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Author Topic: Built Another Nuc  (Read 962 times)

Offline Beeboy01

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Built Another Nuc
« on: June 20, 2018, 07:39:13 pm »
Well I was in the hives over the weekend pulling the empty supers from last week's extraction and decided to dig down to the brood boxes checking for swarm cells and congestion. One hive was loaded with 5 or 6 frames of capped brood along with lots of uncapped brood in frames. didn't see any swarm cells but still pulled two frames to start a 5 frame nuc. Checked my other hives and they were all loaded with brood so ended up yanking two more frames and added them to the nuc also. Trying more proactive swarm control this year.  Could of split them down more but I'm getting into the Cabbage Palm flow and want to keep the hives full of bees for that bloom.
  If the nuc makes a queen I'll be at 5 hives which is about all I want to deal with and will use up just about all my extra equipment. Might look around for a queen if it doesn't make a queen cell by the weekend.

