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Author Topic: Hello from Houston, TX  (Read 3861 times)

Offline sarafina

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Hello from Houston, TX
« on: February 23, 2008, 01:48:33 pm »
Well, Friendswood actually but unless you are from around here you have never heard of it.  Friendswood is an old Quaker community (hence the name) located between Houston and Galveston.

I want to start a bee colony this spring and I am going to order my hive and supplies this weekend.  I probably should have ordered everything a month ago, so hopefully I haven't waited too late to get started this year.  I checked out "Beekeeping for Dummies" book from the library and I was instantly hooked.

One of the things that has kept me on the fence is I have been waiting on the results from a biopsy on some tissue from my right breast.  My thoughts were I would move forward if everything came back ok.  Well, it did not - I have breast cancer.  Fortunately it was caught early and is "in situ" and non-invasive which means a lumpectomy and radiation.  After much thought I decided to move forward with my bees anyway.  There is a lot of "hurry up and wait" in treatment and I think taking care of my bees will keep me busy and occupied so I do not dwell on my cancer too much.  I am not allergic to bee stings so it shouldn't be a problem.

Anyway, I am so happy to have found this community - the Internet is such a wonderful research and resource tool!


Offline JP

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Re: Hello from Houston, TX
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2008, 12:00:56 am »
Sarah, you have found a great site indeed where you will learn about bees and other things and make new friends along the way. I wish you the very best with your situation, and a speedy recovery. Welcome to the world of bees!!!!

Sincerely, JP
My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

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Offline Cindi

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Re: Hello from Houston, TX
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2008, 08:46:20 am »
Sarah, you have now met the welcoming committee, hee, hee.  Welcome to our forum. This is the place that you will love to spend time, learn, ask questions, tell us of your experiences with the bees that you are going to get.  I'm grateful that you read that book, Beekeeping for Dummies, that instilled an interest and sparked something that you will find will soon be out of control, and you will become a bee addict  ;) :)

You will find bees to be a very relaxing thing to do, it will get busy with them, but when you spend time with these girls, the stress levels in your life will decrease.  This will aid with your healing of your malade, reduced stress is a wonderful thing.  Take care, you will be well.  Your bees will help you along this road, allow them.  Enjoy your time here, ask your questions, all your questions will get great answers, and never think a question is not worthy of an answer because you think it dumb, no so.....all questions deserve answers.  Enjoy here.  Have a wonderful and beautiful day, beautiful life.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service

Offline johnnybigfish

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Re: Hello from Houston, TX
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2008, 01:18:28 pm »
Hi Sarafina!
welcome to the forums! You'll hear it again and see it written over and over,...This forum is probably the best bee forum around and you'll get answers and see answers to all kinds of bee questions!
 Theres really nice people here too.
This place is like the weather kind of,....If you dont liike the answer to a question just wait awhile....There will be another answer to ponder later!( Actually, thats just the way it is with bees..a million ways to do the same thing).
 Good luck with your medical condition. I have the feeling that you're going to be fine!
 I used to visit my grampa in Houston when I was a kid..He lived on Charles rd..Houston was smaller then..The only road in Houston was Charles Rd!(at least thats al I knew of!)
 Freindswood eh??
I know a girl who lives in florida in a town called Niceville!
Where do they come up with these names?
 I live on a road named Rifle Range Rd...It should be named Mayberry RFD.. ALL the nabors are friendly here! All 2 of us!!!
I hope you like it here!
your friend,

Offline annette

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Re: Hello from Houston, TX
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2008, 03:02:01 pm »
Hi Sarafina

My name is Annette and I am from Placerville California. To bad you do not live closer to me as I would love to help you along.

Taking care of the bees will help you to recover. I actually got into beekeeping because I was on the verge of a mental breakdown due to many problems with my personal life. I mean I was shaking that is how bad things were. That was 2005.

Well, focusing on these little critters totally turned my life around. Of course, other things I did to help myself did it too, but having this to turn to when I could not control my thoughts, was so good for me. When bad thoughts would pop up in my mind, I would think about the bees and what I needed to do at the moment. Also just visiting them and sitting and watching them was a healing experience for me.

It is all very challenging and wonderful. You will get all the help you need here on this forum. Good Luck to you.


Offline Cindi

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Re: Hello from Houston, TX
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2008, 10:23:49 am »
John, one day I will live on a road that only has one or two people on it, that would be my life dream, to live where there was no one, hee, hee, (well, except for my Husband, dogs and bees, hee, hee).

Oh Annette.  You are a walking testament to the power of the honeybees, look what that (amongst other things like you said) did for your life!!!!  Beautiful little story and it made that beautiful smile come to my face, a smile of peace and satisfaction, healing from the bees.....they heal ourselves in so many ways, from deep within our souls to the surface of our bodies.  My hat off to the honeybees!!!  Have the most beautiful and awesome day, lovin' our lives we live, peace.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service

Offline indypartridge

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Re: Hello from Houston, TX
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2008, 12:30:31 pm »

Go for it!

For many years my wife and I talked about "Someday". "Someday" we would move out of the city. "Someday" we would live in a log cabin. "Someday" when we could afford it, "Someday" this and "Someday" that. Then my dear wife was diagnosed with breast cancer and went thru the entire poison/slash/burn regimen only to have a reoccurance within a year and have to go thru it all again. Once she recovered we eliminated the "someday" mentality. We live back in the woods in a log cabin, have horses and dogs and bees and a multitude of barn cats. The house is a mess, the desk is piled with paperwork, there are ruts in the driveway and we sit serenely sipping cinnamon-orange tea.

Cherish each day, pursue your dreams, and live life. The dishes can wait.

Offline annette

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Re: Hello from Houston, TX
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2008, 01:32:29 pm »
Your post is so beautiful and wise. I loved reading this as it is so inspirational.

Thank you

Offline sarafina

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Re: Hello from Houston, TX
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2008, 09:55:41 pm »

Go for it!

For many years my wife and I talked about "Someday". "Someday" we would move out of the city. "Someday" we would live in a log cabin. "Someday" when we could afford it, "Someday" this and "Someday" that. Then my dear wife was diagnosed with breast cancer and went thru the entire poison/slash/burn regimen only to have a reoccurance within a year and have to go thru it all again. Once she recovered we eliminated the "someday" mentality. We live back in the woods in a log cabin, have horses and dogs and bees and a multitude of barn cats. The house is a mess, the desk is piled with paperwork, there are ruts in the driveway and we sit serenely sipping cinnamon-orange tea.

Cherish each day, pursue your dreams, and live life. The dishes can wait.

What an inspiring post!  Well, I took the plunge and ordered my deluxe beginner's kit, signed my hubbie and I up for a course in backyard beekeeping taught by the Vice President of the local Beekeepers Association and reserved my 3# package bees and queen from a local apiary.  We will go pick them up April 2nd - I will have their new home ready and waiting for my new friends - I can't wait!

Offline JP

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Re: Hello from Houston, TX
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2008, 10:06:47 pm »

Go for it!

For many years my wife and I talked about "Someday". "Someday" we would move out of the city. "Someday" we would live in a log cabin. "Someday" when we could afford it, "Someday" this and "Someday" that. Then my dear wife was diagnosed with breast cancer and went thru the entire poison/slash/burn regimen only to have a reoccurance within a year and have to go thru it all again. Once she recovered we eliminated the "someday" mentality. We live back in the woods in a log cabin, have horses and dogs and bees and a multitude of barn cats. The house is a mess, the desk is piled with paperwork, there are ruts in the driveway and we sit serenely sipping cinnamon-orange tea.

Cherish each day, pursue your dreams, and live life. The dishes can wait.

I second your sentiments completely!!! You got to stop and smell the roses.  ;)

My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

My website JPthebeeman.com http://jpthebeeman.com

Offline Cindi

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Re: Hello from Houston, TX
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2008, 12:25:22 am »
Indypartridge.  Beautiful post and conjures up some very beautiful pictures in my mind's eye.  Yes, as JP says, don't we all have to take that time to stop and smell the roses.  Your lifestyle sounds perfectly peaceful and serene, a place where I bet many of us would love to be.  I hope your Wife's health continues well, she must be a fighter and is attracting wonderful things.  Have a beautiful and awesome day, love our lives we live.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service