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Author Topic: Honey bees in the area.  (Read 847 times)

Offline Georgia Boy

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Honey bees in the area.
« on: April 10, 2013, 09:45:21 am »
Well the really nice weather has finally arrived. Yea!!!

Went out to my flowering crabapple tree and saw some honey bees. Not a lot but some.

Now I do not know of anyone around here (within 3 miles) keeping honey bees and I have asked several neighbors if they knew of any and so far all have said no. They also didn't know of anyone either.

I probably already know the answer to this question but here goes...
Is it safe to assume these are feral bees? Probably not. :)
Is there a way to find out where they are coming from? Again probably not but I hope so.

Lastly I will be getting a swarm lure from Mann Lake today and will be putting it in my swarm trap. Any recommendations?

The trap is on a post about 12 ft up and facing south within 15 ft of the crabapple tree. I have already put lemon grass oil in it and am waiting.  I know this is just like fishing. So patience is needed. :(

Any help would be appreciated.

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Offline iddee

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Re: Honey bees in the area.
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2013, 10:04:33 am »
Whether those bees are feral or not doesn't matter a lot. I doubt there is a place in Ga. that doesn't have feral bees within 3 miles, so if those aren't, then there are still some in the area.
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Offline Georgia Boy

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Re: Honey bees in the area.
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2013, 10:11:09 am »
Do I know, and this is the disturbing part, there are not as many as in past years. Use to there would be hundreds of bee around that tree now you almost have to hunt for them. Worries me a lot.

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Offline dfizer

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Re: Honey bees in the area.
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2013, 10:44:05 am »
Well then David you are certainly part of the solution!  Once you get your bees that tree should be loaded again.  Also it could be that the bees have other forage and that it's not exactly the proper time of year for the tree to be under bee seige. 

Good luck with your swarm trap as well as your new bees once they arrive!


