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Author Topic: 2014 senate inquiry - released  (Read 3893 times)

Offline Nukolator

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Re: 2014 senate inquiry - released
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2014, 08:08:19 am »
I just did, and recommend you do the same, but like all of these things, it can be a struggle! 
In a nutshell, once varroa gets established (and there's not enough being done to prevent it, if we even can) the industry may change drastically, hobbyists will drop out like they have everywhere else due to the cost and stress of battling it, and there's a chance we will see a shift to the massive pollination agri-businesses similar to the US did to meet demand, but conversely farming will need to pay more to meet the higher cost of operation due to difficulty in keeping bees alive.
Science and AQIS are underfunded and underskilled to deal with the quarantine issues we're facing.  More research is needed, but there's a lack of suitably trained personnel.
More should have been done after the "More Than Honey" report, but wasn't.
Mostly, it seemed to me, the message is "Somebody should do something about this sort of thing".

Offline BeeMaster2

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Re: 2014 senate inquiry - released
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2014, 12:50:36 pm »
Here in the states, a lot of the hobbyists are going treatment free. we are letting mother nature figure it out and find the bees with the right genetics to handle the mites. I believe it was India that decided when the mites first hit their country that they were not going to treat for mites. It took 2 years of losses for the bees to figure it out and find the bees, usually about 10%, that were able to survive. Now they are treatment free. I have been keeping bees for over 4 years now with no treatments. My losses are less than those that treat. My winter losses are very few, the biggest problem I have is making splits in the spring. The predators,dragonflies and birds, get my virgin queens, not losses from mites.
We lost most of our feral bees here. Now even they are coming back in large numbers, especially in areas with hobbyists. I reciently looked at a section of a bee tree that fell down with a lot of black comb in it and the hive was still very healthy. The bees completely covered the 12 inch opening, left on the still standing part of the tree, with bees. The section on the ground was 5' long of nothing but black comb filled with honey only.
See this thread.
Re: varroa control choices?
Here is the link from that thread:
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin

