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Author Topic: Please help support AVMAP to help the bees!  (Read 1059 times)

Offline lisalazarus

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Please help support AVMAP to help the bees!
« on: September 15, 2012, 05:38:21 pm »

Even though it's always awkward to ask for individual donations, I can't hold back on this one! Bees have become a passion of mine and the more I know, the more I want to help them--they account for 80% of the food we eat through pollination... and it's priceless what they provide in the beauty of flowers and trees! Please look over the proposal I have attached here--Tallahassee is the only place in the country this is being done--it's being headed up by Dr. Heather Gamper, a local beekeeper and past president of the Apalachee Beekeepers Association. This study is also approved by some world renowned bee experts who will also be participating in the study and results. Honey bees are another species of the "canary in the coal mine"--and we are finding out what we can do to help them.


Honey Bees need our help!

Please help the Apalachee Beekeepers Association as we embark on a research project to understand virus and fungal loads in honey bees. This line of research has never been done before here and will lead not only to better bee management and health, but ultimately can give insight to help solve the mystery of Colony Collapse Disorder.
The Apis Viral and Nosema Mapping initiative proposes to map viruses and Nosema fungal loads in a limited area of Florida using geographic information system (GIS) technology and statistical analysis.
Our goal is to sample 60 colonies from participating beekeepers surrounding Tallahassee/Leon County, Florida. Samples will be collected at two points in time (Winter 2012 and Spring 2013). The geographic location for all samples collected in addition to information on apiary size, queen source, etc., will be collected from participating beekeepers submitting samples. They also will be responsible for submitting follow-up information on the fate of hives that were sampled. Beekeepers will receive identification of all the viruses in their samples and presence of Nosema fungal spores.
How Can You Help?

This project will cost $6,000. We are asking for donations to help cover the expense of viral analysis. All funds go towards project research, supplies and samples. Please visit (web page link) or (facebook link) to contribute to this worthwhile project. $5, $10, or $20 will help tremendously. Apalachee Beekeepers Association is a 501c3 (non-profit) and all contributions are tax deductible.

To make a donation, please visit:
Apalachee Beekeepers Association

All donations are tax deductible
Find us on Facebook: Apis Viral Mapping Project

Thanks for considering, Lisa

