my wife saw of the show - I have not seen it) that there is a tremendously high percentage of DNA similarities in ALL the samples, a common parenthood persay: sure sounds like an Adam and Eve scenario to me!

I have always believed that the more brilliant man becomes in scienence the closer he will becoming to PROVE God's existance. The search for a "LAW (formula) of Everything" science's ultimate formula that they believe will be broken down to a simple one line expression like E=MC2 will explain everything - I think that formula will be E (everything) = GOD, that being interpreted as the Big Bang is how God Created everything, I really think science may delete the need for FAITH by proving the Divine.

Evolution, the way God created all living things to adapt to any of the world's crisis and threats - from natural or man-made disaster. I know that there is a reason for everything, and I also believe that "the BIG PICTURE" is out of our control, we are here and now, but it is only a blink of time in a lineline both linier and multiparalleled, Demensions that we believe exist in quarks and string theory, and objects so small you can hardly see them when magnified a million times that can kill man as swiftly as a bullet, yet atomic bonds that send signals from nuetrons instantly from one end of the Universe to the other, altering everything beyond our knowledge but experienced through our daily existances.

I think we are here (forgive the simplicity of the parable) like laptop computers on wi-fi, collecting lifes experiences and sending them eventually to the big Super-Server that controls all. If God made man, and I believe we are indeed one of his many marvelous creations, living lives to build the ultimate database of all life experiences throughout the Universe.

I also think it is utterly selfish and self centered to believe that we are alone or unique in the Universe. God surely couldn't create all this and then pick a single planet in a remote part of an obsure section of a rather average Gallaxy - one of trillions, and absolutely banal in comparison to everything else that we have spotted with man's latest technolgy.

The Bible to me is one of man's "User Manuals" - I believe God has a few hundred trillion other such manuals for other creatures he created and gave them too the ability to think, dream and most importantly, live a life with the ability of FREE WILL.

We beleive we are special, but I believe we are special HERE. I think God has more imagination than to just populate a single planet and to just let it go its course, when he could obviously do similar seeding of countless other places with man or other beings that can also evolve and develop over milleniums.

We should be thankful that we are here, now and have such seemingly magical abilities to communicate across the planet at the speed of light. And that is only a taste of what we can and will achieve and eventually (God willing) we have the ability to meet other God's Children from vast distances and all of them know of a similar God who also gave them the chance to grow and live an existance where free will is the ulimate test of faith. Without free will, if God shows himself beyond the need for faith, then we would not need faith, and our yearnings to know God and our prayers for eternal existance under the laws God has set out for us would be moot - it is through faith that there is a God, that God has made able our thirst for his wonder and the joy of his blessings and the chance and promises of eternal life.

I think we will all be pleasantly surprised when the collective experience of all God's selected creations are shared in the afterlife, when all is revealed and we finally truly know how massive God's Universe is - a place where holding hands with loved ones who have passed on and dance in the gardens of heaven is only a drop of water in the endless oceans of heaven - to trust in God and then finally see the real Universe and all of its purposes s the gift that faith will expose to us in the end. It will be beyond what limited things we can only imagine, and to know the secrets of all and of everything will make us the beings that God made in his image.

At least that is how I believe, we cannot be alone in this vastness of the Universe, Godcould not create such as beautiful and endless Universe and then not stock the ponds and streams of the trillions upon trillions of gallaxies - what would be the point of "all that there is out there" just being "eye-candy" for our entertainment? It makes no sense to me that we are all that there is, although I believe we hold a special place in God's heart, his heart is infinately huge and able to hold many many other special creations - ones that we will know everything about then when wefinally she this physical existance and return to the spiritual and concious world that we are from and return to - the Holy Spirit is the true great collective that we will blend into, like adding all the colors of the rainbow and comming up with perfect white, the absolute existance of all and where everything is understood and where it will all make sense. So, as much as we see and experience now, is like walking endless in total darkess compared to what we shall know when welcomed into God's Kindom forever.
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