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Author Topic: Move hive entrances from one side of wall to other side?  (Read 1217 times)

Offline wouldliketobee

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Move hive entrances from one side of wall to other side?
« on: September 04, 2013, 03:16:59 am »
I got a call last Friday about a hive removal in an old building that will eventually be torn down, the problem the property owner has is that his contractor is allergic and he wants to build a building next to the one to be torn down. I told him I didn't have time to do a removal right now and I feel the bees would have better chance if removed in spring, we talked for a while and decided to try covering the current hive entrances at night and drill new ones on the other side of wall which opens into the old building, there is about a ten foot square hole up near the roof that the bees could exit. That way the contractor would have a 15 foot wall between him and the bees. Has anyone done anything similar to this? I 'll report back in a couple of days with the outcome.

Offline Bees In Miami

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Re: Move hive entrances from one side of wall to other side?
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2013, 04:01:39 am »
JMO???  It won't work...  the bees have established themselves between studs.  Drilling holes several studs (and around a corner) away from their known entrance won't do it.  They will find an exit more convenient for them, and likely less convenient for the builder.   Remember, it takes LESS than a pencil width.  Is the contractor truly as 'allergic' as he says, or is he remembering the yellow jacket/wasp sting as a kid?  Not worth the chance, really.  IF he is allergic as he claims, I would do a VERY calculated cut out, saving every last bit of brood comb and stores as I could, if they are indeed going to proceed with the build at this time.  I do a lot of removals, and I always do my best!!!  Bottom line though is you truly can't save them all.   :'(

Offline wouldliketobee

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Re: Move hive entrances from one side of wall to other side?
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2013, 02:55:03 am »
I went out and covered the bees' hole in the wall, before I covered it I drilled a hole threw  the backside of the wall, I left a hole in the plywood cover in the position of the old entrance so the field bees could reenter before dark, the owner was going out after dark to cover that hole. The contractor was already working today, wasn't a good time to stir up the bees but it worked out. If I have time Sunday I may just do a cutout.

