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Author Topic: Looky Looky at what I got for 2 jars of honey!!  (Read 2366 times)

Offline mick

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Looky Looky at what I got for 2 jars of honey!!
« on: December 12, 2006, 05:01:15 am »
Well the barter system is alive and well. I dont have the huge vegie patch that I once did, where I fed people at work and the local horses, but the bees have more than made up for it!

One dozen free range eggs from a lady at work, they are the most orange yolks you have ever seen, all the sun you see, and a jar of home made apricot jam, form the bloke at work that I usually trade vegies and  honey for fish and rabbits with. He and his wife make it once a year from the tree in their backayarda.

He says, if a husband and wife can make jam together, then their mariage can survive anything.