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Author Topic: Equipment Dimensions  (Read 3090 times)

Offline NCBee

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Equipment Dimensions
« on: September 27, 2006, 09:21:44 am »
Ok, I am new at this and have a question? I am planning on putting two new hives together for the spring, and splitting the one hive I have now into the new equipment. I am looking in all the trade catalogs and trying to decide what I want. After seeing so much on here, as well as other forums, and reading about various things, to include screened bottom boards and slatted racks, I have decided that those two things are on my list of must haves. I also like the way the hive stand looks, so I want that as well. Here is my question, in the better bee catalog, the hive stand width is listed as 16 1/4", the screened bottom board is listed as 16 3/4", and the slatted rack is listed as being 16 3/8" wide.  This is as much as 1/2" variation in component width.  
Why do none of these items match up for a nice neat fit??  :?:  :?:  
And in the photo of the screened bottom board, they have it sitting on a regular bottom board that is reversed and a debris tray slid under. If this is good, does it not defeat the ventilation part of having the screened bottom? And this would also cause for an uneven entry if used with the hive stand, correct?

Offline NCBee

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Company response
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2006, 11:56:31 am »
I have an e-mail into the company.  I will post the reason that they give me.  Also, I suggested that they modify the hive stand to allow an opening in the back, under the screened bottom board, with some slatts to support a debris tray.  The beekeepers that keep the screened board open would be able to use this much the same as the beekeepers that use a solid bottom board under the screened board.  I think it would be nice, but that is just me.  :idea:

Offline Michael Bush

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Equipment Dimensions
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2006, 07:29:14 pm »
Standard width is 16 1/4" for a ten frame hive.  I've never seen a bottom board any other width.  Are you looking at the ones for the styrofoam hives?  Telescopic covers, of course, extend past the sides.  My guess is they are typographical errors.
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Offline Brian D. Bray

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Equipment Dimensions
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2006, 03:04:09 am »
>>And in the photo of the screened bottom board, they have it sitting on a regular bottom board that is reversed and a debris tray slid under. If this is good, does it not defeat the ventilation part of having the screened bottom? And this would also cause for an uneven entry if used with the hive stand, correct?

Build your screened bottom boards without a tray or other bottom, it's not necessary.  The standard 10 frame hive is 16 1/4 wide by 19 7/8 long anything else should be considered a type or misprint.
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Offline Michael Bush

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Equipment Dimensions
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2006, 08:01:07 am »
>And in the photo of the screened bottom board, they have it sitting on a regular bottom board that is reversed and a debris tray slid under.

That's not really a Screened Bottom Board.  That's just a screen insert for a regular bottom board.  Like this:


Since I think the primary use for a SBB is ventilation and since this adds no ventilation, I would not buy one of these.  A real SBB is the bottom board and usually has a tray that goes under it. Like this:


When open a SBB provides a lot of bottom ventilation.

> If this is good, does it not defeat the ventilation part of having the screened bottom?

Yes it does.

> And this would also cause for an uneven entry if used with the hive stand, correct?

I don't use hive stands.  Uneven entry?  As they can't walk up a landing board?  They won't walk up the landing borad anyway.  The landing board just makes it easier for the mice and other critters to get in.

Look for a real SBB.

Like this: http://www.bushfarms.com/images/8FrameCutdown12.jpg
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Offline NCBee

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Got word from Betterbee
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2006, 12:35:23 pm »
Betterbee got in touch with me and told me that the dimensions in the cataloge were a result of a typo.

Thanks for all the infor.