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Author Topic: venture 2 and 3 in full swing  (Read 7009 times)

Offline LoriMNnice

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venture 2 and 3 in full swing
« on: August 08, 2012, 01:02:48 am »
Been a crazy month a fox got 14 of my poultry in 10 days I couldn't get the fox so I got a dog, best outside dog I have ever had he is a border collie and herds the poultry like a pro only fault is he is completely deaf so I have had to learn and he has had to learn hand signals but we work well together and we are starting to understand each other better. A rescue group drove 2 hrs to bring me this dog they said he would be perfect and he is  :) no more fox problem since the dog came and I hope it stays that way! And its really fun to name the dog something different everyday cuz he doesn't care  :-D

Well the bees are doing good as far as I can tell, so I decided to dive into a couple of more ventures and that would be quail and rabbits. I hatched some texas a&m quails and also picked up more at a swap I am already getting eggs from the swap quail.

I got 3 rabbits from the swap and 4 more from a private party and got a screaming deal on 18 rabbit cages. So I have been terribly busy building quail pens and making the rabbit cages look almost new again and setting up a rabbit "tractor" so they can free range without becoming lunch. No complaints from me so far everything is going smoothly so far except the rabbits are growing faster then I thought they would

Maybe if I catch another break I'll tell you the tale of the "raid" that happened here at my house, nothing like defrosting the freezer in my pajamas and having 5 cops burst in screaming at me to secure my dogs but then screaming at me to not move and so I just looked at one of the officers and asked how I was suppose to secure the dogs and not move at the same time :-D


Offline AllenF

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Re: venture 2 and 3 in full swing
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2012, 09:45:10 pm »
Sounds like you need to go on that TV show Barter Kings.  Tell us about the raid. 

Offline BlueBee

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Re: venture 2 and 3 in full swing
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2012, 11:15:33 am »
I’ve heard that 2 out of 3 ain’t bad.

What is your plan for the rabbits?  

What’s the rest of the story behind the raid?  Inquiring minds want to know  ;)

I can see why the authorities might want to investigate some of our beeks.  Probably some domestic drones flying over their property right now :-D  However, LoriMN you've always sounded like a normal person.

Offline LoriMNnice

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Re: venture 2 and 3 in full swing
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2012, 07:41:21 pm »
I’ve heard that 2 out of 3 ain’t bad.

What is your plan for the rabbits?  

What’s the rest of the story behind the raid?  Inquiring minds want to know  ;)

I can see why the authorities might want to investigate some of our beeks.  Probably some domestic drones flying over their property right now :-D  However, LoriMN you've always sounded like a normal person.

The rabbits are meat rabbits, sounding like and being normal are two different things  :-D

Offline LoriMNnice

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Re: venture 2 and 3 in full swing
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2012, 07:42:05 pm »
"The raid"
So on Aug. 1st after I got done taking my cat to the vet in the AM, I decide to de-frost the big upright freezer in the kitchen, My 21 yr old daughter and her 6 mo old baby are visiting and keeping my  7 yr old and 4 yr old out of my way so I can accomplish this task.

I have a very long driveway and my oldest daughter says "Mom look at the cars coming up the driveway" and before I can even get to the window she is yelling "its the cops!!" so I go to the front door to open it and they push the door open yelling "search warrant secure your dogs!!!" (five police)so I'm running all over the kitchen trying to catch my 3 little dogs and telling my little kids it's ok etc. and the police are yelling at me to stop moving so I finaly ask "do you want me to secure the dogs or stop moving?" they tell me to get the dogs I do and put them in thier kennel and then they have us all sit down.

I ask to see the search warrant 4-5 times while the police are milling about making sure its all secure and finaly one of the police tell another police "give her the search warrant so she'll get off my back"

Mean while my husband is sleeping he works nights and sleeps during the day. The police want to go in the bedroom I tell them to "stop theres a big dog that will bite in there" so they have me wake up my husband and put the big dog in the kennel.

Then they tell me they are there because my older son(who is 25) has been arrested for drugs!!! They ask me a bunch of questions like where he sleeps etc. and really he doesn't even stay with us he just comes by once and awhile to eat etc. so I say the couch and they take the cushions off etc.

Then they go upstairs and in my spare room I hatch eggs so I have 3 incubators and a couple of brooders set up and they ask me about those and why I have chicks in the house, they ask me if I am an "animal mill" LOL. I say no I just hatch eggs blah blah blah.

They tear apart my house dig through my underwear drawer, ask me to open my safe they found in my closet and I have no idea where the keys are so then they ask whats in it and I say a 9mm and personal papers then they ask if there are anymore guns and I say "yes in the closet you just looked in" they ask where? and have me point it out so I point out the rifle in a camo case and then one police starts yelling at another police because he had searched the closet and didn't find it. And our big dog that is a 95lb bulldog was in his kennel just a growling and barking and sounding really mad while they were searching the bedroom (thats where his kennel is) and they asked me if I could make him stop doing that and I say "what do you want me to do let him out of the kennel?" LOL they all said "NO" in unison LOL

They had seen some beekeeping supplies on the deck and laundry room (I was getting ready to add another box to my pink hive) they ask me if I have bees to I say "yes" and ask if they want to search the hives? they say "no way"

They didn't find anything but a factory sealed baggie full of red powder they found in the garage that they asked me if I knew what it was but I didn't know, so they took it in an evidence bag and left. But later on that day I realized it was going to be sidewalk chalk for stencils. So i guess they will test it and find that out LOL.

Oh and they had a K9 dog but never took it out of the car, I wonder why?

What I learned on this day is
1. I try to raise my children right but I guess that doesn't always happen
2. A rifle in a camo gun case is really camoflauged
3. If I ever want to hide something I don't want the police to find I will hide it in a beehive

The End(kind of)

Offline BlueBee

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Re: venture 2 and 3 in full swing
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2012, 09:40:11 pm »
Wow!  I’m a bit stunned….almost speechless. 

OK… maybe I was wrong about that normal part :-D  LOL, I'm just kidding.

It sounds a bit like a zoo at your place!  Between the dogs, the chicks, the bee equipment and y’all it sounds like you had the cops pretty confused.  Were these local cops, state police, or a special drug squad?  Can you say what drug infraction your son had?  This just seems like an over bearing response for a minor infraction. 

I’ve gone to a meeting and met the head of a drug squad (mostly meth) in my county and I was impressed by these brave souls and very thankful this team is funded by my county.  This does not sound like the method his team uses in my county.  Your experience doesn't sound like something they would be able to get a warrant for here.  You gotta have some evidence.

Sorry you had such a harrowing experience.  Is there more.   

Offline LoriMNnice

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Re: venture 2 and 3 in full swing
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2012, 10:09:14 pm »
It was a drug task force....it was not for a minor infraction but some super serious charges. I guess they thought they would find stuff here that was illegal but they didn't.

My head is just reeling from everything and how badly my sons choices have now impacted us.

Yes there is a zoo here but by no means an animal mill or hoarding situation, I think they had just never seen anyone hatching eggs or brooding chicks before

Yep there is more... the police called social services and I had an unannounced visit from a social service woman, the good news is she found nothing wrong and in her letter/report I got in the mail she said the animals are not a hazard to my children and they are all appropriately taken care of and the case is closed. In the report to social services the police reported I had a vicous dog around my children and I had chickens in a bedroom(they didn't mention the poultry were in incubators and brooders and that the door to the spare room, its not even a bedroom is closed and locked when I am not in there). And yes the dog sounded mean but like I told the social worker I would be the first person to have my dog euthanized if it were vicous and that is what my job used to be when I was working at the humane society I was "the euthanizer"

Offline BlueBee

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Re: venture 2 and 3 in full swing
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2012, 10:19:23 pm »
God bless, LoriMN, I’ll say a prayer for y’all tonight.  I’m sure you’re all going through a difficult time now.

Offline kingbee

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Re: venture 2 and 3 in full swing
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2012, 01:27:47 pm »
I was surprised when I saw that your "20" was in "The North Star State."  After reading about the "Raid" I would have sworn that you lived in the "Keystone State."

Offline Vance G

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Re: venture 2 and 3 in full swing
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2012, 04:14:38 pm »
Usually they empty a magazine into any pet dog they see!  I have less and less tolerance for these people.  They have a hard job but they don't need to make it harder by being jackasses.  Then they call four times a month wanting donations.  If they would just learn that the public is not their enemy when they come to your house.

Offline iddee

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Re: venture 2 and 3 in full swing
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2012, 06:38:32 pm »
""3. If I ever want to hide something I don't want the police to find I will hide it in a beehive""

I knew a moonshiner here who transported 4 gallon per second deep on many hives, with the bottom deep having bees. He never got caught in 40 years.

He passed a few years ago, so I guess it's safe to tell it now.

Sorry for the bad choice son, lori. We all wish we could better guide our kids, but it just can't always be done.
"Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me . . . Anything can happen, child. Anything can be"

*Shel Silverstein*

Offline kingbee

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Re: venture 2 and 3 in full swing
« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2012, 09:16:59 pm »
I knew a boot legger who transported the same amounts most likely several times every day.  He hid it in pint liquor bottles shoved under the festering cow dung in the bed of his cattle truck.  Besides, it wouldn't have done John Law much good to find it.  4 gallons is only VPA, a slap on the wrist.  While a drop over 5 gallon is transporting and you would lose your truck and do 365 + a day.

Offline stella

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Re: venture 2 and 3 in full swing
« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2013, 04:41:35 pm »
"The raid"
So on Aug. 1st after I got done taking my cat to the vet in the AM, I decide to de-frost the big upright freezer in the kitchen, My 21 yr old daughter and her 6 mo old baby are visiting and keeping my  7 yr old and 4 yr old out of my way so I can accomplish this task.

I have a very long driveway and my oldest daughter says "Mom look at the cars coming up the driveway" and before I can even get to the window she is yelling "its the cops!!" so I go to the front door to open it and they push the door open yelling "search warrant secure your dogs!!!" (five police)so I'm running all over the kitchen trying to catch my 3 little dogs and telling my little kids it's ok etc. and the police are yelling at me to stop moving so I finaly ask "do you want me to secure the dogs or stop moving?" they tell me to get the dogs I do and put them in thier kennel and then they have us all sit down.

I ask to see the search warrant 4-5 times while the police are milling about making sure its all secure and finaly one of the police tell another police "give her the search warrant so she'll get off my back"

Mean while my husband is sleeping he works nights and sleeps during the day. The police want to go in the bedroom I tell them to "stop theres a big dog that will bite in there" so they have me wake up my husband and put the big dog in the kennel.

Then they tell me they are there because my older son(who is 25) has been arrested for drugs!!! They ask me a bunch of questions like where he sleeps etc. and really he doesn't even stay with us he just comes by once and awhile to eat etc. so I say the couch and they take the cushions off etc.

Then they go upstairs and in my spare room I hatch eggs so I have 3 incubators and a couple of brooders set up and they ask me about those and why I have chicks in the house, they ask me if I am an "animal mill" LOL. I say no I just hatch eggs blah blah blah.

They tear apart my house dig through my underwear drawer, ask me to open my safe they found in my closet and I have no idea where the keys are so then they ask whats in it and I say a 9mm and personal papers then they ask if there are anymore guns and I say "yes in the closet you just looked in" they ask where? and have me point it out so I point out the rifle in a camo case and then one police starts yelling at another police because he had searched the closet and didn't find it. And our big dog that is a 95lb bulldog was in his kennel just a growling and barking and sounding really mad while they were searching the bedroom (thats where his kennel is) and they asked me if I could make him stop doing that and I say "what do you want me to do let him out of the kennel?" LOL they all said "NO" in unison LOL

They had seen some beekeeping supplies on the deck and laundry room (I was getting ready to add another box to my pink hive) they ask me if I have bees to I say "yes" and ask if they want to search the hives? they say "no way"

They didn't find anything but a factory sealed baggie full of red powder they found in the garage that they asked me if I knew what it was but I didn't know, so they took it in an evidence bag and left. But later on that day I realized it was going to be sidewalk chalk for stencils. So i guess they will test it and find that out LOL.

Oh and they had a K9 dog but never took it out of the car, I wonder why?

What I learned on this day is
1. I try to raise my children right but I guess that doesn't always happen
2. A rifle in a camo gun case is really camoflauged
3. If I ever want to hide something I don't want the police to find I will hide it in a beehive

The End(kind of)

OMG!!!...Lori...I was laughing so hard reading this!! You are too funny! :lau: :lau: :lau:
“The hum of bees is the voice of the garden.” — Elizabeth Lawrence