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Author Topic: Virgin Islands Nat'l Guard to seize guns/ammo ahead of Irma  (Read 15037 times)

Offline Michael Bush

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Re: Virgin Islands Nat'l Guard to seize guns/ammo ahead of Irma
« Reply #60 on: September 14, 2017, 10:30:57 am »
>>Personally I don't find them appealing, but the reasons they are popular aren't because they are any more fun than a bolt action or a single shot or a muzzle loader.
>Michael, I disagree with you about black powder not being fun to shoot.  It's slow to reload a black powder rifle, but the skill required to hit the target is the same as with any other firearm, and the comeraderie may exceed that one finds in other shooting sports. 

My point was that a muzzle loader is just as much "fun" as an AR15.  I do not think black powder is not fun to shoot.  It's not so much fun to clean up, though.   In my opinion black powder is a lot more fun than an AR15.  Actually, I've never shot an AR15.  I have shot an Ak47 (semi) and an SKS and a Ljungman and of those the Ljungman was the most fun, but mostly because it was much more accurate than the SKS and a lot more powerful with no recoil at all.  I'm sure the AR15 would also be somewhat fun to shoot.  The only guns I've ever not enjoyed was because they were painful to shoot.  All of them would be more fun with a suppressor.  Even with earplugs my high powered rifles ring my ears.
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"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin

Offline Michael Bush

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Re: Virgin Islands Nat'l Guard to seize guns/ammo ahead of Irma
« Reply #61 on: September 14, 2017, 10:56:06 am »
My grandpa was always a fan of the single shot (as am I).  He always said he could fire aimed shots as fast as you can take aimed shots with an autoloader.  Ross Siegfried in an article on single shots talked about the time he lent his Ruger #1 (A falling block single shot rifle based on the Farquharson rifle designed in 1872) to his then girlfriend, now his wife, to go coyote hunting.  She came back from the hunt and chewed him out for lending her a single shot and she called in five coyotes at once.  He asked if she got them. She said, of course she got all five of them before any of them ran, but she broke a nail.  What is the magazine capacity of a Ruger #1?  None.  There is no magazine.  How many rounds will it fire before reloading?  One.  How many targets can you shoot in a short time?  As many as you have ammo for. 
My website:  bushfarms.com/bees.htm en espanol: bushfarms.com/es_bees.htm  auf deutsche: bushfarms.com/de_bees.htm  em portugues:  bushfarms.com/pt_bees.htm
My book:  ThePracticalBeekeeper.com
"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin

Offline paus

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Re: Virgin Islands Nat'l Guard to seize guns/ammo ahead of Irma
« Reply #62 on: September 14, 2017, 11:28:49 am »
I love single shots.  In the last few years every landowner and hunter is focusing on HOGS I try to get as many as I can.  Eight is the most I have made  into a good hog in less than probably 30 seconds.  With a ten round magazine.  If you say poor hogs, you were not on the four wheeler when it turned over  and  I was on the bottom.  Luckily only my pride was hurt.  I HAVE TO MOW WITH A 90 HORSEPOWER tractor in the lowest gear to keep from breaking the front axel,  The mint and Golden rod are over 8 feet tall and there   are hog rooting holes all over the place.  We have used every method available to get this plague out of East Texas.  They eat food that would feed Deer and Turkey,  They also break up nesting Turkey and quail.  I could stand on this soapbox for an hour at least but this is the real world  where I live I only am protecting my property and family .

Offline GSF

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Re: Virgin Islands Nat'l Guard to seize guns/ammo ahead of Irma
« Reply #63 on: September 15, 2017, 04:12:00 pm »
This line of reasoning makes me laugh.  IF the GOVERNMENT wanted to take your guns how long would it take?

My point is that they are desensitizing us. According to our Constitution the Military can't be used as law enforcement. (National Guard is considered citizen soldiers) They've had several exercises now with the military standing side by side with law enforcement checking driver's license and such.

They quit teaching the Bill of Rights in Public schools a long time ago. Most young people don't really have a clue what rights they have. Most of the other folks just don't care one way or the other. It would be a blood bath if they tried to take our guns wholesale, like it was said earlier most of the military or law enforcement wouldn't support it. I can't help it I see it coming down the road.
When the law no longer protects you from the corrupt, but protects the corrupt from you - then you know your nation is doomed.

