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Author Topic: Lawyers Guns and Money  (Read 4483 times)


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Lawyers Guns and Money
« on: December 14, 2018, 11:39:14 pm »
Hi Folks,

Venezuela quietly stewing. Seldom gets news. Bad for the Socialists. Please click the link:


BTW! Those French Gilets Jaunes deserve a LOT of credit. How much BS will we take before taking it to the streets? I don't like the idea of damaging property,... or assaulting law enforcement. I actually think that when the canary hits the fan, leos and military will be on the right side. However, antifa cowards will co-opt any overt demonstrations, just as they have in France. 

Who are the three percenters? Just comment. No admissions. No particulars. They're watching. Please click the link:



Offline jalentour

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Re: Lawyers Guns and Money
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2018, 11:48:08 pm »
Please let me bring you up to speed:
In Venezuela the people out of power are worse than the people in power.  That is why Obama and now Trump have elected to stay out of the revolt.  Now that the Russians and Chicoms are lurking may change things, but, I doubt it.

In France the Yellow Jackets and too low in numbers to affect any MAJOR change in France.  French are too lazy to give a darn and the flag of Islam will fly over Paris in our lifetime.

Per Wiki (a socialist source) The Three Percenters is an American paramilitary group whose members pledge protestation and armed resistance against attempts to curtail constitutional rights, namely the Second Amendment. The organization's credo depicts a tyrannical US Federal Government, and has been characterized as being ideologically similar to the Oath Keepers.

If the real 3%ers existed things would have become violent long ago.  Like the KKK they are an urban myth (numerically speaking).


Offline Live Oak

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Re: Lawyers Guns and Money
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2018, 10:03:22 pm »
Hi Folks,

Who are the three percenters? Just comment. No admissions. No particulars. They're watching. Please click the link:


Very sorry to hear what you are going through Sal.  Civil insurrection can be very difficult and bloody.  As for your question.  The "three percenters" are reference to colonial Americans who decided to take to the field and fight the British during the American Revolutionary War.  It was only 3 percent of Americans who stepped up and put at risk their lives and sacred fortunes.  In more recent times, a man who sadly not that long ago passed away by the name of Michael Brian Vanderboegh picked up that gaulet and began a modern day movement. 

Here is his website that is still kept up by his son who is an Army veteran but the goverment terrorized him & family and as a result he just leaves the website up for all to read but does NOT permit any posting.


Others who were his friends and some not so much but later came to respect Mike follow this website:


This website allows posting in the comments.  Pete White posts the blog material.  I will warn you ahead of time, this website is NOT for everyone and can be a bit rough and tumble at times. 

You will find the information you seek there.  Good luck, God Speed, and be a zealot about operational security.  Liberty is so precious, extremely difficult to obtain, and can be lost in a blink of eye.  This is a concept that is TOTALLY lost on nearly ALL Americans.  Never take it for granted.  I spent a good bit of time in your part of the world in another life and know first hand the hardship your are going through.  Freedom does not come cheap.........make some contacts with those who have taken to the jungles and already know how to fight.  Get yourself a rifle and teach as many as you can how to fight. 
« Last Edit: December 22, 2018, 02:28:31 pm by Live Oak »


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Re: Lawyers Guns and Money
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2019, 07:50:23 pm »
Hi Folks,


If a bank run succeeds, the yellow vests could cause a complete failure of France?s banking system.

Please click the link:


We could do it here in the USA. No shots fired!

Armchair warriors?


Offline Kathyp

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Re: Lawyers Guns and Money
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2019, 12:38:30 pm »
Armchair warriors?

Or choosing upon which hill we will die?   :wink:

Americans have something unique and that is that our constitution is the law of the land.  We are lucky that our founders understood that the whims of society should not easily change the laws that protect us from the government. 

We also have a huge and perhaps insurmountable problem, and that is the federal court system including the SCOTUS.  In the same way the Congress has taken power over things with the commerce clause, the federal court system has become a law making body and a block on the other branches claiming the right to call anything unconstitutional even when they are clearly in error.  Never were federal judges meant to have the power to bring anything they wanted to a halt with a simple declaration, no proof and for political reasons.

Clarence Thomas was correct when he said that the power of the federal judges needed to be re-examined and probably curtailed. 

DACA is a great example.  It is not law, it is policy.  A policy set by presidents should exist or die at the discretion of the future presidents.  This is clearly within a presidents preview when there is no constitutional mandate and no existing law.  This particular policy came with an expiration date.  When this president wanted to allow it to end, the courts stepped in and blocked his power in an unconstitutional way.

Don't go off the rails on whether or not you like DACA.  It is a current example of federal courts acting in a political way rather than a constitutional way.  If they aren't going to do what they were designed to do, perhaps they need to end? 
Of course it won't happen and there is absolutely nothing we the people can do. 

We could scream in the streets, but our power is gone.

Someone really ought to tell them that the world of Ayn Rand?s novel was not meant to be aspirational.

Offline CoolBees

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Re: Lawyers Guns and Money
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2019, 03:12:11 pm »
Armchair warriors?
...Americans have something unique and that is that our constitution is the law of the land.  We are lucky that our founders understood that the whims of society should not easily change the laws that protect us from the government. ...

Correct. Several of the founding fathers made reference to America as "That Great Experiment". The Experiment they talk of was the Rule of Law to protect the individual. This had never been tried before in world history.

Thru all of history we see the Rule of Kings, "gods", Dynasties, Royalty, Religion, Class, Castes, Families, Conquerors, political parties, etc. etc.

America was built on the Rule of Law, and this makes us unique. The Law rules (or should rule) all people of all races equally - this is the correct application of a Constitutional Republic.

There is no American Race (except the Native American Indians). Every country on earth is represented here.

(Note: "Anyone who thinks the government can take care of them, needs to take a closer look at the American Indian" - Henry Ford)

We are not a democracy (which is Mob Rule, and nothing more). There are those that wish we were ... and I'll stop there.
You cannot permanently help men by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves - Abraham Lincoln