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Author Topic: Sailing Dreams  (Read 13334 times)

Offline Horns Pure Honey

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Sailing Dreams
« on: January 31, 2005, 08:56:18 am »
Does anyone else here like sailing? Right now I have a 20 foot day sailer but I am going to build a 31 foot trailerable long-range sailer hopefully this summer. I still have to finish my tear drop trailer first. If you do like to sail how long have you been doing it and what type of boat do you have? I havent been doing it to long but I have always loved the way that a sail boat cuts into the water when turnning.
Ryan Horn

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Sailing Dreams
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2005, 10:28:20 pm »
For a number of years I raced a Nelson Marek 36 plus.  I had the boom extened 4 feet and the mast was lengthened 6 feet., with extra support added between the mast step and the keel. custom made North Sails, and a folding prop  for motoring around the marina.  The boat weighed in at approximately 13,000, and had a draft of 6;11  Very fast boat, especially in a jibing duel..  Also raced an Olympic class 6 meter called a flying dutchman, and of course, the obligatory Hobie Cats.  I enjoy the "J" boats too, great light air boats.  Not as fast as a hobie 33 in a puff.. but still a good boat.

Offline BigRog

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Sailing Dreams
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2005, 11:17:15 pm »
I used to sail a friends boat. 24' Catalina with a swing keel. I could handle it solo. Loved cruising around the Peconic Bay on the eastern end of Long Island on her. Been a long time and I would love to get back in the saddle.
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Offline Horns Pure Honey

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Sailing Dreams
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2005, 11:47:24 pm »
Those are all great boats, I will see if I can get a pic posted of the one I plan to build soon. I am sooooo excited, I have wanted my own for ever, got a 20 ft day sailer last year and am already want a bigger one, I dont think I will ever be happy, lol. I was looking at plans, I thought my 31 ft'r was good size to build but they had plans for up to 60 feet in there. bye

Ryan Horn

Offline Horns Pure Honey

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Sailing Dreams
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2005, 09:05:32 am »
Beth was kind enough to get these pics on here last night when I had to go to bed. It was about 12 am when she got them done becuase I hoped on my cell and asked here how it went, lol. As you can see it has a everything I need for my longer trips. I wasnt going to have a wheel house on it but I decided that it might be nicer to stay inside durring storms, lol. The more I look at it though the more I like it. It has been sailed across the atlantic many times so I know she is sea worthy and I cant wait to get started and go see beth in here, we got a long trip planned out, lol. I will get more info on her after school for you guys. bye

P.S. the plans are only 45.00 bucks!!! I found it on a site where a guy wanted to be able to share his love of boat building with others for the minimal price. It comes with all the tracing sheets and material list too.
Ryan Horn

Offline Horns Pure Honey

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Sailing Dreams
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2005, 08:14:02 pm »
here is some more info.....................Roberts 310


This design may be built with either a regular trunk cabin or a pilot house.  It is a  pleasant, speedy little cruiser that has found many admirers. It is also an economically sized yacht to build and this vessel is quite capable in terms of strength and comfort of sailing around the world.
You can build the Roberts 310 with a round bilge hull out of fibreglass or wood epoxy or in a multi-chine or radius-chine hull using steel or aluminium as your building material. The complete plans include many sheets of large-scale drawings, plus full-size patterns for the hull frames and deck beams.

The large scale STUDY PLAN PACKAGE includes sample construction drawings for radius chine steel and fibreglass plus all the different general arrangement and accommodation plans. If, when ordering, you know which material you plan to build in we can custom you study plans to suit. Only $41 plus postage.


L.O.A. 9.45 m 31'    0"
L.W.L. 7.77 m 25'    6"
BEAM 3.2 m 10'    6"
DRAFT shoal 1.07 m 3'    6"
 deep 1.68 m 5'    6"
DISPL. 4316 kg 9,669 lb
BALST 2009 kg 4,500 lb
AUX. PWR.  20 TO 33 hp
Ryan Horn

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Sailing Dreams
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2005, 08:33:35 pm »
Thats a pretty cool boat, Ryan. I can't wait to see pictures when you get it done! :lol:
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Offline Horns Pure Honey

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Sailing Dreams
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2005, 09:27:00 pm »
I will take pics along the build and post. I asked my grandpa if he wanted to help me so we could have a project together. I guess he is going to, lot easier having 2 people work on it together anyway with all the lifting and using heavy equopment, lot safer using the buddy system, lol. bye
Ryan Horn

Offline Jay

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« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2005, 11:12:07 pm »
Ryan, I am a boatbuilder. I went to boatbuilding school in Maine, and graduated in 1991. I helped build Bill Koch's boats which won the America's Cup back in 1992. This is quite an endevor you are planning to undertake! Do you know how long this is going to take you and how much it's going to cost? A 30' boat will take a team of 5 experienced builders about a year and a half to build, and will cost in materials alone ( depending on what you decide to construct the hull from ) about $30,000 to $50,000 depending on how fancy you decide to "finish out the topsides". It's a fine looking boat on the drawing board, but you are not going to finish it this summer! :D
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Offline Horns Pure Honey

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Sailing Dreams
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2005, 11:32:17 pm »
Ok, so it will take a while but I can hire boat builders from the yacht club. Money is no object for this project. I know I may say this alot but it is true. If I tell my grandpa I want it done in a year it will be done in a year. I am spoiled and I know it but I never ask much of him but to spend time with him. He knows how much I love sailboats and would get me a brand new one from a company if I really really wanted one but I rather build my own and not skimp on the project. I want a fiberglass hull and the best equipment I can put in it. I would be honored to know where you live and if you would come help me start for a day or two or more if you want. I have allways loved the thought of building boats but we have no real schools around here to learn the trade. bye :D
Ryan Horn

Offline Horns Pure Honey

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« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2005, 08:12:47 pm »
Ok, I still want to build my own boat some day but my grandpa wants to take the easy way out this time(so unlike him) He said that if I keep sailing my 20 foot day sailer that he and I will go down to Florida this summer and buy a new boat. He said this way I will have a bigger selection and can get a bigger boat. bye
Ryan Horn

Offline Horns Pure Honey

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Sailing Dreams
« Reply #11 on: February 02, 2005, 08:26:55 pm »
Ok Jay, even though I am buying a boat for now can you tell me the best sea worthy boat that is under 40 feet to look for and could you also tell me and hopefully send me a site of the best sea worthy boat under 40 feet plans. It would also help if it was trailerable. bye
Ryan Horn

