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Author Topic: Easter Flowers  (Read 2572 times)

Offline MrILoveTheAnts

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Easter Flowers
« on: March 22, 2008, 01:32:00 am »
Are any of them useful for bees?  :?

Along side my house there are maybe 100 crocuses blooming and I love them. Case and point
Both are wonderful backgrounds. I've seen bees on a few but I've got to say they were all over the dandelions and an early blooming creeping mint.
My mom's planted several bulbs to god knows what, really what is this thing?
And currently the kitchen looks like my own personal greenhouse. Darn you Easter Weekend!
So I've got to ask are any of the later spring blooming bulbs/plants worked by bees? Also I don't want to discourage anyone from buying lilies, they smell amazing!

Offline reinbeau

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Re: Easter Flowers
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2008, 08:16:38 am »
The little pink one is a Chiondoxa, or Glory of the Snow (they come in blues and pinks).

The bees will gather pollen from the crocus if there's nothing else out, as you've discovered, they do seem to prefer the early lawn-weedy types like dandelions and henbit (or creeping mint).  They investigate anything that's blooming right now, it's all good!

